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  1. Test Lab Scouts work with a registered adult volunteer of their choosing on a new merit badge under consideration. After completion of all requirements, Scout must take a short survey which will result in a certificate of completion. When and if the merit badge is officially adopted, it will count towards advancement. Note test merit badges have no printed pamphlet (digital resources) and are hexagon shaped Merit Badges currently being tested until June 30, 2026: Auctioneering Wildland Fire Management Life Skills Unclear about adult volunteer feedback. More at sources, including Test Lab rules and PR release by National Auction Association. https://www.scouting.org/skills/merit-badges/test-lab/ https://www.newswire.com/news/national-auction-association-partners-with-scouting-america-to-launch-22520683
  2. BSA Lifeguard and Instructor Program Transition Webinar 1/16/2025 about 58 minutes https://scouting-org.zoom.us/rec/play/LvRxtS6duldLsLsiZv2y6uhEfjUtzzNIOcSJzlT7kLK4_fW3J0tnmdayNHhtP9YtEdPMzvBtsy4lTrgb.z4NJvlopIo4FB-6b?canPlayFromShare=true&from=share_recording_detail&startTime=1737075625000&componentName=rec-play&originRequestUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fscouting-org.zoom.us%2Frec%2Fshare%2FTWms542tzepJvs-uevzEczkFz31g0Y6SCngQD-et7LsJFZA9gv4sZhHVJCMPxjhe.gz8qVAiFNa5a_HCG%3FstartTime%3D1737075625000
  3. Transitioning to Red Cross Certification: Opportunities for BSA Aquatics Instructors and BSA Lifeguard Instructors "As part of this transition, currently certified BSA Lifeguard Instructors and BSA Aquatics Instructors will have the option to participate in a crossover course to become American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructors, if they choose. More information about these opportunities will be available soon. For individuals and camps that have relied on National Camping School Aquatics Instructor courses to become certified as lifeguard instructors, opportunities to earn certification as an American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor will be offered both before or after National Camping School in 2025, along with additional certification options available at locations nationwide." More at source: https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/aquatics/bsa-lifeguard-instructor-transition/
  4. Back on Topic: Seems only 4 agencies are recognized to train lifeguards and/or lifeguard instructors? "After careful consideration and evaluation, Scouting America will transition away from the BSA Lifeguard certification program effective December 31, 2024. Over the last decade, training lifeguards across the entire aquatics industry has continued to evolve. While our partnership with the American Red Cross remains strong, the Red Cross materials will no longer be available to be used jointly for instruction of the BSA Lifeguard program. In addition, Scouting America does not possess the scientific and other resources required to develop and update a Scouting America specific lifeguard training curriculum that meets the industry standards mandated through state and federal regulations. Moving forward, we believe that partnering with well-established certifying agencies such as the American Red Cross, YMCA, StarGuard Elite, and Ellis & Associates will still allow us to offer local councils access to top-tier lifeguard training. We are confident that this approach will provide Scouting with quality training while also meeting industry standards. Our primary focus is on ensuring that every council has the support it needs to certify lifeguards for both summer camp and year-round aquatic activities. We will provide further updates in the coming weeks..." More at Source, updated 9/27/2025: https://www.scouting.org/trail-to-adventure-blog/bsa-lifeguard-certification-program-retiring-effective-december-31-2024/
  5. Oh the irony, yesterday on National Boy Scouts Day, we officially rebranded to Scouting America.
  6. Hmmm, that wasn't public long. I don't know if it was a copyright issue with AP or the comments being on? Here's the AP news story with the same video embedded. https://apnews.com/article/boy-scouts-scouting-america-birthday-name-change-796935fe9474fda03d179aa8c087ab42
  7. I would assume that all camp aquatic staff had current lifeguard certification*, but then when one assumes... I found this curious document BSA Aquatics Staff Guide , Revised 3/15/2022, 148 pages. https://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/AQUATICS-STAFF-GUIDE-10072020.pdf page 17 Staff Training, Pre-Camp Training Only 50% of the aquatics staff must be BSA LifeGuard certification? IMHO, seemingly a half-way measure. Meanwhile NPR picked up the story https://www.nhpr.org/nh-news/2025-02-04/parents-allege-boy-scouts-failed-to-prevent-sons-2023-death-at-gilmanton-camp *Note BSA Lifeguard certification ended Dec, 2024. Seek training through Y, Red Cross,...
  8. Update 2/4/25: The parents of Scout Keoni Hubbard are accusing Scouting America of violating its duty of keeping children in its care safe. In a lawsuit, they are "alleging that Scouting America violated many of its own safety rules, including having a qualified boating operator who is over 21, that the boat operator be a trained lifeguard and that there should be a second person on that boat serving as a lookout for the children in the water. " Sources: https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2025/02/04/boy-scout-killed-2023-new-hampshire-boating-accident-lawsuit/ https://www.wmur.com/article/boy-scout-boating-accident-lawsuit-2425/63667843
  9. Skilled trades teaching centers ... I wonder if Mike Rowe is involved and whether GTSS power tool restrictions will be reconsidered.
  10. I read the article below about value given by Eagle projects of a certain District to its community and comparing the value of Eagle projects in other Districts. The value was in dollars! Only one Eagle project was briefly described "resurfacing of the playground" as it had the highest value to the community at $10,091. "Eagle Scout projects completed in the Powderhorn District — which covers western Oneida County and all of Madison County and serves more than 700 youngsters in 45 units — contributed an average of $2,053 per project, surpassing the contributions from other districts in the region, the announcement said. The Adirondack Foothills District averaged $1,719 per Eagle Scout project, while the Susquehanna Headwaters District averaged $1,329, officials added." Really? The value of Eagle Projects is in the money spent? Maybe the dollar amounts should be removed from Eagle Project Workbooks so as not to confuse people with the true value of Eagle projects. My $0.02 Source: https://www.romesentinel.com/townnews/politics/powderhorn-district-received-massive-contributions-through-eagle-scout-projects/article_f9346c9e-d988-11ef-b040-9fe4062a4095.html
  11. Another "Skilled Trades Center" to be built. This time by Dan Beard Council for $3.25M at Camp Friedlander outside of Cincinnati, OH. Source: https://www.bizjournals.com/cincinnati/news/2025/01/23/dan-beard-council-paul-hemmer-skilled-trades.html
  12. Good morning read provides an answer. https://www.laconiadailysun.com/community/announcements/lakes-region-sea-scouts-train-with-gilford-fire-rescue-team/article_8f0322b0-d849-11ef-bffe-ab377d6ce4c4.html "Among the preventative skills taught by firefighters Lachlan Plache and Tyler Emond (Gilford, NH Fire & Rescue team) were checking ice thickness, use of personal flotation devices in uncertain conditions, the importance of whistles, and not going out alone. Should an emergency occur, Scouts learned the use of emergency ice picks to claw onto the ice and to roll away from bad ice. When assisting others, Scouts were reminded to call 911 first, then assist with reach poles, ropes or other means of pulling out a victim, then taking steps to treat hypothermia until help arrives." ... “A significant percentage of first responders nationally were Scouts as youth, as well as becoming leaders in their communities. That’s a great return on investment, and we’re grateful for the help of the Gilford Fire & Rescue team,” said Brian Beihl, Sea Scout Ship 72 committee member.
  13. Winter 2025 Abilities Digest newsletter https://ablescouts.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/abd-v12n1r2.pdf
  14. Richard Nuccio started out as a Cub Scout and became a Boy Scout in 1959 in Connecticut. By age 16, he completed all of his requirements for his Eagle rank, however, before he got his board of review in 1962, his scoutmaster transferred. His troop later folded. "That really kind of upset my mother," Nuccio said. More including mention of Belated Eagle Application at source. Good read with photos. Surprised he found old documents and sash. https://www.fox6now.com/news/78-year-old-wisconsin-eagle-scout Scout Salute,
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