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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/18 in Posts

  1. The endgame for the BSA is the end to the phrases "boy scouts" and "girl scouts" in conjunction with it's program. It's just "scouts" now. We don't say "girl venturers" and "boy venturers" - it's just venturers. I'd suggest that as a community, we ought to embrace the new term and own in. Like it or not, it is what the program is now. Seems like we ought to get the most mileage from it we can.
    6 points
  2. BSA is definitely not communist. Don't you remember when we all took those surveys on this issue and BSA shared the voting results with us?
    5 points
  3. There is a beauty in the logic. If one is looking for the exit he can just say "Scout Me Out".
    5 points
  4. ... physical evidence to prove that we—a rogue, high-adventure Boy Scouts of America Explorer troop of teenage girls in the 1970s—existed. As a group, we hiked the Appalachian Trail, paddled more than 1,000 miles of rivers in the Carolinas, and climbed some of the highest peaks in the Smokies on horseback. My quest was spurred by the October announcement from the BSA that it would begin accepting girls as Cub and Eagle scouts for the first time in its 107-year history. The media trumpeted that the gender barrier was falling, but I knew the Girl Rangers brought it down more than 48 years ago...
    4 points
  5. Scout-scout Sandies Genderless Ginger deLites Skort-si-dos Caramel Fiji's Scouter Frowns Linked Troop Trefoils* *Actually an empty box
    4 points
  6. If law enforcement confirmed the "he was 30, she was 12" story, and yet the CC continues to say saying something different, I would think that neither of them should be serving in any Pack leadership capacity. She's dishonest and is covering for a child-molester, and he, well, his record speaks for itself. He should not be around children. Get your District Exec in on this asap. If this isn't resolved to your satisfaction, switch to another Pack. If this guy was allowed on overnights in my Pack, I'd be moving on down the road to the next Pack immediately.
    4 points
  7. It’s official. “Scouts BSA” https://www.scoutingnewsroom.org/press-releases/scout-me-in/
    4 points
  8. No kidding. Note that nowhere in this thread do we see "Camp Fire Girls" or "Campfire". Mark my words, GSUSA, you're about to become similarly irrelevant ... and you've brought it all on yourselves. My goodness, with the NY chapter of NOW thumping on us on the one hand and apparently genuine appeals from young ladies seeking "Eagle Scout" on the other, the BSA was straining credulity to ignore the situation. Talk about a gift horse. If the GSUSA had promoted their Gold Award half as effectively as they've marketed Thin Mints and Do-Si-Do's we wouldn't be having this conversation.
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. Name change? No biggie. Mission, Vision, Values, Ideals, Aims and Methods, etc? That's the real stuff.
    3 points
  11. Just keep running your units programs like normal. No need to make your troop into an underground resistance group
    3 points
  12. I understand the sentiment here, but in reality and in all practicality, does this really change anything for most troops? Let's think about it: When was the last time you said, in casual conversation, the full name, "Boy Scout Troop XX"? This came up for me back when the very idea of girls in the BSA first emerged as a real possibility and people were talking about what the organization would be called, what Troops would be called, etc. Someone said, "So what, we can't address our guys as 'Boy Scouts' anymore??" To which my response was, "When was the last time you addressed scouts dire
    3 points
  13. Fair enough question. The name of the Boy Scout program is changing to Scouts BSA. No one is going to call themselves a Scout BSA. Boys are likely to continue to call themselves Boy Scouts in a more formal discussion - but girls will likely just call themselves Scouts (since Girl Scout is actually trademarked). That being said - it is highly likely that everyone here has used the term Scout or Scouts to refer to the boys many times before. In all my years, I have never, ever heard a Scoutmaster, an SPL, a camp staffer, a Patrol Leader, etc. ever try to gather a group of scouts by holl
    3 points
  14. No Boy Scout troop with a long and proud history is going to drop Boy and call themselves Scout Troop Xxx
    3 points
  15. Ooof, "Tampa with me"? As in, tamper? Interfere? Hmmm. But yeah, don't ask us brits, we'll probably suggest Scouty McScoutFace these days.
    3 points
  16. Out troop is busy printing shirts... We are the BOY Scouts of America Viva la resistance!! They will be on sale soon....
    3 points
  17. You have it. Open your Boy Scout Handbook. Same aims and methods. That's what I've been hearing from Professionals for several weeks.
    3 points
  18. Not bad. One part boy, one part America, two parts scouts. Hopefully girls will realize that means it's for them!
    3 points
  19. And I thought I had too much time on my hands. Some on here need to simply go back and review the foundational elements of the program, starting with the connection to Baden Powell. If you can lay your hands on a copy, get the book Personally Speaking which is a collection of editorial comments from the past editor of Scouting, Lex Lucas, that was published after his retirement in 1965. A number of the entries seem tailor-made for this hyper "sky is falling" crowd.
    3 points
  20. A separate girl program run by BSA, allowed to cater to the needs and wants of girls (and possibly meander in a different direction than boy scouts)? Hear, hear?
    2 points
  21. Well, luckily I have been working with kids long enough to be able to take an inordinate amount of chiding and chastisement without any ill effects, lol. Simple - give the girl program an entirely separate name, and don't touch the boys program. Or better yet! - forget including the ladies at all, as per the past 108 years of Boy Scouting. I certainly will not allow thrashing public opinion to compell me to bend to their agenda; girls and boys are different, and I will not be cowed into offering up my assent. I think the entire thing is a bad move, from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts, and I
    2 points
  22. No dissent it allowed (guess you missed that memo). Either embrace the changes or run the risk of being un-Scoutesque (like the variety of Scouts formerly known as Boys) and chastised for not living up to the Oath and Law. You may be chided for being inane and foolish also, so at least that can be a goal.
    2 points
  23. "Scout Me In" .... UGH. Resorting to PUNS now, are we? Could this slogan be any more unimaginative? I frankly despise this name change. I had anticipated the girl's program getting their own name and materials, not that we would be forced to change our name and then share a bnunch of watered down materials. This is disheartening in the extreme.
    2 points
  24. Yes, contact the Chartered Organization with your concerns and ask them for support. Your Committee Chair, if she is lying about her husband's criminal record, should be removed from that position, IMO. The Chartered Organization should also be able to ask the husband not to come on outings. Lastly, you should talk to your council Scout Executive and ask them for how you should handle this, to make sure the Scouts in that pack are protected. You also have the option of finding another pack. Best wishes.
    2 points
  25. Oh no no no no. . .. There are all boy Scout troops and soon there will be all girl Scout troops. . . . they are different things. You will have to call one an "all boy Scout Troop" and the other and an "all girl Scout Troop" In the near future. . . Caller: "Hello is this the Boy Scouts?" BSA: "Yes, this is the Boy Scouts of America" Caller: "My child wants to join the scouts, can you direct me to a troop in the area?" BSA "Sure, what is your child's name?" Caller: "Pat" BSA: "Is your child a boy or girl?" Caller: "Why, does that matter?"
    2 points
  26. Just remember for those of you who feel like protesting. Target your protests correctly. Making a shirt/sign/slogan/banner/post/whatever that a girl who joins scouting is going to read that basically says to her, "You are not welcome here!" is not the message you want to send. It goes against everything inclusiveness that scouting is about. If you want to protest the name, target your protest appropriately.
    2 points
  27. "Linked" Troop is code word for "Coed" Troop
    2 points
  28. Around here the general public refers to them (Packs, Troops, Crews, Posts) as scouts, meanwhile GS/USA were girl scouts. I'm not sure how that came about, either from casual use of language or foreign influence. My Italian exchange student, for one, was quick to correct, "I am a Scout. Not a Girl Scout." Interestingly she also found the distinction between "scout" and "scouter" to be odd. It bothered her when I would refer to when I was a scout. She'd interject, "What do you mean? Once a scout, always a scout!"
    2 points
  29. So I ask again, what is it they wish to resist? No one is (currently) forcing them to accept girls into the troop. What is it that they feel the need to resist? It can't be this name change as it was just announced today and I doubt they all got together to tell you they want to resist a being called a "Scout." If they are forced to accept girls in their troop, then I will be an ally in your resistance but that is not the current state of BSA.
    2 points
  30. It was mentioned before, but to reiterate Venturing is technically called "Venturing BSA", but of course no one goes around saying they are part of Venturing BSA. I also wouldn't stray away from the thought that the BSA in "Scouts BSA" was put in place to prevent any push back from the GSUSA who already threatened legal action with trademark violations.
    2 points
  31. No silly - printing up the t-shirts out of spite is inane and childish. If your chartering organization wants to continue with a boys only program and call yourselves Boy Scouts, go ahead - you'll still be in the Scouts BSA program regardless of what you call yourselves.
    2 points
  32. If the name is Scouts BSA, then what does the 'S" in BSA stand for ? don't want to be redundant
    2 points
  33. Not true. Less nonsense, more substance.
    2 points
  34. "Scout Me In"?.... maybe the videos will sound better. I am a little underwhelmed. In Tampa we have had a number of these awkwardly worded noun/verb confusion slogans: (for Tampa visitors) "Tampa with me" and the hapless NFL Tampa Buccaneers "Siege the Day". Maybe we need @Cambridgeskip to teach us Continentals how to form proper simple sentences. I hear they got smart parents in his Troop. A really good slogan is hard to come by, (I know we got a few marketing types on here who probably know more.) My dad worked for National Airlines in the day and they had one of the most successful (an
    2 points
  35. New discussion started by OP request. I will temporarily lock this topic to limit confusion. @NJCubScouter
    2 points
  36. They had to come up with something, Scouts BSA isn't bad. The idea of Scout Me In as a marketing campaign actually is pretty clever.
    2 points
  37. There was a time when we were known as "Scouting, BSA"
    2 points
  38. It's Tuesday and apparently there was a survey and the survey was of people (families) that are not involved in the Boy Scouts of America at this time (in fact some do not even live on this planet much less this particular dimensional plane) but they were overwhelming supportive of and interested in possibly becoming involved with an organization that perhaps was not named Boy Scouts of America and then there was a vote of the National Board of the currently named Boy Scouts of America and the vote was 123.2% in favor of possibly changing the name to something else (sadly Dallas Cowboys, Manc
    2 points
  39. Do not understand your reasoning. The overall name remains Boy Scouts of America, and they will still be scouts. Way too much unneeded concerns and over reacting to this whole thing. Just work the program for all the youth involved. Who cares it they are called scouts or boy scouts? Call them boy scouts if that fits them and makes you comfortable.
    1 point
  40. I would bypass the DE and go right to Scout Executive over sex offender concerns.
    1 point
  41. Moderator Note Friendly, Courteous, and Kind, folks. You'll find at least one parallel topic in I&P. This is locked while the Moderators do some clean up.
    1 point
  42. It stands for Scouts, just like always. Its use in this case is to differentiate Scouts in the BSA from Scouts in the GSUSA.
    1 point
  43. there is a question mark at the end of that. It is a question, not a statement of fact. If the 11-17 program is now called "Scouting" does that change what the youth are called? Cub Scouts are called Cub Scouts Sea Scouts are called Sea Scouts Venturers are called Venturers Explorers are called Explorers Are male Scouts age 11-17 still called "Boy Scouts" or just scouts?
    1 point
  44. So boys can call themselves Boy Scouts, but girls can only call themselves Scouts? And it was a question, since when are legit questions considered nonsense? Less condescension, more kindness.
    1 point
  45. So, it is essentially going to be called "Scouts" much like Venturing BSA is called, well, "Venturing."
    1 point
  46. I think this is key to making a good scouting program. Scouting isn't school. It's not pretend military. It's groups of kids that WANT to GET TOGETHER to DO THINGS. WANT <-- their choice GET TOGETHER <-- They want to see their friends DO THINGS <-- They want to do things with their friends. I really fear missing any piece of that. If we kill their want or their being together or doing things, then we damage the program. Our scouts have some great memories and most of those memories are from doing things together.
    1 point
  47. It’s really more of an attitude. You do what you can do with your resources. The patrols in my troop as a youth always roped off the patrol campsites whether or not we were 100 yards, feet, or whispering distances apart. Scouts of other patrols were expected to ask for permission to enter the other campsites. Barry
    1 point
  48. Again just a few changes Three hour soup = cold chicken over a tiny sterno can. Gills = Chip , the scout who rolled over in his sleep so much you often found him 30 feet from the tent in the morning Joey= Billy, who never used a sleeping bag just an old wool army blanket and I was there too! BTW green wood will burn if you have enough bug spray, but in a shelter you need to be able to hold your breath for quite a long time.
    1 point
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