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About MYCVAStory

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  1. I was asked to pass the message below on to Survivors. It doesn't constitute an endorsement on my part. It's for information. That said, I do find it intriguing that an attorney, with no shortage of experience in the US Bankruptcy system, is calling BS on the way attorneys take 40% for essentially filling out a form. I Know, in a lot of cases they do more than that but how great would it be to see a change where those who need more pay more and those who need less pay less. You know....like any other service we purchase! It doesn't apply to my personal situation but given that a number o
  2. The Stay only applied to Trust operations. The plan is still under appeal and scheduled for an April 9 hearing before the Circuit court of appeals. No one expects the Circuit to rule before SCOTUS does since any ruling would quickly be reversed if SCOTUS disagrees in Purdue.
  3. You'll get lots of diverse answers to this. Personally, I think someone with a Scouting experience would make a big difference. The issue then is how you find that person. It isn't exactly something you advertise for! Step one is to get Council Exec buy-in. Then, reach out to existing volunteers. I've found a surprising number of Survivors that are still involved with Scouting, mostly because they wanted to prevent what happened to them from being repeated. Many have now come forward because of the Bankruptcy. My dream, pie-in-the-sky as it may be, is that National will show some leade
  4. I appreciate your honesty. BSA National has not required Local Councils to have a Survivor on each Council's Board. They have jusrt "recommended" it. I don't want to get into a debate over "cherry-picking" such requirements or the legality but I will offer this; if you are dedicated to the future of Scouting AND the safety of youth, DEMAND that your Council has a Survivor on its Board and do what you can to make sure that his/her voice is heard by the leaders of EVERY unit. As Santayana said " “Those who forget their history are condemned to repeat it.”
  5. The third-party releases don't specifically relate to the insurers as I think you mean. Their liability still exists and Survivors would be able to sue the BSA/Insurers as before the bankruptcy. BUT, insurers are skilled at delaying things a VERY long time and there ARE limits to their insurance. There are a great number of "what ifs" at play here but a real possibility if the plan does not move forward are two things: 1.) local councils in States where the SOLs are favorable to Survivors will head toward bankruptcy to receive direct benefit of bankruptcy and 2, failing that there will be
  6. DOJ/UST is probably happy. It was objecting to the plan until that vanished. Buchbinder.....I remember well the hearing when he fell asleep with his head back and pen in his mouth, while we all looked on in horror fearing he was about to swallow it.
  7. There really isn't a "staff" outside of the trustee and her two colleagues overseeing regular claims and the IRO. All others are contracted professionals. So, while I suspect the three won't get paid in the interim there's absolutely no reason for the contracted professionals to be getting paid unless they're representing the Trust legally. Shame on the Trustee for not calling a Town Hall to explain all of this. I have to believe that any court would see that action as reasonable. My thoughts are now with the pre-se claimants who don't have an attorney to help with unpacking all of this.
  8. The Trust will go into administrative "mothballs" with no money disbursed. Look for the Trust to make a statement soon. Then, we will all wait for Purdue to be decided before June ends. No one knows if the Stay is a sign of good news or bad down the road. Those who say one or the other are guessing. In the meantime, just some perspective, 86% of the almost 60,000 voting Survivors approved the BSA plan and the TWO attorneys who filed for the Stay represent .2% (that's one/fifth of ONE percent) of all Survivors. In the case of Lujan from Guam, that attorney already successfully negotiated
  9. In case any Survivors haven't heard....from the Trust: The Trust has now established a deadline for submission of Trust (“Matrix”) Claims Questionnaires. You must submit your Trust (“Matrix”) Claims Questionnaire and supporting documentation to the Trust by May 31, 2024. If you can submit these documents sooner, please do so as claims are reviewed on a first-in-first-out (“FIFO”) basis. Failure to submit a completed and signed Claims Questionnaire by this date will result in the denial of the Claim. If you have any questions or need help completing your questionna
  10. For what it's worth, I compliment you so much for having the strength to come forward at that age. That's not typical and I worry about all the Survivors who someday will look back and add their silence, when the opposite was impossible, to the list of regrets. You encapsulated the feelings of many. The frustration, the inequity, the reality that bankruptcy is an ugly business and far from justice. Stay strong and know others gain strength from yours. To all those who now look forward to the BSA "moving on", I do get that and it's a reason that it declared bankruptcy. For now, our laws a
  11. Let me break this down: 1. No, every case is not documented in BSA files. To those who understand what it means to being a Survivor that is no surprise. The age of coming forward, if at all, is well into middle-age. Again, if at all. On top of that, if you are in a State where the SOLs do not allow for a lawsuit to be filed you have even less motivation. For some, coming forward is part of their healing. For others, burying this deeper is how they keep control in some way. 2. The bankruptcy produced an environment of "now or never" when it comes to admitting what happened to
  12. Perhaps, but I've been struck by the number of professionals who said prior to the claims coming in "We don't have a problem" and then were shocked down the road when they saw otherwise. This is also a matter of scope that must take into account the number of youth served. Logically the more youth served the greater the chance for abuse. This is especially true for youth-on-youth abuse. Again though, it is/was a problem for all Councils. The summary of claims attached lists the Councils on the claim forms. NOTE: 38,000 Survivors did NOT indicate their Council at the time of filing a cla
  13. No. All the Appellate Court said essentially was "We aren't going to dismiss the appeal at this point, we'll hear it." As well, the Trust is proceeding as previously because a confirmed plan is in place and has not been stayed. If anything, the Trust with each day will be working to make a stronger mootness case that the plan is far enough along. So while I'm sure the BSA wanted the appeal tossed without comment it wasn't unexpected that it would be heard. Interestingly, there are rumblings that SCOTUS will make its Purdue Pharma decision before its term ends in June, perhaps in April. I
  14. In a nutshell, where we are right now: 1. A couple different attorneys representing a few hundred Survivors (and I think the non-settling insurers) are pushing an appeal that now rests with the appellate court. One of those attorneys represents clients in Guam that already are getting settlement dollars as agreed upon by the Catholic Diocese there in a separate bankruptcy. 2. Supreme Court has taken up the issue of non-consensual third-party releases via the Purdue Pharma bankruptcy that included the Sackler family as recipients of releases in exchange for their financial contribu
  15. Tell me, what Councils did you work in? I ask because you make it sound as if there were no issues under your watch. I'd love to know which Councils didn't have a problem. As well, I wouldn't crow too much about being on the inside during the 70's through 90's. Claims from that period were at their highest. Below is the summary of claims. You might want to read it. As well, just a friendly reminder to all, like him of not, Michael Johnson stated that HALF of the YP reports he read were youth on youth. We seem to forget that when we talk about all the safeguards in place. At any rate, a
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