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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/18 in all areas

  1. *cough* Wrong Avenger *cough* Try Star Lord 😎
    2 points
  2. Revocation of membership may only be a formality if that membership had already expired, the end result is not. Depending on what caused said revocation, it would really not make much difference whether the individual was registered or technically just a parent. If severe enough, it would, in my opinion, preclude him/her from any contact with the unit; regardless of registration status.
    2 points
  3. I am now a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow
    2 points
  4. Of course! But our church has been built on hard roads and challenges. This is a mountain we are happy and ready to climb. And we have a Chief Scout already - it's our Prophet. He has all the skills, tools and authority needed to guide us to success.
    2 points
  5. I think this resolution leaves out some things that are important to a correct understanding of what the BSA's religion policy actually is, "on the ground." What I am about to say is "old hat" to most of those who read this forum, but unfortunately the vast majority of unit Scouters do not read this forum or any other Internet Scouting forum, to say nothing of Scouts and their non-leader parents, and perhaps more importantly, prospective Scouts and their non-leader parents. Examples: 1, It mentions "Duty to God" a lot, but it doesn't mention that the BSA does not define "Duty to God."
    1 point
  6. Mine has many patches- one for each SR I have been to, as well as my 50 miler and my OA emblem. If we are talking about the field uniform (class A)- yes, that is a uniform and thus should truly be uniform across all members. My feeling on the jacshirt is it is entirely optional, and is about the wearer. If the BSA wanted to buy me one, or are going to make it a required part of the uniform, they could get more dictatorial about what I put on there.
    1 point
  7. Growing up, I always thought the jacshirt was the adult version of a cub scout brag vest
    1 point
  8. Cliff Jacobson is the real deal. He is a well known outdoorsman, focusing on paddling mostly in the BWCA. He is a published author as well. Regardless, if the BSA was to go this direction (I highly doubt they will), the person would not just be a name to endorse the brand. To be effective they would need to go all in making videos, etc... showcasing the scouting adventures with and alongside the personality. I would recommend they have multiple personalities. Get "famous" personalities from different regions and with different areas of expertise. Full out media blitz.
    1 point
  9. I think being a leader does have a positive effect on most people. Most people can always improve their abilities to deal with other people, to assess situations and respond, to deal with difficult situations and difficult people, etc. Work and professional life provides some experience in doing so, but volunteering and working with kids provides a different kind of experience. Additionally, most of us here are not trained as teachers, so we learn how to pass along our knowledge and experience to young people only through practice in doing so. I also agree with what someone, I think it was
    1 point
  10. 2 year scout leader and scout dad hope to contribute to the forum
    1 point
  11. Mine where too! They weren't any good, but they were pretty well formed...
    1 point
  12. I don't think the answer (to what question, I am not sure) lies in recruiting someone to be the "face" of the BSA. For one thing, look at Bear Grylls and the UK. What I have learned in this thread is that a significant number of people seem to think he's a fraud. (I have never really paid attention to Bear Grylls, and the only episode of his show I have ever seen was the one with President Obama, which I doubt was representative of his shows as a whole.) So if he is viewed as a fraud by a significant number of people, how does that help the image of Scouts UK? I also doubt that the an
    1 point
  13. Thank you for the specification - I stand corrected; looking at the photo those are indeed leggings. They go up too high up to be spats, which somehow, manages to makes them look worse. What I find odd, even ironic, is that none of them wear the Honor Guard Emblem, a badge specifically created for events such as the parade in the photo above. The Honor Guard Emblem sets the boys apart in their role; it's a special, "extra" for those who want to dress things up; it's even accented with white, so it will go with their gloves and flag carriers! Why in heavens did they sacrifice money (and th
    1 point
  14. That is a good idea. Funny, the more I hear about these School-based calendars, the less I like them. And taking the summer off just sounds like lunacy to me. Summer is the season for Scouting! No School to compete with, the boys have time, the weather is great - I accomplish more in the summer months than I ever can during the rest of the time. I think inviting the Webelos to your Troop meetings is the EXACT answer to your situation. Just make SURE to have activities planned that will engage them and that their parents can observe if they wish. Not having Scouts is a catastrophe for that pack
    1 point
  15. Actually, the new program is a two year program. The AoL is it's own separate rank. You don't have to earn the Webelos badge to earn the AoL. I agree, as soon as the boys become Webelos, they should become a patrol and start learning the Patrol Method. That is what I did. At the end of their Bear year, they voted on a Patrol name and I ordered their patrol patches and flag which is actually my profile picture. They all had a chance to be a patrol leader as well as serve other functions within the patrol. I am not sure how this pack is going to get these boys ready especially since I jus
    1 point
  16. No. It's so dry even an electrical spark is enough there. Use manual hand tools, OR be prepared to put out any accidental fires you start.
    1 point
  17. Haha. I did it at an Adult day care center, I found it by doing clinical there. I put stone around the building, rebuilt two moving carts (I made the base out of trek wood), built a horse shoe pit, & some small stuff.
    1 point
  18. as a first born son I'm getting a little nervous. Should I mark my doorposts?
    1 point
  19. I also have questions. I try to stay out of Troop stuff— it is much better. My tendency is to worry and nag, and staying away from the Troop lets my son have his own experience! I do know they have female ASMs who are at every event. The girls tent separately. My son says the girls have advancement signed off by the PL, but they can’t get badges. I think, on paper, the girls are Tagalongs, and they will officially join in February. I could be wrong. They don’t collect dues from anyone— the Troop fundraises regularly and all dues are covered. I highly doubt the girls are regi
    1 point
  20. When a parent asks if you have a problem with their son, what they really want to know is if they are going to have a problem with you.
    1 point
  21. My father-in-law attended the annual meeting in Texas. Kool-Aid flowed in abundance. Everyone - yes, EVERYONE thinks girls in BSA is the greatest idea ever. The only reason anyone thinks badly of BSA is because the press has been plotting against them. Nothing needs to be fixed except the negative messages being portrayed by the media. Family, family, family. Get on the train or get run over. The demise of century-old traditions - swept away with smiles and marketing speak. Two high-ranking LDS leaders were there and spoke of the long and difficult decision to sever ties with BS
    1 point
  22. The economist in me smiles at this statement. This truth applies to almost anything we do. That said, and I'm not trying to defend some of the boneheaded things coming out of Texas, the great U.S of A. is a VERY big place. It's sometimes hard to remember that what's "natural" or "apparent" to us locally doesn't apply or have the same meaning to someone across town, across a District, or across a Council, much less across a country as big as ours. A Scouter's experience growing up in a local Pack, bridging over to an attached Troop and eventually finding a home as a Scouter all with an involved
    1 point
  23. Not a chance. I never contribute to FoS. I'm sure that DE's work very hard, and put in long hours, trying to raise money to pay the bloated salaries of the higher level scout execs. That's your job. You don't do anything for us.
    1 point
  24. I am afraid this is not an accurate understanding of our relationship with the BSA. We did not adopt Scouting as a matter of convenience; in fact, implementing it took a great deal of effort, and meant cancelling a youth program we already had in place. The need for a unified global program is only one part of the reason for our exit. The other very much is the fact that the BSA is making a broad statement with its recent policy changes - the statement that boys and girls learn in the same way, and that one program can adequately meet the needs of both with no need to differentiate betwe
    1 point
  25. I view the BSA as a business and I, as an assistant scoutmaster, am a shareholder. My investment is the large amount of time and effort i put into my unit. I view paying the executives extremely large salaries in a time of desperation as a poor business practice. I believe that the decline in scouting is a result of poor business decisions on part of the executives. I, as many shareholders (volunteers working with boys) are beginning to sell their stock and get out of scouting. I have lost faith in the CEOs of the BSA. Unfortunately the board of directors is not a representation of the volunte
    1 point
  26. From the website: PHILMONT PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT - UTE PARK FIRE 6/4/18 4:00 MDT The safety of our youth participants, volunteers and staff is a priority for everybody at Philmont Scout Ranch and the Boy Scouts of America. While efforts continue to extinguish the fire currently burning in the back-country, the anticipated damage and inability to access the affected areas makes it currently impossible to host back country programs. Until the fire is extinguished, the areas are inspected and the damage assessed, it is impossible to definitively state when those pro
    0 points
  27. you right. We just chill at the office and make lists of how to make life harder for volunteers. By the way have you turned in your FoS pledge card yet?
    -1 points
  28. It's not "outrage", outrage is reserved for Hamas terrorists killing Jews. This is anger, but not because of a name change. CSE Michael Saurbaugh repeatedly stated the BSA respects and believes in the differences between boys and girls and will stand by the benefits of single-gender to reach those unique differences... and then purposefully and with intent they do the exact opposite. It's called lying, and what amazes me most is how easily some so willing accept the lying as something that's a-ok. I often wonder what other points of the Scout law are so nonchalantly disregarded in some of
    -1 points
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