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  1. Pressures of modern life and the pandemic have made the UK Scout organization stronger than ever with a 100,000-strong waiting list. ... "Then there’s the thorny issue of neurodiversity: where mainstream schools are struggling to cope with rising numbers of children diagnosed with autism and ADHD. The Scouts, however – which pitches itself as the opposite of a classroom environment – is not suffering. “We don’t teach in classrooms,” Carter adds. “We teach by doing in real life. Put up a tent in the rain, and they will learn it’s quicker if you work as a team. We also give lots of tra
    7 points
  2. I was asked to pass the message below on to Survivors. It doesn't constitute an endorsement on my part. It's for information. That said, I do find it intriguing that an attorney, with no shortage of experience in the US Bankruptcy system, is calling BS on the way attorneys take 40% for essentially filling out a form. I Know, in a lot of cases they do more than that but how great would it be to see a change where those who need more pay more and those who need less pay less. You know....like any other service we purchase! It doesn't apply to my personal situation but given that a number o
    4 points
  3. Update July 24,2024: "About 80 people are involved in the trial at MaineHealth’s Pen Bay Medical Center, which is part of a national study of a Lyme vaccine called VLA15 developed by the companies Pfizer and Valneva, according to Dr. Robert Smith, who’s working on the trial team. In total, the study is testing the safety and effectiveness of the shot on nearly 9,500 people across the country. ... The goal is for the vaccine to show a statistically significant decline in cases of Lyme disease. Smith said the trials are expected to conclude by the end of 2025, which is when Pfizer
    2 points
  4. Like the term "awkward scouts". I would agree that is a great description. Also feel that the labeling that is common today is part of the problem. The youth's peers too often pick up on that and it becomes far more difficult than it might otherwise. Always a balance, and helping both the "differentand his Scouting peers deal with things is part of the challenge. Yet I have seen many of them come into their own when encourage by scout peers to get involved. Learning for them all, and for many adults I think too.
    2 points
  5. Our troop had many awkward scouts, and they truly flourished in the program. I say awkward because not all youth with nontypical behavior for their age are autistic, ADHD, or mentally handicapped. Many, are just awkward. I'm curious about the UK Scout training. The challenge for adult leaders is that the behavior pattern of each awkward scout is as different as their personalities and requires a slightly different approach for their special needs. Generally, the parent's involvement improves the odds of their child having a good scouting experience because they can help guide the adults
    2 points
  6. I found a link (via MSN) to this article that doesn't require registration: https://www.msn.com/en-nz/entertainment/music/how-the-scouts-became-this-year-s-most-in-demand-children-s-club/ar-BB1qmlGM?ocid=BingNewsVerp . @RememberSchiff is right. It is a good read.
    1 point
  7. I got an email on Friday titled Monthly Renewal Information with a list of everyone whose is scheduled to expire on August 31. Those parents should have also received notification on Friday, and I will be contacting them individually to be sure they did receive it and to confirm their status for the upcoming pack year.
    1 point
  8. https://nationaltoday.com/world-scout-scarf-day/ World Scout Scarf Day, celebrated on August 1, honors scouts across the world by encouraging them to step out of the house with their scouts scarf on! But why wear a scarf, you ask? Because a scout’s scarf brings the spirit of scouting into the limelight and also sheds light on the basic everyday life hacks that scouts are taught. For instance, the scarf around the neck is used to protect the body from sunburn and can also be used as a band-aid in situations where a first aid kit is unavailable. Hence, over time, the scouts’ scarf has beco
    1 point
  9. My son's interest in Cub Scouts in waning. He still likes it, but a few unruly kids in his Den have dampened his enthusiasm. He'll be a Wolf this year and doing the same Pack activities for the 3rd time. He's not even halfway to Boy Scouts (Scouts? ... sorry, I don't know what to call things anymore). I'm going to take a radically different approach to scheduling Den meetings this year and try to line-up field trips to points of interest like our local college basketball team and minor league baseball stadium. Basketball has started ramping up for my son. This was the first year he's part
    1 point
  10. Sorry to hear that. Perhaps you could be the change agent the troop needs to start having them.
    1 point
  11. Only my opinion, but I doubt that the Third Circuit will stay the plan now. It has been in effect for some 14 months at this point. I won't be surprised if the Lujan & D&V claimants seek a stay, but I expect it will be denied. Recall that several requests for a stay have been made and denied already, including by the Third Circuit and SCOTUS. Instead, the Third Circuit will move forward to decide the appeal. Recall that the case was already fully briefed and scheduled for oral argument in April at the Third Circuit. However, they decided it made sense to wait a mere couple mo
    1 point
  12. Beyond moving the current CC to USR and the new CC into the CC slot. Yes, they will sit as Unit Scouter reserve until recharter or their membership expires if they aren’t going to re-up in general.
    1 point
  13. As COR you should be able to move them around in the Position Manager screen. Drag the name tiles to where they need to be, then "Save Changes" on the bottom right. Be sure you're in the "Registered Positions" side and not the "Functional Roles" side. It probably won't let you save if you don't have a "legal" roster (ie, a SM, CC, two more committee members). As @skeptic said I'd just move the retiring CC to MC or Unit Scouter Reserve then let them drop off at recharter. They've already paid for the year, and you're not getting a refund.
    1 point
  14. 1) National doesn't care 2) Yes, but I would love to wrong about this. 3) No, but I would love to wrong about this.
    1 point
  15. Educate. Every tick goes to the health lodge to be removed and logged in. A PhD Entomologist I work with said that the tick must be attached for 48 hrs in order to transmit disease (but I wouldn't bet on it), so daily showers and tick checks while at camp and timely removal is imperative. Another problem is that the young deer tick (the only species which transmits the Lyme spirochete) is almost invisible to the naked eye (about the size of a spider mite) and is often mistaken for a speck of sand or dirt. Of course, if you have a young female paramedic at the health lodge, the guys will go
    1 point
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