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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/18 in all areas

  1. One of the methods of Scouting and the MB program is "adult association"...the SCOUT is expected to take the initiative to contact an adult he may not know, who is supposed to be an "expert" in the field by vocation or avocation (not just Billy's mom), set an appointment and meet with the MBC to complete the requirements. MB fairs or "getting it done in the troop" circumvents that and shortchanges the Scout of a valuable life lesson. MB were never meant to be a troop activity during meetings. Too much spoon-feeding led us to where we are to day with today's youth.
    4 points
  2. This is exactly right. I am so passionate about this problem that I stood up in front of the district committee and asked them re-evaluate their MB College policies. They asked me to sit down. As the SM, you can't decline an approved MB card, but you can (and we did) tell the scouts that the troop wouldn't accept a counselor approved card that wasn't first signed by the SM. That forced the scouts to seek out the counselor and speak with them to get their personal information and class times before the classes and find the SM for a signature. That wasn't a perfect situation, but it help k
    2 points
  3. I don't think you can do that... If the MB counselor is registered and approved by your council advancement committee, then you have no legitimate reason to not issue the Scout the blue card.
    2 points
  4. I think someone at the local council, whether the pack and/or troop, or the council screwed up. It appears that the Scout has been registered as a Cub Scout all this time, and as a result ineligible for Boy Scout awards. I wonder why the council has not caught the problem earlier. Realistically he can stay a Boy Scout past his 18th birthday with the required paperwork. As stated previously, I've seen a 44 year old BOY (emphasis) Scout who not only had Down's Syndrome, but also legally blind earn his Eagle. Gut feeling: National and Local Council will review the situation to find ou
    2 points
  5. Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge Workshop an initiative of the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site What does it mean to be a Citizen? Find out at the home of Indiana's only US President. Did you know... President Benjamin Harrison is the reason you recite the Pledge of Allegiance Benjamin Harrison is the reason your school flies the U.S. flag Find out more and work towards your merit badge! https://scoutingevent.com/?2016HarrisonHouseMBWorkshop
    1 point
  6. I take it to mean an event like summer camp, where you spend 2 days at camp at the beginning of the week, go home for a couple of days and then return for another couple of days. So, you've spent over 72 hrs at the event, but over two or more visits.
    1 point
  7. We have a sizable group of older (HS Scouts). Due to the troop makeup our SPL is typically a JR / SR in High School. Typically we try to have challenging outings and recognize that the HS group will self segregate from the younger group. Our patrols are multi-year so they do function for meals and gear setup, then tent with their friends. Our success in keeping them engaged is to have them do some of the classes (Scouts choose the subject not specific advancement details) and also we lean on them for outings and leadership there. You have to allow them some leeway, welcome them, a
    1 point
  8. There is a thread in Open Discussion.
    1 point
  9. Getting back to the topic... When you say it appears he has been registered as a Cub Scout all this time, is that based on another article, or Facebook posts, or what? Wouldn't the council's computer kick out a re-charter with (for example) a 13-year-old Cub Scout? Or is it that he was not registered as anything at all after "aging out" of Cub Scout? Either way, if he was not registered as a Boy Scout, that would be consistent with the fact that ALL of his merit badges were revoked. But some of the other things in that article do NOT seem consistent with him not being registered as
    1 point
  10. At the moment I have a group of 5 scouts working on the "herritage" section of our local knowledge badge. They are looking at the history of our troop, which is pretty extensive going back to 1911. This evening, having found out the various places the troop used to meet they went for a bit of a walking tour. Nice and easy, all within half a mile of our current building. One of the venues is a picture framing gallery. It's a working workshop but surprisingly, given that we don't think the troop has met there since the 1940s, there are still markings on the walls marking the patrols. B
    1 point
  11. I'd re-phrase.... My requirement wouldn't be that it "teaches" skills. I think the key is to remove that word 'teach' from the vocabulary. My requirement be that it "uses" the skills..... then my natural progression.... guys that know will practice, guys that don't know will ask, and guys that know will, like a good older brother, help those that don't.....
    1 point
  12. mine was sailing. I didn't earn a lot of MB's in my short time as a scout, but this one I remember.... I took it at Summer camp, camp Boddie on the Pamlico river (I really don't remember if that was the name of it back then or not...)....anyway, at some point, myself along with 3 other scouts, took the boat out for a sail on the Pamlico. So we sailed down river...which also happened to be down wind. we had all of course been through lots of training and practice...and knew the theory behind how to tack.... but we couldn't get back. and to make matters worse, one of the s
    1 point
  13. It was the FBI's own internal affairs division, the "Office of Professional Responsibility" which investigated McCabe and recommended he be terminated, same as any other agent accused of the same crimes. A 27-year veteran agent was interviewed on TV and he stated that "Lack of candor" is the one thing that can result in a sure termination of employment and that is drilled into every agent from their first day at the FBI Academy. Whatever you do, don't lie...always tell the truth and take your lumps and you will probably keep your job. If you are found guilty of "lack of candor", then every
    1 point
  14. Are there other cycling MBCs in your area that you could meet with? If so, it might be nice to meet one to expand your personal network. I think tracking on GPS is a cool idea for your record keeping even if you don't need it for the badge. Good luck and have fun!
    1 point
  15. There seems to be some confusion here. Even scouts with special needs don't get merit badges for just trying. There is a process for making adjustments to the merit badge requirements to accommodate special needs scouts, but the requirements are still challenging and involve real learning. The boys must earn their merit badges. Anything else would be a slap in the face to all the other special needs scouts who earned their awards.
    1 point
  16. We had a young man with pretty severe Downs become an Eagle scout a while back. Lots of paperwork to get the right dispensations. I have to say I was happy witth the outcome but really disappointed with some of the reactions of some of my fellow scouters outside the troop. Best guess, the local guys got out over their skis with their approvals, and didn't give the family a realistic view of the possible obstacles they could encounter. That National got involved before all the paperwork was submitted would indicate someone locally was unhappy and made a complaint over the heads of t
    1 point
  17. And you are not unique to a lot of men....which is exactly why a woman has to be at a campsite when girls are there.
    1 point
  18. I knew a troop that would hold Board of Reviews with every scout, every month, regardless if they where getting rank or not. They had a pretty good knowledge of the scouts and what motivated them.
    1 point
  19. Older scouts need fellowship. That means games, laughter, service, and food. Instead of time instructing scouts -- only have of whom will stay on task during a meeting -- give them half hour opportunities: A venturing patrol for the next big activity. (Training might be them hiking 14 miles to the younger scouts' 3 in the same day. I.e., avoid the pitfalls that @blw2 described of wrecking fellowship.) An Eagle scouts advising Life scouts huddle. Set up games for younger scouts. Special service projects for your CO. Skits and Song (Yes older boys can sing if they t
    1 point
  20. The first camp out for our new class of crossovers was on a very dark and very rainy March evening. After we reached camp, the new SPL was just repeating the routine that he had observed and assisted over the years of him and the Patrol Leaders taking a hike to locate all the patrol camp sites. Each patrol tries to get as far from each other as they can, so it can take a few minutes. Mean while all the patrol QMs start to instruct the rest of the scouts in unloading the gear from the cars and trailer. It's raining pretty hard as I watched the troop in action. The new scouts are disoriente
    1 point
  21. Looking around the world I don't think there is any worry that BSA will collapse altogether. Kids these days aren't really all that different to what they were 20, 50 or 100 years ago. They have more opportunities and live in a different social environment but what hasn't changed is that put them outdoors and get a fire going and they are as keen for adventure as they ever were. What also hasn't changed is a very hman desire, whichis particularly strong among the young, to belong to something. BSA and scouting more widely provides that. There will be changes, it may not end up l
    1 point
  22. I think GSUSA is dying as a scouting organization -- or rather living on as a completely different kind of program for kids. Instead of girls who are old-enough to do so, growing through the game of scouting, what I am seeing being promoted instead is a light-weight feel-good program for little girls: do crafts once a month, sell cookies, and call yourself a Girl Scout. It makes me sad. I've been a GSUSA member for decades. I am really quite appreciative that BSA will be opening up to girls, offering girls a chance at a more traditional scouting program. Don't know whether it will
    1 point
  23. BSA is one of the largest youth organizations in the USA in terms of revenue and membership. BSA won’t go away. It may be smaller, different and even have to restructure debt, but I don’t see BSA vanishing.
    1 point
  24. This is a life lesson situation. As a person of good conscious, you will make decisions to preserve your reputation. I say this as you not only want to be a good person, but you want to be perceived as a good person. It will recur during your life with situations that are fine and situations that might be close to the line. Parents as MBC is fine. Parents often expect more of their own scouts than generic leaders. I know with my own sons they "EARNED" their badge and it was often a whole summer project. For their Eagle projects, my influence probably grew their project 200%.
    1 point
  25. Just give me a little online store that I can buy handbooks, merit badge manuals, patches and uniforms and our troop can continue on just fine. We also need an insurance policy in place. That is all our troop really needs to keep on scouting.
    1 point
  26. all great points. especially about using a different MBC if reasonably possible, but that's only for your benefit in working with others. If mom is registered as a MBC and your SM signed off on your working on the badge, all is good. I too think it not necessary to record the data for proof, unless that is one of the requirements but for your own private edification, recording the data might be interesting for you. Who knows what you might find in the data! You might set goals for pace, or to beat personal records, , or to find the affects of a headwind vs a tailwind, or design a
    1 point
  27. It is not a question of just the dedication of the Scouters it is two different questions IMHO: (1) Is Boy Scouts of America, a Corporation able as it is currently configured and organized, and with current revenue streams and debts a financially and organization sustainable organization. This question which includes social issues such as a national decline in membership organizations, etc. I think there is a reasonable case to be made for the financially viability of BSA the corporate institution given the evidence of consolation of many Councils due to falling membership and declining f
    1 point
  28. Over the years, I have given much of my life to the BSA at most levels from the Tigers to council. Looking back, I believe that National's actions and decisions for the organization are more self-serving to National than the rest the organization. Can an organization with that kind of leadership sustain itself? Canadian Scouts and Campfire Kids are still around. Barry
    1 point
  29. ? Can you elaborate on your beef? What has BSA done to suggest that it is exempt from going bankrupt? Based on what? Why all the doom and gloom? I am personally more committed to scouting today than I was yesterday and will probably be more so tomorrow. And the day after that, and the day after that...
    1 point
  30. And this leads to a great example of "The law of unintended consequences". Up to this time (1989?), Webelos didn't join troops in one big group, they joined over several months depending a lot of the new scouts birthday. Nature of the design forced the Patrols to work with each scout independently toward their 1st Class skills. This had been the basic model for at least 50 years. Because scouts joined over several months, the patrols were use to teaching the same skills repeatedly over the year. That naturally forces a balance of the Patrol Method and first class skills over the year with the
    1 point
  31. @cmd welcome to scouter.com. IMO, the rank advancement and those taking the next trail (Bear) should be separately acknowledged. Another example, in our pack, the Arrow of LIfe is awarded and then all those Weebs who are crossing over to Boy Scouts are invited to the bridge to cross-over. ..and off they go for their next adventure.
    1 point
  32. That's one reason why I'm considering disallowing Eagle-required MBs at MB mills.
    0 points
  33. One of the problems is the BSA *does* just hand out mBs just for showing up at mb colleges and summer camps.
    -1 points
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