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About SouthScout

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  1. Why didn't BSA just start a parallel program and call it Girl Guides. BP did it.
  2. The DEs are not compensated well. From my research for the year 2014 I found that the DEs in our council had salaries around $38,000.00. The Assistant Scout Executive was $135,000.00. The Director of program (camps and activities guy) made $135,000.00 and the Scout executive made $208,000.00. The director of program guy was one of the most worthless people I have known. The DEs work extremely hard, but I rarely see them at pack meetings or troop meetings. In Sept of each year we see the DEs at elementary school round ups. The pressure to have new scouts register and pay that night was so
  3. Whats your breaking point? What does it take for you to say enough, I'm out? I have had numerous calls and conversations with fellow scouters asking what i was going to do about girls being allowed into the BSA. Was I going to stay with BSA or leave? Most of the questions came after the announcement of including girls. Once the info-graphic about how girls troops would work and be formed at the chartered organization the conversations became more frequent. With the name change media release two weeks ago many scouters and local business people are cutting off FOS donations. With the news
  4. I view the BSA as a business and I, as an assistant scoutmaster, am a shareholder. My investment is the large amount of time and effort i put into my unit. I view paying the executives extremely large salaries in a time of desperation as a poor business practice. I believe that the decline in scouting is a result of poor business decisions on part of the executives. I, as many shareholders (volunteers working with boys) are beginning to sell their stock and get out of scouting. I have lost faith in the CEOs of the BSA. Unfortunately the board of directors is not a representation of the volunte
  5. BSA_Form_990_Tax_Return.pdf BSA Board of Directors.pdf As everyone knows the real reason for all of the membership changes and introduction of girls is due to financial reasons. The BSA executives need to begin cutting their own salaries. Take a look at the attached 2016 Tax Return form 990. See page 91 for the salaries of some of the executives. Its clear that the program is suffering to support high salaries. Mike Surbaugh $718,296.00. Here is the link to Guidestar for non profit info https://www.guidestar.org/profile/22-1576300 Reach out to the board members below and l
  6. I received a forwarded email this morning from our Assistant Scout Executive. Our local council does a fund drive every year. They ask for donations of $250.00 and up from wealthy donors to attend a luncheon with a guest speaker. The email I received was from a fellow scouter who donated $800.00 last year and declined to donate this year due to the recent decisions by national. The email also stated the fund drive was well below the $750,000.00 annual donations from years past at this same time. I was also informed that the LDS scouts reserve our entire camp exclusively for themselves for
  7. Hey all, Thanks for the replies. I appologize for my bad spelling in my original post. I can't seem to figure out how to edit the post now. Fred Johnson, It's not nesessarily that modern communication is a problem as it is how it is administered and what the impact is on our scouts and the patrol method. What I am observing is the same as blw2. Batch emails give the impression that the parents are doing everthing for their scouts. Receiving and acting on information is something that the scout must do for himself to develop and learn. If parents receive the information in the same batc
  8. I am a Webelos den leader and our den has visited 5 different troops in our search for one to crossover to. I am now on 4 of the five troop email distribution lists and have been for almost a year. Almost all of the emails I receive are from the scoutmaster, committe member or other adult leader and are usually adressing the parents. The topics of the emails range from what will be covered at the next meeting, when to drop off and pick up son for camping, scheduling a scoutmaster conference, advancement issues, what uniform to wear, etc. The emails are batch emals sent out to parents, sco
  9. So what happens to page 120? How long before the liberals find page 120 and force the change. You know the liberals will be some kind of upset that page 120 discusses "pregnancy" can't have that with gay scouts or leaders. Gonna have to remove it. Also you see the discussion of boys being attracted to girls who are becoming women. Nope, can't have that either. Wait a minute. Whats up with page 120? I thought the BSA did not discuss sexual matters.
  10. Does this photo not make you think twice about what BSA has now allowed. A male adult scout leader is leading a group male scouts in a celebration of male on male sex. You can spin it anyway you want, but the rainbow flag is a symbol of the homosexual lifestyle and the homosexual lifestyle is about...gay SEX. Yes, it is about sex. So how can anyone say that sex has no place in scouting and will not be discussed, so allowing gay scouts and leaders wont be a problem. Clearly in this photo the enitre event is about sex and the scouts are used to promote it. Its about sex. Would we ever celebr
  11. In many discussion on this forum and with other scouters I hear that sexuality is not even discussed or an issue in the BSA and never has been part of the program in the past so why should it be an issue with allowing gay leaders or gay scouts. WHAT!!! How does anyone even reason with that thought or come to that conclusion? The whole thing about being gay is sexual attraction. Gay males are attracted to the male figure. We hear that gay adults will not be attracted to 17 year old and younger scouts. Just look at the perversion files which were recently released. Why do we have youth protectio
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