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The Latin Scot

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The Latin Scot last won the day on March 3 2023

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961 Excellent

About The Latin Scot

  • Rank
    Part Latino. Part Scottish. All Scout!
  • Birthday 12/05/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South Orange County, CA
  • Occupation
    Teacher, Child Development Specialist, private tutor
  • Interests
    Arts and literature, heraldry, history, music, anything that can be done in the great indoors. Tolkien expert, Star Wars geek, history buff, music lover, hobby naturalist, and more. Also the most ardent supporter of proper uniforming you are ever likely to meet.
  • Biography
    Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner, Unit Commissioner, and Unit Religious Emblems Coordinator. Eagle Scout. And always looking for and open to new ideas and helpful suggestions!

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  1. Welcome to the forum, from one California Scouter to another! May I ask from what part of California you hail (it's a big place)?
  2. My apologies for tone.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SiouxRanger


      Well, I stand embarrassed at my brusque language, and I do need to reign in my comments .  This is only the second time in my 45 year professional life I have so transgressed.

      Thanks for your understanding, my Brother in Scouting.


    3. The Latin Scot

      The Latin Scot

      Well, I hope I will be a little kinder, a little wiser, and a little better after this exchange, and I have you to thank for making known these areas of improvement for me to work on. So now, let's put it behind us, and look forward to working as allies in a world that needs the values of Scouting today more than ever. 
      “Come on dear Brother since the war is past,
      For friends at first are friends again at last.”
    4. SiouxRanger


      Nice quote.  Agreed.

  3. That sounds to me, if you'll forgive my bluntness, an incredibly short-sighted and narrow understanding of a human life. If you define a man simply by his tastes, preferences, orientation, religion, nationality, color, or any other outward marker, and claim that that is "who he was," then you are ignoring the most important indicator of a person's true self: what they choose to be, or in this case, chose. He never chose to define himself by those minor details of his life, thus neither should we. That is the central message of Scouting; it is our choices that define us. I have read almost ever
  4. Thank you all for the information! I am more than content to at least have the publishing information; it is now near the very top of my very long list of "Scouting Grails." Much appreciated! 😄
  6. And yet in the Cub Scout Leader Guide, it specifically states in the first paragraph of page 27, under Webelos Scouts: "If a child joins Cub Scouts as a fifth grader they may start working on Arrow of Light without earning the Webelos rank first."
  7. There are no apostates in Scouting. And there is no shunning; only loving, and teaching, and helping, and trusting. Those will always work better than "luck."
  8. This doesn't surprise me, seeing as it utterly opposes your views, and people don't like having their opinions dismantled so vehemently. It must be difficult for you to be countered so vociferously, and I am not by nature a contrary individual (quite the opposite in fact) but I opine that for the sake of the Scouts, for the sake of the institution of Scouting itself, it must be said. I will stand up for our youth and their program, regardless of how that advocacy is received or perceived. You are, of course, free to reject my analysis, but you are powerless to erase it, and will prove incapabl
  9. Perhaps the difference is that I simply don't approach Cub or their parents with the assumption that they are going to create problems. I always assume that in their hearts, people want to do the right thing - and I am rarely disappointed. I have found this to be true both as a Scout leader and as an educator. I never have to "go to war" with them, because I always treat them like beloved allies - and funny enough, that approach seems to make them feel like beloved allies. I have developed deep and meaningful relationships with not only my Scouts, but also their parents and siblings - because
  10. I think that if the youth are 'disappointed' because a leader isn't wearing his Eagle Mentor pins on his uniform, it's only because they needed to be taught better principles more clearly. First of all, if you were to change into a suit coat to receive the mentor pin and change back after, that would do the exact OPPOSITE of denigrate the significance of the uniform - rather, it would be a powerful demonstration of how much one honors the uniform and its proper wearing, and if anything, would only serve to increase its esteem and respect. I taught my Webelos Scouts about the importa
  11. So ... if we would just let Scouters wantonly ignore the Guide to Awards and Insignia ... there would be no war? 🤨 Hmm. This somewhat tortured appeal to pathos actually confirms to me the validity of all my previous comments, both in this thread and in all other threads like it (can you believe this thread is almost two years old???). Honestly, nothing seems to rile people up as much as telling them that there are guidelines to uniforming which they are not following - why do people take this so personally? It's such a small little thing to take off a few pins or to more a few patche
  12. Well, linguistically, the answer would be no - the Luddites followed in the example of Ludd, who was merely their exemplar but not a Luddite himself. And The Old Pretender was no mere Jacobin; he was James Francis Edward Stewart himself, the desired ruler of his Jacobin followers, certainly not one of them. So in that sense, no, Jesus would be The Christ Himself, who stands at the head of His people. However, considering the intimacy He preserves betwixt himself and His people, I am certain He doesn't mind being placed in that grouping. ☺️ True, Jesus was Jewish both by ethnicity and nat
  13. I actually would recommend against it. First and foremost, it states as much in the Guide to Awards and Insignia (which one would think would be enough to settle the discussion here and now, though some people would rather be permissive than be correct). Anyway, Den chiefs' places in their respective dens are symbolized by their den chief cords; the Wolf and Bear chiefs wear blue and gold cords, while the Webelos cords add a red braid. That should be enough of an identifier for them, though some Scouts (and leaders) have to be taught the concept of "less is more." The reasoning behind it
  14. There are the generic contest/award medals; leaders are free to use them to honor whatever meritorious or noteworthy action they like. Sure, they are usually used for contests, but I believe acting especially Scout-like can certainly be included under that umbrella of honors. I used them for long-term uniform competitions and they were worn with pride by Scouts even at their Eagle Courts of honor. They have Cub Scout-colored versions as well, which I would often use for special Webelos events. One of the things I appreciate about them is that they come in gold, silver and bronze, so you c
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