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shortridge last won the day on November 3 2019

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  1. If we’re thinking Big Thoughts, I’d also propose a total end to the commissioner staff. I haven’t encountered a district yet that doesn’t struggle with attracting and retaining commissioners, let alone that uses that staff to support units properly. If we have people who want to be involved in Scouting, then put them to work directly with units as ASMs or MCs, or at the district level working on camporees, training, advancement, or camping promotion - direct program delivery, not as “consultants.” Don’t waste good bodies on a vague and usually useless organizational element that very few peopl
  2. I’ll give you that, but Scouts BSA advancement can be pricey, too. A new Scout who zips up to First Class, earns a solid 10 merit badges in one year, and holds a POR has amassed $45 in patches and pocket certificates. That doesn’t include a religious award knot ($1.99), Trained patch ($1.79), National Honor Patrol stars ($1.19), interpreter or recruiter strips ($1.99 and $1.79), the Cyber Chip ($3.59), those ridiculous Totin’ Chip and Firem’n Chit fake flaps($1.79), Paul Bunyan ($1.99), Outdoor Ethics ($3.99), 50-Miler ($3.59), or any of the various and varied conservation, STEM, aqua
  3. Leave? No. I’m going to be right where I am, as CC of my daughter’s troop until she ages out, then working with my sons’ Cub pack as they get older. The program is solid at its core. I’ll take care of my local kids and they’ll have a great time. National can do whatever National does, and it doesn’t affect the day-to-day unit program a whole heck of a lot. I do agree that Cubs has gotten far, far too long. If my boys join, they’ll be waiting until Tiger or more probably Wolf. Lions is pretty ridiculous. There are only so many times you can visit the police station and go pumpkin-picking a
  4. I don’t get ScoutingWire, but I do get Bryan on Scouting, who didn’t mention it. Great communications coordination!
  5. To clarify: We have no existing traditions, no old guard, no ingrained practices. This is effectively a clean slate to start from, posing a unique and interesting opportunity.
  6. I’m the CC of a brand-new Scouts BSA troop starting up. The SM and ASM are new to their roles, as am I. We have a founding group of about 5-6 Scouts to start, but as we’re the only girls’ troop serving a three-county district, we have the potential for very rapid growth over the next 2-3 years. —> What advice would you give to the SM to start off on the right foot and emphasize the patrol method? —> What can the troop committee do to support and encourage the patrol method? —> What practices can we put in place from the start that will help guide us to keep the patrol m
  7. To clarify the thread title: National did not amend that requirement. They appear to have waived in this case due to the specific circumstances involved. That’s not the same as a blanket change across the board.
  8. In fairness, that’s a trend across all print media. Instead of a skills article we get a how-to list. In place of an essay on nature we get a giant photo. Long-form adventure stories and profiles get trimmed down to one page. Try comparing old and new issues of Backpacker magazine if you REALLY want to see the difference! The ‘90s to now is like night and day.
  9. No, she met Scouts and rafted with fourth-graders, according to the story. As a former journalist, it’s irritating that the AP can’t get the term right and calls them “Boy Scouts.” Doubly irritating because photos show there were members of Scouts BSA plus Cub Scouts, with girls among the latter group.
  10. The whole thing strikes me as largely a joke. I fail to see the point of yet another doo-dad for a service project.
  11. I’m frankly a little surprised to see troops having Scouts (and parents) front the cost and then get reimbursed. That would have been impossible in my day - some Scouts barely had the $10 food fee, let alone affording $80 for the whole patrol. We were a fairly rural area with some lower-income youth. We just brought cash to that week’s meeting, gave it to the shopper, and doublechecked receipts on Friday to make sure he hadn’t pocketed any cash. That almost never happened - leftover money usually went toward picking up an extra box of Pop-Tarts or hot chocolate mix.
  12. What advice would you give to a new committee chair of a brand-new troop? If you have a limited number of committee members, what are the priority positions to fill? What best practices do you suggest on unit financial accountability and transparency? By way of background, this would be a new girls’ troop with an established CO, unlinked to the boys’ troop.
  13. Ooooooof. That’s bad. What happens if the software crashes? If a disgruntled volunteer decides to wipe everyone’s accounts? If the Scout has a disagreement with the adults and the troop won’t give him/her their records? Scouts should ALWAYS record advancement in their book. For one, it teaches that they are responsible for their own advancement, not an adult on a computer.
  14. To further clarify, the books are correct in the rank requirements section. They are incorrect in the various chapters covering those topics.
  15. Regarding the six-feet-high rule, National Camp Standards governing summer camps say: ”Pioneering projects where participants are elevated more than 6 feet above the ground are permitted only after review by the council enterprise risk management committee.” Perhaps these other items mentioned here had gone through some sort of review.
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