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  1. It makes sense, efficiency with limited resources of adults would encourage a coed program. Barry
  2. Are you saying an option for full coed or single-gender patrols or just full coed? I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe National knows something you don't. Barry
  3. The troop membership trend used to reflect the pack membership trend five years later. But the Cub growth in 2022 makes me wonder if adding girl membership will change that factor. I would be curious to know how much membership changes in the GSUSA from 10-year-olds to 12-year-olds. Do girls lose interest as the program becomes more outdoor? That is when my daughter quit. Barry
  4. This has been a pretty common discussion for 30 years. I researched and found that most families leave scouting mainly because of burnout from the Pack program. Less than 50 percent of second-year Webelos cross over to the troops. They leave because their program, led by burned-out adults, is boring. Many folks suggest moving 5th graders to the Troops, but I am skeptical because of their maturity. The first-year troop scouts have the highest dropout rate of any group in the program, and I am concerned that 5th-grade scouts would worsen the problem. The Tiger-age scouts need to be moved out of the pack program because their toddler maturity (reading, patience, and listening) doesn't fit in with the maturity of the rest of the scouts. I could see a hybrid program for the second-year Webelos in which the troops could assist with it. Even just meeting at the same location as the troop during a troop meeting makes a difference. A weak leader could easily ask for assistance during a difficult meeting, and the Webelos could watch the older scout program in action. I've experimented with the Hybrid approach, and it works if the troop is on board. While I'm glad National is trying to streamline the program, I am disappointed to learn they didn't shorten the Cub years. I'm sure they've heard the complaint because it is discussed often, and I personally complained to National about it 25 years ago. I think they are afraid to lose the Tigers, but I'm confident that membership would increase at all program levels within five years. Barry
  5. The only way I could track real numbers when I was District Membership Chair was 1 to 1 contact. A very frustrating number is Webelos who join troops but never show up. That number stays on record for almost a year. And it's a pretty high number. Nationally at the time a little over 50% of Webelos did not cross over to troops. But the number is much higher when the no-show cross-overs are added. Which they never are. And, because the no-show Scouts are included in the 1st year drop outs, that number is over inflated. Why is that a big deal; because troop 1st year drop outs is the largest group membership drop out since National started tracking membership. Barry
  6. Good question; my perspective is complicated, so I had to think about how to simplify my opinion. The answer is Expectation. There is a saying, "Scouting is a game with a Purpose." As an engineer, I think pragmatically and study gray areas presented to me to see how to change them into black and white. During 1993 and 2005, I was a member of the District and council. As a result, I worked on membership numbers and studied where the numbers fell. I think the BSA membership was highest since the 1960s around 1995. There was a slight decline after 2000, but this can be attributed to National shooting itself in the foot with an overburdened Cub Scout program that drove away adults from burnout. Lets look at this forum. During the 1990's this forum displayed the number of members logged in to the forum. I don't know if we have that now, but I never saw less than 300 between 1995 and 2005. It was typically around 800 or so and even got up to 1200. I don't know what it is today or even the last few years, but I can't see it getting up to 50. Maybe I'm wrong, but the same dozen or so of us are active. 25 years ago 85 percent of the discussions were in the General Scouting forum and the Patrol Method forum. When was the last time there was a discussion in the Patrol Method forum lately? Folks don't come to Scouter.com to talk about the process; they basically come to push an agenda that has little to do with the interaction of running a unit. This forum is basically dead from its intended purpose. What has changed? The first time I saw a big hit in forum membership was when National changed membership to include gays. Now, while you and a few others like to downcast the BSA as the evil organization that wanted to keep religious males as privileged members, gays wasn't a general issue to the population. Yes, a few folks came on and said the sky was falling because we weren't being inclusive. But, as I said, the slight drop in membership was, and still is, a reflection of internal mismanagement of the program. So, when the National changed the membership policies to accept gays, it was a bit of a surprise. Many folks cheered the change and were waiting for membership to rise and funding to grow. In fact, quite the opposite happened. Membership dropped, I think, around 20 percent, but funding took a huge turn. I believe that policy change did greater harm than anyone realized; it exposed the leaders at National to being more liberal and shifting the program left. And that changed the perspective of the scouting to population as a real shift away from a Game with a Purpose to a Game, or as I like to call it, an after-school camping program. For almost 100 years, the image of Scouting has been a program for developing character in our youth. As a troop leader, I have heard many parents admit putting their sons in the program to further develop them into better men of character. Not a program to busy the young lads for camping, but actual growth of values. Of course, that was the motivation of single mothers. However, many, my own parents included, wanted their sons to experience an environment where positive character was displayed and practiced. National is losing that image. First by changing membership and then by driving away from a character values program. But, the change was made and for the first time that anyone can remember, the image of scouting was changing (Expectation). A lot of folks here believe that accepting girls into the program was the straw that broke the camel's back, but I think it only solidified to most people outside of the program that the organization leaders were going full speed into a progressive program. It was no longer a program of values for developing values; it changed into just another youth activities program. And giving a choice of travel soccer or going camping once a month, well, somehow camping doesn't have the appeal. Personally, I think the worst thing National could have done was change the name. The traditional name Boy Scouts is attached with honor and might be of some consideration for parents looking for a program to place their kids. The only thing this program has left is the uniform. I didn't realize until Scouts in the traditional uniform approached me for making a popcorn sale. That basic uniform image has been around for at least 100 years and still has an emotional pull. But I expect that will change here pretty quickly. Even folks on this forum can't speak kindly of the program before the membership changes. OK, that was a lot, and that is a tenth of what I planned to say. But that is what I see changed in scouting. Barry
  7. I don't know what all this "Scouts are Scouts" stuff is about. But I think many here wish for a program that is as respected as it was in the 1990s but fits all today's culture check marks. As I see it now, the program is the most inclusive it has ever been but has the lowest numbers in decades. Maybe the program that many are pushing is not really Scouting, and folks today can see the difference. Barry
  8. Eagledad

    NOAC 2024

    You mean the CHEERFUL SERVICE to others? They are doing to OA what they did to Wood Badge: keeping the name of honor but changing the program to fit a different agenda. Barry
  9. Eagledad

    NOAC 2024

    ""For over 100 years, the Order of the Arrow (OA) has recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. This recognition provides encouragement for others to live these ideals as well. Arrowmen are known for maintaining camping traditions and spirit, promoting year-round and long term resident camping, and providing cheerful service to others."" Like BSA National, OA leaders lost their understanding of the virtues that made Arrowmen exceptional scouts. Camping and cheerful service are full-time responsibilities of themselves. Arrowmen in my council, when I was a scout, were the special forces of scouts. They exemplified living the Scout Oath and Law and they were experts on outdoor skills. Honestly, I was shocked what OA had turned into when I came back in the mid 90s to be a leader. If I were to go back into scouts, BIG IF, it would be to fix OA in our District. Scouts would be held to always wearing the uniform published in the Scout handbook (only one recognition for OA). Arrowmen would be expected to camp with their troop monthly to be role models for outddoor skills, Cheerful service, and living the Scout Law. They would be trained and expected to know all the skills in the Scout Handbook. They would have a minimum expectation of attending leading service teams, and meetings would be held to train skills and learn and reinforce the virtues of Cheerful Service, Scout Oath, and law. Scouts willing to be held responsible for those expectations would be the best of the best and set the standard for all scouts to strive for. Yes, it would be hard work, but it would sort out those scouts and Scoutmasters just looking for another patch. It would not be a program that is attractive to older scouts; it would be a program attracted to dedicated mature scouts. OA would once again be a true scouting honor society. Barry
  10. I agree with the conflict of interest. I suggest the CC ask for help from the District Commissioner AND from the Council, likely the DE. Barry
  11. Well, National better do something quick because changing the name to Scouts BSA adds more confusion to a population that isn’t keeping up with the changing program. The name itself is confusing; the program is no longer just for boys, so keeping BSA in the name seems weird. If National changes the uniform, it’s over. Nobody will know who they are. My advise, from experience, is running a great local program will get the most attention from outsiders. But, great programs are the result of creating activities outside the expectations of the printed program. Adventure, Adventure, Adventure. Barry
  12. Yep. The Key 3 (DE, District Chairman, and District Commissioner) are supposed build the district program around the Council vision using the training provided to all the District Committee Chairmen. The idea works great on paper, but you can see the risk of success simply by the important players in the design. The likely hood of a district with a well performing DE, District Chair and District Commissioner all at the same time is very rare. Recruiting is an under-respected skill that leads to low performing people being put in positions that require high performance for successful outcomes. The best I ever saw our district perform was from a DE who knew how to recruit talent for the key district positions. I asked how he did it, he said he would go to unit activities and watch the people who made things happen. Then I recruit them. Sounds simple, but it’s not. Barry
  13. Well said. I disagree, but well said. I used to poll the scoutmasters at Woodbadge with a few basic questions like: "Have you read the SM Handbook? What is the BSA Mission Statement? What are the Three Aims and Eight Methods? It's safe to say that only extreme scouting nerds know the Mission Statement. I don't think it works for or against the motivation of parents. I used to teach leadership, and one of the subjects we discussed was creating mission statements. A mission statement's intent is to focus on an idealistic goal, guided by valued principles toward that goal. Not just scouting, but all mission statements. Mission statements are short and easy to understand. Building ethical and moral decision-makers using the Scout Law is idealistic and provides the principles of the Scout Law to focus on the direction of the goal. As I said, most adult Scouters don't even know there is a mission statement. Our PLC knew it because I explained that everything we did in the program was intended to guide scouts toward the goal of making moral and ethical decisions. And if I could not explain to their understanding how part of the program didn't lead them to that goal, I would take it out. Uniforms was their first test, LOL. I won. Mission Statements are required as a compass to guide the rest of the program in one direction when others unintentionally try to force change. However, mission statements are only the bricks of the program structure; a plan (cement) is also required to strengthen the program's integrity. Ah, that's where the Aims and Methods come in. Aims are used by the adults for measuring the scouts' performance of the Eight Methods, which are the responsibility of the scouts. There is a method to the madness, No, the scouts don't discuss instilling the values of the scout oath and law much because it would put them to sleep in a program designed for adventure. And let's remember, scouting is an adult program intended to turn youth into adults of character. So, they don't have to be wise in the complexity of developing character. They only need to play the game to develop character habits. I agree, but I think the issue is who the customers are that we need to sell to. Everyone is pointing at the Scouts. But mom and dad put most of their sons and daughters into the program. Most scouts never had a choice until they got older. I don't want to take away from marketing adventure, everyone likes adventure. But Mom and Dad need more than adventure. Actually, I think they had it up until recently because Character has always been part of the reputation. What I'm hearing from many parents who were scouts is that the program is changing away from the program they were experienced and not for the better. What I'm hearing from parents who weren't scouts as a youth is that they don't know enough about the program to choose it over T-Ball. There just isn't much of marketing of scouting going on. Here is an example of marketing that would grab the attention of parents: Also, I've noticed that we don't see scouting in public like we used to. They are not in Scouting For Food around here anymore. Thousands of scouts from ages 5 to the real-old out in the neighborhoods volunteering for a great cause. That was great marketing. Parades? Where are the scouts? We seem to agree on most things. I wanted to share my perspective on where we differ. Barry
  14. It's a problem. Our troop was an adventure program, but we were going against the trend of Nationals push to make advancement the program priority. The troop grew from 15 to 100 scouts in 7 years and we retained more scouts 14 and older scouts than any unit in Oklahoma at that time. But it wasn't just adventure that attracted scouts, it was a patrol method program where scouts were included in a group that wanted them there. The members of the patrols learned how to work as a team by learning how to accept and support each other through the fun and trials of adventure. They learned how to be true brothers. Adventures are fun, but they are also physically and mentally demanding. Each member of the team has to learn and practice skills to succeed physically and mentally with the help of the other patrol mates working together as a team. Just the simple activity of preparing meals after a long day in the wilderness can be demanding of tired patrol members. They learn the skill of serving. That's why adventure is important for scouting. Barry
  15. I agree 100 percent. One reason we changed to a backpacking troop was to get away from the mindset that high adventure started at age 14. We strived to make every campout some kind of adventure. For all the scouts. Barry
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