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Everything posted by nldscout

  1. If they don't continue the appeal then if 5 or 10 yrs from now they want to do something that the Township does not like, it will be too late for CAC to challange them. As to the first decision, there is a good chance of having that overturned on appeal, once the local flavor is taken out of the court process. As to donating to CAC, feel free, I donate to my council, want to give us some of your money?
  2. Regardless of getting out of the Smith deal, CAC should go forward with the appeal. The issue needs to be settled as to was the rezoning proper or not. It will make things better in the future. I also beleive that if the scouters at CAC had not blinked when national tried to bully them, this mess would have been over long ago.
  3. gwd-scouter, I take it your a Obama fan, your choice, though I feel bad for you. My choice is neither, I think we should draft someone like Beavah or Bob White for the job.
  4. I hope they continue the appeal to answer the question if the land was improperly zoned. No one knows what the future may bring
  5. ASM59 Why did you say your 18yr old ASM Daughter could not drive youth. The G2SS says she is ok driving them.
  6. please note, This is not america's oldest scout camp. There is at least one, Owasippe, that has it beat by 2 yrs.
  7. Lions are Kindergarten, not 1st grade
  8. Not hard to figure out his motivation just look at what he wants from you ANNUAL REGISTRATION FEES Team Sponsor Fees (Rising Star or North Star Scout Team) Team Sponsor (must be accompanied by at least one Team Fee) $150.00 Team Fee (per Rising Star Scout Team or North Star Scout Team) $150.00 Team Sponsor Fees (Discovery Scout Team) $30.00 Outpost Unit Fee (includes one Scout Individual Fee) $ 30.00 Individual Fees Scout $ 20.00 Counselor $ 30.00 Counselor Background Fee (this amount is in addition to Counselor registration fee) $ 5
  9. I was going to stay away from this one, but. Based on my experiance with his words and actions like the myspace stuff, I would have to say this young man is like many others I see on a frequent basis. There will be no change in his actions, other than more excuses why its others fault. Sorry to say it, but usually once a dealer always a dealer.
  10. I am in the came council as CNYSCOUTER. The problem the council ran into was when they studied charters, they discovered that they would lose 40% or more of the units if they enforced the rule they wrote that said no training, no charter. Anyone know of a council thats prepared to do that?
  11. If the two units are located next to each other, then there is nothing wrong. We have done this with Small troops all the time. The key is being located together.adjacent to each other.
  12. Gold Winger To answer your question, I think that depends upon the parents and how well your attorney advocates for you if you wer to be considered the accompaning adault. NeilLup To answer you, Did the council not support the DE. Possibly so, but because of my position I refused to express any opinion to any of the parties involved. Do I think this is a problem law, yep. But you have to energize some politicians to fix it, and we all know how fast they work
  13. NeilLup, Unfortunatly for the DE, this was a private social gettogether as a thank you for the people that helped at Day Camp. It really was a crying shame that it turned out like this. The problem was a couple of Holier than Thou mothers who filed the official complaint.
  14. Ed, You are absolutly correct. When the attorneys were discussing this, here is one example given that highlights how a poorly woorded law can affect people. You are doing some work at your house, say fixing the roof. I come over to help you. We slave away for a few hours, finish and you say, lets have a cold one to relax. At the same time, your 12 yr old son has invited a friend over to play video games. You hand me a beer, you take one, we sit on deck to relax. You just committed a crime. All those that have done the above, raise your right hand, or better let me know I
  15. Some of you have asked about my statement that this may be against the law and didn't beleive that it could be. Below is an abstract of NY State Penal Law section 260.21. 260.21 Unlawfully dealing with a child in the second degree. A person is guilty of unlawfully dealing with a child in the second degree when: 1. Being an owner, lessee, manager or employee of a place where alcoholic beverages are sold or given away, he permits a child less than sixteen years old to enter or remain in such place unless: (a) The child is accompanied by his parent, guardian or an adult au
  16. You might also remind them that in most states, what they are proposing is against the law, I know it is in NY
  17. In addition to hitch locks, we had a ring welded on the frame of our troop trailer and carry a strong 50 ft chain and an uncuttable lock. When the trailer is parked out of its secured lot it gets chained down to some immovable object, tree, telephone pole, solid fence post. you want to take our trailer, be prepared to work very hard for it.
  18. Odd, I called my scout shop and they know nothing of any directive such as this
  19. gcook1 and others, If you do anything except call the authorities, and this gets out that this boy threatened a leader, what do you think the rest of your parents are going to say. As I see this, this is clearly a legal issue that there is no backing down on, especially in light of his Fathers attitude. What are you going say when he does this or something else next time?
  20. I wasn't on when this started, but let me express my view of this from a courts perspective. In NY, this communication would be a criminal act, and would get you arrested in a NY minute if the individual filed a police report. Since Dad saw this and did nothing, he possibly could be arrested too. Things like this if not properly nipped in the bud escalate and spin out of hand and then the next thing you know, there Juniour is standing in front of me, in handcuffs, on his way to Jail, while Dad says, and I have heard it many times " I don't understand where we went wrong" Some
  21. John-in-KC, I have seen 3 extentions approved by national for eagle. one was for a special needs scout, one was a scout who was involved in a car accident which hospitalized him for a period of time where he couldn't finish one merit badge, and one was for almost the same circumstances as Standerson enumerated. The troop screwed up the process and he asked and received a 6 month extention. The results were 3 approved extensions, of which 2 ended up with eagle. The boy that the troop suposedly screwed up the process and records, decided after that he didn't want it afterall and
  22. If you find the scout has not met the POR requirement or any other, he can always apply for an extention of time. With a good justification they are always approved. Whit a half-baked excuse they are generally approved. Its his choice if he wants to apply for an extention.
  23. Go to Lowes/Home Depot or any place that sells small trailers. Find a small open flatbed cargo trailer that has the size trailer bed you want. The only thing you need to do is extend the trailer toungue, which a local welder can do easily, then build a frame to hold canoe that is removable so you can use the trailer for normal stuff other wise. You can make a frame out of 2x4's bolted together.
  24. 2 months can be plenty of time depending on what your doing, activities, or where your having it.
  25. You have submitted it within the guidlines, correct? Then why worry about it. If you get the signed copy back ok, if you don't thats ok too. Would you cancel the trip if you didn't get it? I hope not. Will not getting the signed copy affect anything? Insurance, travel plans, your schedule? Nope So you did your part, if they don't do thiers, oh well. Take the boys, have a great time, let the paperwork worries be someone elses problem.
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