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About CNYScouter

  • Rank
    Junior Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Syracuse, NY
  • Occupation
    Mechanical Designer
  • Interests
    Scouting, Music, Travel
  • Biography
    Eagle Scout, 20+ years as an Adult Scouter

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  1. @Eagle94-A1 My council went thru this with a merger a few years ago. It got real messy. The council being merged with ours had a very large endowment fund. one of the main reasons that caused the merger was that the council being merged only had 600 youth listed; after after a membership audit it was found that they were only 300 youth in the entire council. Long time volunteers changed the locks on the council offices/store and moved the endowment funds into a hidden account and refused to turn everything over. This ended up in a court battle and in the end everything had to be turned over. a
  2. Our council (Longhouse) stills calls it's yearly corporate fundraiser the Boypower Dinner The first "official" Boypower Dinner was in 1971 Here's a link to the history of the dinner in our council http://www.cnyscouts.org/boypower/history/
  3. I know at least a few years ago a council SE could wave the 5 Scout minimum to recharter. If I remember right you had to have at least 3. This was done on a case by case basis and is up to each individual SE to allow it or not.
  4. @Jameson76 Was the camporee theme Alice's Restaurant?
  5. There was an article in Scouting Magazine about doing a fundraiser asking for donations only. https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2014/01/30/upon-further-review-troops-grocery-bagging-fundraiser-isnt-permitted/
  6. A few years ago the Pack I help with had an event that was really successful. The Monday after the event one of the DE's called me and told me I had to turn over all the money we made to the council.
  7. I can only recall a couple of times where the BOR was suspended and advancement was held up. The first time was when I first joined Boy Scouts in 1970. There was a Scout who was out to be the youngest Scout to make Eagle at the time. At his Eagle BOR he was deemed to not be mature enough for Eagle and told to come back in 6 months. His parents were mad because of this delay it would not make him the youngest Eagle. I can only remember him being there a couple time in the following 6 months. When he went back to the BOR he was awarded Eagle. We never saw him again. The s
  8. There is also a Sabbatis Scout Reservation owned by the Longhouse Council in Syracuse, NY. Sabbatis Adventure Camp is run by Patriots’ Path Council in NJ They are on the same road but Longhouse Council's camp is 9 miles past Sabbatis Scout Reservation has been patrol cooking as long as I can remember (went there in the 70's when I was a youth)
  9. I am in the Longhouse Council in Syracuse, NY. We have had a Commissioner College for as long as I can remember. Over the last few years this has evolved to an area event covering NE region area 3 and the councils take turns as the chancellor and finding staff. It has been held at a school hear is Syracuse for a number of years. We must be doing things right as they have had attendees in the past as far away as Cleveland, OH I only got as far as a bachelors degree but taught classes at this in the past. I have plans to attend his year as they are offering the Powd
  10. Camp Yawgoog in Rockville, Rhode Island has an excellent WEBELOS summer camp program. Some things I liked about the program was the time given to the Scouts. Most days they ate lunch early at the camp site and not in the dinning hall. While everyone else was eating lunch they had archery and Shooting range (BB guns) to themselves I also liked that they put them WEBELOS first. They were put up front marching into any campfires/nighttime shows....and sat in the front row at these They had their own cheer. Staffers had to cheer with them when they did it at meal time. The
  11. A Troop/District/Council can not really deny an ECOH. They can choose not to participate but can not stop you from holding a ECOH for your son. I fins it strange that both the SM and Troop Committee had no problem signing off the paperwork for Eagle and know have an issue with holding a COH After being at the District level I can say that Council/National will stay out of this as it is a dispute at the unit level. I think your son should contact your Troop Committee Chair and Charter Organizational Rep and the Head of your Charting Organization asking for the reason they are den
  12. Longhouse Council (Syracuse, NY) runs a Boy Scout Day Camp at Camp Woodland (Constantia, N.Y). It is $175 for the week Aug. 20-24 This is the second year it has been offered and was pretty popular last year with most of the sessions full Badges Offered: Canoeing Swimming Archery Kayaking Lifesaving Shotgun Rifle Emergency Preparedness Welding Woodworking Automotive Maintenance Metal Working First Aid Environmental Science Communications I think the Seneca Waterways Council, just to the west of us in Roch
  13. From my personal experience staying with their friends has too much emphasis put on it. Both of my son's dens' all crossed over into the same troop (different Troops for each). With my older son after 2 years in the troop he was the only one of his den left. He was also the only one left from the all the boys (9 or 10 total) that came into the Troop at the same time. My younger son is turning just 16 and there is only one other boy left from his den that crossed over. I found that if you want to know about a Troop (or any unit) ask to attend a committee meeting. I found that
  14. OK. We have them in the USA but we call them "Trivia" Night. They are pretty popular where I live (Upstate NY) I never thought about doing this for a fundraiser but it sounds like a great idea.
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