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  1. I agree with @ParkMan, this is a good topic. But the thread does point out a challenge with the concept of authenticity, namely, it's in the eye of the beholder. I didn't bring up the GNY Council issue to rehash the gays/girls issue. But it does point out the challenges with a concept like authenticity. Some people saw that decision as authentic, leaders doing what they thought was right regardless of the rules of the organization. Others, saw it as inauthentic because the leaders didn't uphold the rules of the organization they'd signed up to serve. Much like @CynicalScouter charged
  2. There has always been an attitude that council and national office employees and boards are just idiots. Those employees don’t know the real world and we are not following their rules. It doesn’t matter if it is dodgeball, squirt guns, separate sleeping tents, bee keeping, swimming, or youth protection....there is always a group that will break the rules and do their own thing. More Youth will be molested in BSA.
  3. Well. In some places. But in the wastelands of some districts, beyond the borders, where DE's and Commissioners fear to tread, the art of dodgeball is still practiced
  4. Just remember, Lawn Darts have to follow BSA'S Shooting Sports rules, and Dodgeball is now banned.
  5. I cast my non-POA, non-master, non-e ballot for a mano a mano Tanc v Kosnoff face-off. I’ll buy the live streaming rights, take wagers and we’ll make bank. Venue and form of combat TBD. Stay tuned... By the way, “combat” is used broadly. It includes such things as checkers, one on one dodgeball, reflector oven baking, knots, impersonations, lawn darts, and etc.
  6. While my document is out of date, it is posted on a BSA website. I do not believe yours is a BSA website. Don't you love BSA's attention to detail? Reminds me of when BSA banned Dodgeball, stating it has never been an approved activity, yet one BSA website still listed Dodgeball, and its variations, as approved games.
  7. How did we ever get to be adults? Jungle gyms in elementary school , 8 feet high, made of steel galvanized plumbing pipe, held together with bare u-bolts , sharp corners on those bolts. Kickball, softball, MAYBE a catcher's mask. MAYBE a glove. We had a Cub Scout softball league.... I played left field and first base. Asphalt playgrounds, potholes and all. Slide into THAT, dodgeball on a set circle ring, red bouncy ball ("no, Richard, NOT the soccer ball...."). Asphalt under the swing set . JUMP out of the swing, which had ahard, wood seat. Extra momentum when you tr
  8. Games like viruses evolve variants. Back in the day, the "Buck Buck" we played (in South Jersey) had Team One form a chain of interlocked bent over players (bucks). First bent over with arms around a tree and second player's head locked between legs. Second player had third player's head locked between his legs and so on. Team Two formed a line of standing bucks. The first would run "Buck-Buck #1" and leap on the backs of the Team TWO and try to hold on. Buck-Buck #2 followed and so on. The goal was to break Team One chain by bringing it down. Selecting players based on their st
  9. Dodgeball? Pfftt. Here are Scouts playing Mumbly Peg. Now that can get you hurt.
  10. Broke and dislocated my little finger in elementary school. We were playing dodgeball with a red schoolyard ball. Went to my Cub Scout meeting after school and the Den mother was horrified by my finger sticking out sideways from my hand. When my mother picked me up I told her I just needed to soak it and it would be OK. I got a one night stay in the hospital and a big cast in Wiesbaden Germany.
  11. People who say dodgeball isn't dangerous, never played with rubber kickballs, when in 5th grade, against Jerry Planack (the biggest kid in grade school and high school). He would have a ball, get up to the line when you were stooping down to get a ball, and whale that ball into your ear or nose. Man, it hurt.
  12. We still play dodgeball, the PLC meets by themselves and patrols have meetings outside of the troop meetings. We also play laser tag a for our Christmas meeting.
  13. The frustrating part of G2SS for me is that it remains inconsistent with well known risks in other parts of the program. I work in an industry that has many, highly regulated, safety risks. Just because something is risky doesn't mean you never do it, it means you teach awareness of the risks and how to minimize them. That is a far better life lesson to kids than cutting activities and sitting around and playing computer games all day (which has it's own physical and mental health risks). Yes, they are teenagers and a lot of it doesn't stick the first few times you tell them, but you keep the
  14. We continue with dodgeball (or extreme catch) and vegetable cannons. But we're sort of rogue sometimes
  15. OK, I am a new assistant scoutmaster, and we have two other new assistant scoutmasters. In addtion, the kids in our troop trend younger. We do not have a strong command of scout skills. However, the bright side is that the kids are having fun at the meetings. At our last one, scouts made an activity to play dodgeball and when you're out, you have to answer a question about hiking / outdoor safety to get back in. This was a good idea and they had lots of fun but they did not have a ton of questions prepared. But it was a good effort. At our recent Zombie outing, the kids fi
  16. If you can Dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball.... Not to compare the two items, but one of the reasons (and a good one I might add) for allowing girls into Cubs and Scouts was that siblings were tagging along and participating, so might as well make it official. Let's do the same for dodgeball... if all the units played dodgeball...well everybody is participating, so might as well make it official. Just an idea
  17. I was unfamiliar with Gaga Ball - it looks like a safer version of dodgeball to me - foam balls, no throwing, target is below the knees. What I'm reading is that the Scouts playing Gaga Ball are having a lot of fun with it (even if it is a safer version of Dodgeball). I'm surprised no one has complained that the BSA is taking all the fun out of dodgeball by doing Gaga Ball instead.
  18. I'll see if I can find it. I think I cut and pasted it into a Word file. It was from another post. Maybe from Muttsy or Cynical? Likely one of them fellas. It talked about the expert they hired to do what I mentioned and how, throughout his period or research and reporting, nothing was disclosed to him about the abuse history, IVF or nuttin' whatsoever. It was all about accidents, deaths, swimming incident, monkey bridge hazards and why dodgeball should be verboten. I just through that last one in there because it was a critical aspect of my Scouting experience and I was aghast it was banned.
  19. You can shoot paintball at non-human targets... G2SS: "Activities where participants shoot or throw objects at each other, such as rock-throwing, paintball, laser or archery tag, sock fights, or dodgeball" Q: Can Scouts, Venturers and Sea Scouts shoot paintball or airsoft guns? A: Scouts, Venturers and Sea Scouts may shoot paintball guns and airsoft guns at targets only; they may not shoot at each other or at any form of a human silhouette target. https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/shooting-sports/shooting-faq/
  20. Edit hours later. Thank you for more information. >Paint Ball is a pretty expensive activity. Who was going to pay? Some camps will only charge $50/day per participant, gear and ammo supplied. Were the parent going to be OK with the bruises that commonly result despite good protective gear? How did Scouting grow to include 2/3 of all boys without Paint Ball? >Water Tubing is expressly allowed. Who was your G2SS subject matter expert? >Four wheeling? How was that going to work? Does the Troop have its own vehicles? Loaners? Insurance? Expert supervision? (We had a
  21. I was asking my Webelos aged son yesterday what games they play in PE at school so I would have some Den Meeting ideas. He asked me if they could play Dodgeball. Of course I had to explain that it wasn't allowed in Scouts even if they can do it at school. He then proceeded to ask if "Scouts" want them to have fun or just take our money.
  22. Time out. No dodgeball and no pioneering structure taller than 5 feet? Oh, my. ThenNow is more apt than I ever imagined. Reengage on the whistle.
  23. I agree. I don't like the reality of it, but I agree. It may not seem like it, but I understand the mournful sentiment raised by several, recently with punch by OldScout448. Whatever cash goes out has the potential to negatively impact the life and Scouting experience of current and future Scouts who, through no fault of their own, are in Scouting during this tumult. On the same note, those of us who were abused happened to be in Scouting at a time when the house was not in order and we suffered the consequences. In both cases it stinks and innocent Scouts suffer. I hope people involved i
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