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Eagle1993 last won the day on June 27 2024

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About Eagle1993

  • Birthday 04/19/1977

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  • Occupation
    Director of Engineering
  • Interests
    Fishing, hiking, camping, scouts with my son & daughter, watching Chicago professional sports teams & spending time with my family
  • Biography
    Earned Eagle in 1992, aged out then returned to Scouting when my son joined as aTiger. Committee Chair of my Pack since 2015., Scoutmaster of Troop since 2019. Den leader of a Webelos Den.

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  1. We recently discovered and resolved an issue that had been preventing new users from signing up on Scouter.com. Thanks to @SCOUTER-Terry for their swift response in fixing this! If you’ve recently invited others to join and they had trouble signing up, they can now create accounts without any issues. Thanks for your patience, and we look forward to welcoming more scouters around the campfire! @MattR @RememberSchiff
  2. This looks like a response to a request from a Pack for the IRS to provide tax guidance. I think it has been clear that scout accounts are in the grey area of tax regulations. This is a case of don't ask permission and you will likely be fine. If some kid buys a C8 Corvette with his scout account, the IRS may have some questions. Outside of that, I have never seen evidence of a single issue with the IRS.
  3. Knowledge not shared is lost. Thanks for sharing..
  4. Lujan rejected a substantial settlement in the Guam lawsuit right before bankruptcy. Now her clients will receive less than that offer and I expect she is personally and professionally vested in doing everything possible to undo that mistake. The BSA bankruptcy possibility was very well known, I'm not sure why she rejected that initial offer. I give her credit, she is fighting hard to represent her clients; however, over the last four years she seems to struggle to make solid arguments in court and rarely wins substantial rulings. I highly doubt the appeal will work.
  5. I agree. One "benefit" of today's higher fees is that registered members are more likely active members. I remember earlier on, if our Pack didn't hear from a scout, we would pay for their renewal to avoid paperwork if they decided to come back. In addition, we had many scouts where parents would pay the renewal and we would end up rarely (if ever) seeing the scout. Given today's costs, I no longer see this behavior. I tend to believe the numbers today (perhaps except scout reach).
  6. One minor issue with this is that percentage of youth in the population varies over time. It peaked in the 1960s when 36% of the population was under 18. Today it is in decline (22%). Numbers will still look bad... % youth below: 1980 - 28% 1990 - 26% 2000 - 26% 2010 - 24% 2019 - 22% 2023 - 22%
  7. Looks like a great choice. Entertaining high adventure dude, active in social media. UK continues to surge, recognizes the importance of new media and outreach to where you consume today. Their Chief is 41 years old, has Insta and Twitter accounts in addition to being very active on YouTube. First black Briton to reach North Pole. Our Chief is 68, no Insta or Twitter. He is on YouTube but tell me which guy kids will follow...
  8. Good question. From what I can see, copyright ownership is separate from physical ownership. That said, when I searched the copyright owner of various Norman Rockwell Boy Scout paintings, I don't see BSA listed as the copyright owner. Saxon Industries and B&B Communication Corp are listed as the owner of several.
  9. They look tastier than some summer camp meals I have had in the past.
  10. Actual results... Uphold Plan... Kavanaugh, Roberts, Sotomayor and Kagan Reject ... Thomas, Gorsuch, Barrett, Jackson and Alito Interesting as the results have the most conservative members rejecting the plan joined by liberal Jackson and the moderates/liberals upholding the plan. Waiting to read more insights into the ripple effects. Hoping BSA plan is safe.
  11. I doubt it. They had their chance to pause it, and after briefly pausing it, they let the plan proceed. I expect they knew this decision and if they expect to impact the BSA they would have kept the pause going. Just a guess, perhaps hope.
  12. Most of the minorities in my area are part of "scout reach" units who's numbers are suspect. They never appear at summer camp, camporees, etc. There is history of BSA inflating their minority stats by counting kids in scout reach that are never active.
  13. When I go to most camporees and summer camp, the vast majority of scouts are white males. If our scouting organization wants to include other demographics, it may need to have recruiting efforts or events targeted to those demographics. It doesn't mean changing the program or, hopefully, removing standard events. Each year at summer camp, the leaders of the one girls Troop that attends has raised concerns about behavior. Over time, I've seen less girls attending. If BSA wants to remain primarily a program for white males, then don't make any changes. If they want to expand to other groups, then between the choice of changing the program or implementing some special events, Id support implementation of these special events. Over time, I would expect these special events would fade, but it takes a long time for acceptance of new members by existing organization members and for the general public to see scouting as a program for more than just suburban and rural white males. When my daughter joined our mountain bike team, she was one of 3 girls on a 55 person team. She was called slow by the boys. She was called a boy by them and her non biking friends. She dealt with a lot of crap my son didn't go through. The mountain bike organizer created some special events for girls and that helps her feel appreciated. Now, we have 7 girls out of 60 or so total. Over time, if there are more girls, she won't feel she as isolated as she once did. I would also agree we need to do better with suburban and rural white males as well, but I don't think think we need a dedicated event for them as every event I attend is 90%+ that demographic.
  14. Just one example of transparency. UK Scout Association annual report attached. BSAs last report 2019 is here https://ar2019.scouting.org/ UK Scout Association has 3.7% youth and increasing vs Scouting USA has 1.2% and falling. scouts-annual-report-2022-to-2023.pdf
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