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skeptic last won the day on December 31 2024

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Southern California
  • Occupation
    Retired; Past substitute teacher. 25 years in retail management.
  • Interests
    Poetry, reading, Scouting history and memorabilia.
  • Biography
    Scout and Explorer: 1955-1962; Eagle<br /><br />
    Scouter: ASM 1966-67; Member at Large, NESA rep 1976; Unit Commissioner 1977; SM 1977-Present; RT staff off and on 1979-Present; Jamborees: Scout, 1960; ASM, 1985; Staff, 2010. Miscellaneous participation in training and so on since 1979; Woodbadge with 3 beads, including both old and new course material. <br /><br />
    Scouting Historian of Sorts; one of the larger accumulations of literature and related ephemera in So Cal focused on history and sociology of the program, as well as unusual connections such as comics and advertising. Mount 2-3 displays per year for council and/or district, and occasionally unit.<br /><br />
    OA; Ordeal 1959 at Camp Arataba summer camp; Brotherhood 1960 building Helendade (then Running Springs SR); Vigil 1987 VCC.<br /><br />
    SB; Youth Religious 1961, Adult 1980's; Miscellaneous "being around a long time awards".<br /><br />
    <br /><br />
    BA 1971 UCR; Teaching Credential 1975 CSULB.

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  1. Change, often called evolution is part of life and extends o our groups and organizations. Scouting history shows many adjustments and some fairly radical ones early on, and BP was often the one to put them forward. IF, and that is in big caps, we just stay on course with our Scouting compass we will get there. The "New World" was of course NOT. Time will tell, and here with Scouting America, our options are broad, but also shaded with a broken society and legal system. JMO of course. Focus on the Spirit, and the rest will follow.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/ The So Cal fires have taken historic Camp Josepho today. A huge loss for not only scouting in LA, but overall.
  3. We likely can be assured that the black-winged birds with ugly beaks will find a way if they can. Since many in our legal systems have not spines when money is involved, or "reputation", it could still be lost. I hope not, but since our local camp is now gone, and the only other property in limbo due to attached stipulations to a sale, I am not overly confident in the systems. Beyond our own issues, simply take a review of the National disgrace currently in process. My opinion, so please, I am old; do not waste your energy on verbal spears and arrows.
  4. https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2024/12/30/jimmy-carter-was-a-scout-leader-and-silver-buffalo-winner-known-for-telling-great-stories-around-the-campfire/
  5. Wow; a very overly detailed, though well-documented analysis. I have to wonder how in the fifty years from 1925 to 1975, which encompasses the peak membership, they somehow managed to more or less keep it working. We know there were some issues with inflation and fake membership, but overall, it was fairly accurate from what I have read. Perhaps we have the same issue here that the retail industry encountered and maybe still encounters. Somebody has what seems short term a great concept or idea, so let run with it. But, they do not really listen to those that may really be affected by it, or may have an inside perspective, like those at the level of the consumer. In our case, the membership bodies in real units. In retail, the store management that interacts with the real customers and their needs. I will never forget how embarrassed I was observing what we called the suits ignore the customers' needs as they walked the floor with store personnel and there were not enough associates to take care of the customers. We had, in that store on any day a third or more of the registers unattended, which meant lines at the ones that were in use, and not enough workers to clean up the departments consistently, leaving stuff in dressing rooms and just lying on wraps. In this instance, a half dozen corporate big shots were visiting, and three were walking with the store manager and his underlings for that area of the store. A line was at least six to ten customers long at the "only" wrap with a working clerk. The customer approached the "suits" and asked if they could help them. I could not help but hear the response; "you will need to have that done at the wrap over there." No explanation, no apology, and not positive vibe. And I know that they likely did not know how to ring a register anyway, as our own store manager barely knew, and was very slow. and error prone. And they wondered why their once thriving store was losing business.
  6. "As we celebrate the joys of the holiday season, we are reminded of the timeless stories that inspire us—stories of hope, light, and faith. The Christmas story teaches us about the power of compassion and the humble beginnings of a journey that changed the world, while the story of Hanukkah reminds us of the strength found in perseverance, the miracle of light, and the importance of standing firm in our values. In Scouting, we share in these values of family, reverence, and service to others. As we gather with those we love during this holiday, we are given us a chance to pause, reflect, and appreciate the blessings we have, while also giving back to those in need. As we come together with family and friends, may we carry forward the spirit of generosity, kindness, and faith—values that both the Christmas and Hanukkah traditions highlight, and values that we continue to nurture in our Scouts. Wishing you a season filled with peace, love, and light." Am I getting too cynical to think this may be a mass piece sent to SE's by National? Just wondering, though I do appreciate any pleasant communication, even if likely canned.
  7. Thinking about the Aaron item above, I feel I should note that the number of Eagles, though impressive obviously, should not be the focus, or so it seems to me. Eagle "is not the goal of Scouting". Note what this veteran says in his discussion with Aaron. He stresses the "boy leader" focus and the concept of let them do it. "Keep your hands in your pockets" and let them run with things. As far as Eagle is concerned, it comes on its own for those youth that truly care to make it happen. And they are likely the strongest of the many. But, all of us that have likely shaken our heads about "paper Eagles", have seen some of those somehow rise from their misguided concepts of importance and become what we hoped at the start, or what we should hope for anyway. Over my many years trying to sit back, but not doing it well too often, I have seen youth never become Eagle, yet they took control anyway, and got it done. It is not the rank, it is the skill and character that should be the goal. Or that is how I have come to feel.
  8. Today's Aaron on Scouting; https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2024/12/23/scouts-bsa-troop-celebrates-1000th-eagle-scout-all-under-the-same-scoutmaster/ https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2024/12/23/scouts-bsa-troop-celebrates-1000th-eagle-scout-all-under-the-same-scoutmaster/
  9. I have tried to NOT think in that vein, and there still are some glimmers, but I am afraid you are closer to right than I would hope. But, we can still work on it locally and who knows, something might happen.
  10. I have recently noted a number of instances where pundits on line and in articles have began making "Boy Scout" comments in a sarcastic manner to indicate "goody goody", or being a good person. Does that mean we are back?
  11. You may be right, but that goes against a major part of the program. That upkeep and so on could be maintained with some arrangement like I noted, and the properties would get far more use as well. But as I have said a lot lately, I am just a peon whose opinions hold little or no sway. Let us be real; most of the camp issues are simply due to poor planning and kicking things down the road. Cooperative use of properties is a win, win concept, or so it seems to me.
  12. Sadly, though the handwriting was already on the wall, I announce the loss of another almost one hundred year old Summer Camp. Camp Three Falls is gone from the barely surviving Ventura County Council. We will not belabor the myriad reasons why, or how it could have been avoided. Most of them have been noted on here over the past few years, even before the lawsuit and bankruptcy. It is just sad that somehow, in my view, National has not taken a strong stance in preserving camps in councils, as they have for decades been the backbone of the programs. Most councils struggle regularly and have fewer connections, but National might have considered, and actually still could consider, finding a working partnership with outdoor groups, sporting good stores that encourage camping and outdoor activities, including climbing, and maybe form an alliance that would help local councils save camps, even if they are not only for scout use. I keep picturing something along the line of a consortium of say, for example, REI, Dicks, and Bass stepping in to refurbish existing camps and open them to the local scouts, but also to others, especially climbing groups that might use climbing walls, and shooting clubs that might update ranges for all shooting sports. Join with the Y to update water sports, and update boating on lakes in the camps or nearby, again making them available to selected groups such as other youth organizations and churches. Work with colleges and universities to develop on site study options for outdoor sciences, shared with the Scouts for traditional and occasional short term merit badge options. Where the Forest Service and similar government natural resource caretakers find it feasible, perhaps build training sights for park restoration an fire fighting, again allowing youth and leaders to learn more about these things. But that is something that people with real connections would need to work on. And few councils on their own have those resources. The grant just received by national for youth program development proves that there is an interest. Meanwhile, we have officially lost our camp; though rumor says the new owner will work to make it available to us and to save its history. We will see how that shakes out. It could be on the level just noted, or it could be empty promises.
  13. If we were simply carrying the same membership number to the various positions, which we technically are, it should not be that hard I would think. The only real issue is to assure the person is registered with YP and so on. If their number is on more than one list or roster, so what? Too simple I guess.
  14. Another example of some individuals looking for problems that really are not there. Unless some individual scout ended up with an account from popcorn under his name in big dollars, it would never even float a butterfly. Use commons sense, and be even handed with all youth and do not favor one over another, meaning solid rules in place that apply to all. We finally went to the unit just paying for as much as possible directly and not trying to account for individuals directly.
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