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Everything posted by nldscout

  1. I sure wish people would quit repeating the myth that a CO own the money and equipment, because its not true.
  2. Speaking of leaders drinking at scout functions. What would you think of A work weekend at a scout camp where anyone under 21 is prohibited because they were going to party after the work is done? It happens in our council with the blessing of the executive board.
  3. CNY, Contact The Council Advancement chair, John White. He will set them straight. He just had to set the DAC in one of the Northern districts on the right path over an eagle BOR.
  4. Make sure you have lots of high sugar, high caffene types of drinks and snacks. There is nothing like a bunch of sugar high cubs to make your week more enjoyable
  5. Yes, its the scouts responsibilty to keep track of his Card, however. When we get the cards back on the last day of camp, we record completions and partials in Troopmaster before anything is given to the scout. So if the card is lost we know what was completed up to a certain point.
  6. I think to return the standards to Eagle you should require 5000 hrs. What do the rest of you think???
  7. it doesn't really matter, because this is headed to the 9 wise men and women in DC, who have always ruled for the BSA.
  8. If your using an outfitter, he can probably supply all the maps you need if you ask him. He can also tell you if you need a guide.
  9. Speaking legally, this is what justify's self defense "Under our law, a person may use physical force upon another individual when, and to the extent that, he/she reasonably believes it to be necessary to defend himself/herself [or someone else] from what he/she reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of [unlawful ] physical fo 2 rce by such individual."
  10. After reading all that is here, I have to be honest and say I have zero sympathy here. Your son broke the law, in some states it would constitute a felony. No one called the police as they should have. An my take, based on my experiance in court with parents and teenagers, is that you are enabling him. He messed up, now he has to suffer the consequences. Tell him to suck it up, support him, but its time to move on.
  11. Rule 1, Never leave the trailer in an unsecured location. If you don't have a secure lot, have it parked somewhere that is secure. Rule 2, Buy, install and use good locks to secure the trailer doors, hitch and spare tire. Rule 3, If you absolutely have to park it somewhere questionable, get a long heavy chain and big heavy lock and chain it around the axle to an immovaable object (ie: Tree, telephone pole, or building) If you follow those rules, you make it extremely difficult to steal the trailer, and most thievies are lazy and will take the easy way out.
  12. Old story and no new news that I am aware of at the moment. As I see it the only one who will win here is the Lawyers.
  13. Buffalo Skipper, I am never heard this rule. "Not to battle semantics, but YPT is to be completed before a leader is allowed to interact with youth. I would hardly consider an ASM, a youth interactive leader, "trained" if he was not allowed to work with youth. " Care to share where it came from?
  14. Our district used to do a Cub Scout outdoor skills day. We had each troop run 1 or 2 stations, like round robin type, lunch was make your own foil dinner. We ran about 20 basic outdoor skills station, including one for each cub level. Closing was done a a flag retirement ceremony. Whittlin chip, knife safety and soap carving were always a bit hit
  15. Serious mistake not following through with the appeal, it will only bite them in the butt in the end
  16. CNY, In same council as you. We had a person at the office responsible for Ventureing when it started, plus quarterly venturing RT's. No one attended. I went twice, there were 3 units represented, so it just died off.
  17. Part of the reason for color is national is replacing its last old printing machines. You all realize, national prints its own materials. The have a printing facility and do thier own, thats why the cost is so cheap. Knot Head Why would each scout need his own copy of the MB book at camp. We have one or two and the scouts share them. Seems buying a pile of them is not being very frugel.
  18. I know some may not like what I think on this, but after serving 26 yrs in the military in every crappy place I could think of, my answer is simple SUMMARY EXECUTION! You hold an immediate hearing, find them guilty and SHOOT them. Period! NO lawyers, no mamby pamby BS, no crap. You want to shoot at me, them I am gonna execute you. If we had done that from the begining, I would not have lost as many friends as I have since this actions started.
  19. Our council along with 5 or 6 others in the NE Region are into the 3rd year of testing the LION program for kindergarten aged boys and in 1 coucil, girls also. The program has been fairly sucessful here and we have been briefed in other councils also. We were told that National was considering a full rollout of this in fall 2009 or 2010.
  20. Now that it all is transmitted elctronically, the national average is 2-4 weeks. I am curious what "KIT" you think your going to get. Other than a letter and a certificate, someone has to buy with CASH the actual award.
  21. If this letter was sent to the DAC, I would guess this has smething to do with Advancement, Eagle maybe. This is hard ground to walk as he may beleive himself correct, then what?
  22. What we didn't know at the time was when he responded what titles he used, and who shortened it to what you see. I asked in the feedback and got an email that said " While many people responded to the propositions, only a few were published. As to titles, we shortened everyones title to one sentence that we thought were significant." So that is why he is listed that way. I am sure he other things by his name than Council Commish. Someone else choose to list it that way.
  23. My question would be how he can be COR and the SM at same time, that is if you are sponsored by the same Chartering Organization?
  24. I don't see any problem here, He expressed a personnel opinion, NO harm. He was not in uniform as far as I see, and for all we know he may not have put that there, who ever wrote it may have.
  25. For a merger to take place, both boards must vote for it. If they don't no merger, national cannot force a merger. To desolve a previously completed merger, that would depend on the state you live in, as you are desolving a non-profit.
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