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    • I have to speak up as I'm an opposing view. PDF documentation enable BSA to rapidly update documents and provide the documents free to the end-user.  BSA should just partner with a printing company that then can print and ship on demand.  It is wrong wrong to charge for materials that volunteers need to volunteer and have already paid their membership fees to volunteer.  ... Maybe, BSA should charge for bigger books like the scout handbooks.  Beyond that, we want BSA documentation to get into the hands of volunteers as fast and cheap as possible.  We don't want people volunteering and avoiding reading / seeing the materials because they have to pay yet more yet again.   My big fear is that BSA maintaining an inventory of printed materials is a cost that needs to be off-set in sales and membership fees.  That creates a profit center that slows down keeping books up to date and creates a disincentive to make all the literature free as PDFs. PLUS ... Some materials already have high volunteer input / authorship.   GTA?   If this can be done with high quality, it should continue and grow.   It feels wrong to charge for volunteer maintained documents.  ... I love the GTA and G2SS being free as PDFs.  IMHO, many more documents should follow that approach.
    • And  I do not doubt you for one second. What concerns me is that this point is likely missed by far too many. And if the risks of convoying are high, then National should make a much better effort to emphasize them. National has done a fine job emphasizing the risks of people riding in the beds of pickup trucks.  That has been a no-no since my early days in 1969-perhaps even earlier before my camp staff days. I never see that violated, and I am at camp at least a day a month. Whether the Tour Permit is currently required or not, the accident statistics behind the statement in the Tour Permit: "If more than one vehicle is used to transport our group, we will establish rendezvous points at the start  of each day and not attempt to have drivers closely follow the group vehicle in front of them." -have not changed. If statistics showed that convoying increased the risk of accident in convoying group travel at the time that that statement was included in the Tour Permit, with the demise of the Tour Permit, the risk remains the same. Essentially, Tour Permit or not, the danger of convoying remains high and no one should do it. By way of example: I caution: "Tom, be careful with the chainsaw-it could cut off your foot." If I no longer caution Tom, who continues to use the chainsaw, does the risk of cutting off his foot decrease? No. Tom no longer gets a warning, that is all. Curiously, by eliminating the Tour Permit, risk adverse National, has ELIMINATED one level of warning to Scouters about the danger of convoying. And by so doing, has actually INCREASED the risk to National's secondary insurer. Hmmmm.
    • I have  one of those date stamps by every chair where I work and a stamp pad.  Everything gets dated. (And the time also.) A client gives me two conflicting directions to me regarding dispositions in their Will. Very important that I can document which direction was LAST. All of my documents bear revision dates, so I can tell which document was "last." "Tom gets $400,000."  Then later, client directs "Bill gets the $400,000." If I can't prove which client direction was "last" client's estate pays either Tom or Bill $400,000 and I pay the other $400,000. I don't charge "attorney's fees"-I charge "insurance premiums." If I can't prove I followed my client's directions, I am liable, or at least embroiled in a morass of debate and accusations likely to spoil years of life. National's slack adherence to dating protocols leaves room for huge ambiguities.  Ambiguity = RISK. National, being so risk adverse, why would it not adhere to standard practices in the various industries that produce documents that change over time? Like surveys.  Or building plans.  Engineering drawings. All of the surveys I've ever seen have revision date history and initials of the folks responsible.  State statues are smothered with overwhelming evolutionary history. An internet search on a topic will produce hits to a plethora of documents and if they are not dated, it is a fool's errand to determine which is the most current guideline to be followed. And, can anyone shed light on why there is NO National voice on this forum responding to the excellent discussion here?
    • Claytor Lake Boy Scouts Aquatic Center (Virginia) sold to Shah Development, real estate arm of Shelor Motor Mile, for $2.7 million. Lack of bookings and maintenance is mentioned, not surprising with reduced membership (covid) and competition with Summit which is 2 hours away. It is a rather new camp, predating Summit by about ten years. Will money go to bankruptcy and/or program rebuild? June 14, 2024 behind paywall: https://roanoke.com/news/local/business/development/shah-development-shelor-motor-mile-purchases-claytor-lake-boy-scouts-aquatic-center-sold-debt-free-pulaski/article_06a8f7ae-29b3-11ef-92b0-db307a3b3524.html From Aug, 2023 https://pcpatriot.com/whats-happening-at-the-claytor-lake-aquatics-base/
    • I wish it was SOP for all BSA documents, press releases, messages, etc to be CLEARLY DATED (publication and effective) WITH AUTHOR (person or group) on Page 1 and again on page footers. My $0.02,
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