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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. No, I don't consider partials "failure" and that is why I used quotations marks in the original. However I have encountered some parents, and a few Scouters, who would view my son's time at camp as a waste since he didn't bring home and MBs. And one leader even used the "failure" term. Like you I want them to have fun and learn. I want to give them the freedom to do things, make mistakes, and grow physcially, mentally, and morally.
  2. Maybe it's me, but this past summer I limited the scouts to no more than 5 MBs, with none after dinner except Climbing ( only time MBC could get there). Camp we went to offers 6 classes before dinner, and only Climbing after dinner. Night time is activities AS IT SHOULD BE! ( emphasis, OK maybe a little shouting from the soapbox ) They kids need some down town. And I strongly suggested that they take the last period of the day off since that was when free swim and the waterslide was available. No arguments there. As for not suggesting parttials, things I think they cannot complete, e
  3. I think it's ironic that we need a bowstring for a my wife's bow, and I find out here that my son, who took archery at camp this summer, can make one. He knows we need a bowstring, but it wasn't until I just asked him if he could make one (after reading Rick's post) that he said he could. Going to put him to work.
  4. I know as a Cub Scout leader, 3 years as TCDL, 2 as a Wolf DL and 1 as a Bear DL, I'm burnt out. I admit each son got a little less out of it since they've done it before as a sibling, but overall it has been their experience. But I know my middle son is chomping at the bit to be a Boy Scout, and he just moved up to Webelos. One factor is that he has 3 friends in Boy Scouts already. Another is that he has a late birthday, and will be 10.5 by the end of May next year. He's already stated he is skipping working on the Webelos rank, and wants everything he works on to be applied to Arrow of L
  5. Scouting.org's search engine is the most useless search engine I've ever used. And in my job, I use a bunch. I've found using google is easier, faster, and more accurate.
  6. http://www.scoutstuff.org/media/content/docs/pdfs/6590UnifTowerPrcChgesFNL.pdf is the PDF with items and what not. Guide to Awards and Insignia link to Venturing section. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/Venturing_Insignia.pdf
  7. A lot has to do with various laws and ordinances. I remember about 17 years ago, I left the All Hands conferene in Nashville early to avoid getting stuck there due to a hurricane. I was lucky as I got onthe last plane out of Nashville to home. When I got to my apartment, I had a message that the OA chapter was being called up to be part of the emergency response team and to set up and man the local evacuation shelter. Yep the OA did the work. For whatever reason, that stopped when I came back to the area 5 years later. I think they put an age requirement on doing the job, but I honestly d
  8. Is it me, but is the automatic link from myscouting.org to my.scouting.org really messed up and useless? A former volunteer, who is an info specialist, had some issues trying to do YPT. She can make most databases dance on her fingertips, but not BSA's.
  9. The way it is suppose to work is the following: If they had not earned their Webelos Badge by May 31, 2015, then they are suppose to use the new program to earn the AOL. New Cubs, heck even old Cubs who didn't meet the deadline, do NOT (emphasis) need to earn Webelos Badge in order to eaqrn the AOL. Me personally, if they started under the old program, even if they didn't earn the Webelos Badge by the May 31st deadline, I'd still have them finish it under the old requirements, and keep them working on AOL under the old ones. Why buy a new book they will use for only 5 - 8 Months? A
  10. August 1, 1989 to be exact. I remember riding on a bus in Canada being told about the change and how a lot fo folks who had not earned it yet were ticked off. heck a few of us who did have it were ticked off. Leaders made it up to use by issuing the Canadian version, which had a velvet background, to us. EDITED: The reason it's not earned is WOSM wants one emblem to show the worldwide brotherhood of Scouting, and the world crest was it. All members; Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers, and nowSea Scouts (for whatever reason the 2012 manual still does not include it, but hte
  11. If memory serves, it was 1972 and the Improved Scout Program. That was when neckerchief could be worn under an open collar, or not at all. Don't know when they shrunk the neckers to Cub Scout size either.
  12. They are still earning pins to be worn on the Webelos Tri-Colors. I'm betting the editors got confused with the lower Cub Scout ranks, and kept calling them loops since that is what Tigers, Wolves, and Bears are calling it. On a slightly different tack, what are LDS units doing in regards to the Adventures; are you skipping Webelos and going directly to Arrow of Light, or are you making them earn both ranks in a year? Se my question on this page for more details. http://scouter.com/index.php/topic/27105-new-cub-scout-program/
  13. Interesting situation came up tonite as a result of the new program. My middle son has a late birthday, and will turn 10 this year. Since he will meet the " six months since turning 10" requirement for the AOLby the end of the school year, he now has a goal of earning his Arrow of Light by May so he can " go to summer camp...." He knows that the Webelos badge is no longer required for AOL, and instead of working on the Webelos Badge, he wants to start working on AOL instead. For example, for both the Webelos Badge, and Arrow of Light Badge, both have a Duty to God requirement that gives y
  14. Last time I put together ITOLs, I wanted the best people I knew teaching the basic skills. I had some buddies who needed to take ITOLs to be "trained' that had the knowledge, skill, and abilities to teach, so I put them on staff. The scouter who served on summer camp, been to Philmont 2 times, is a geocacher and does orienteering as a hobby, yep taught orienteering. The three beader who was "untrained" becasue he never had the time to take ITOLs ( he went through WB as a Cubmaster) and can not only outcook anyone I know, but also gives me a run for firebuilding ( I'm still better tha
  15. Back when I worked for supply, I had to wear them. They are a pain. Don't have them on the uniform now.
  16. Another reason for me to hate "Family Night."
  17. Guess I shouldn't be a trainer. Last time I did "Train the Trainer" was back in 1994 when I was on JLT staff, and it was part of the staff training. Never taken Trainer's E.D.G.E. before Guess my minor in secondary education don't count. Guess my job as a teacher-counselor for a "Hoods in da Woods" organization doesn't count. Guess my old PT job of teaching college history doesn't count. Guess my current FT job of working an an education department teaching CPR and how to deal with out of control people doesn't count. Guess my two times at NCS don't count much And I gu
  18. I was the one that did the enrolling in classes on the computer system the camp we went to uses. They have only 1 time slot for open swim, and I suggested that everyone take off that period so that they can cool down. One of the Scouts wasn't game for that. he wanted the period immediately after lunch free because the showers were easily avilable and he could take an afternoon nap. More power to him.
  19. Home made bolos and/or Turk's heads if they wear neckers.
  20. I agree 110% I am getting strange looks when I tell folks my son didn't earn a single MB this past summer camp. All partials. Folks think I wasted money sending him to camp. Funny thing is I'm really proud of how he acted. He was assigned by the SPL as "Acting ASPL" whenever the ASPL was out of camp due to baseball. He looked after the first year Scouts, even helping one homesick Scout out. Did I mention he's 11 and this is only his second summer at camp? "Train 'em. Trust 'em. LET THEM LEAD!" As for advancement being secondary, my troop is slowly turning into advancement oriented. Re
  21. I personsally am against solo adventures as I beleive in the "Rule of 4:" You always want a minimum of 4 folks when you do adventures. That way 1 can do first aid, and two can go get help. Had a friend who attempted a solo hike in Yellowstone. Despite knowing better, he didn't tell anyone where he was going, when he would be back etc. He just told some folks he was going hiking. Long story short, he had an accident and was stuck on a ledge for a week. Luckily he remembered to pack the 10 essentials, and had his survival kit in his day pack. Yep I had some friendly banter with him when
  22. Little Free Libraries for an Eagle Project? CCCCOOOOOOOLLLLLL! Wife headed up one of those for the homeschool group. Beneficiaries, besides the community as a whole, would be the individual locations if they are not owned by the same entity. If it was in my neck of the woods, I'd suggest the mayor, but he's an Eagle and extremely supportive of Scouting.
  23. Anyone ever here of the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) (SP) award? Wish we could do it here in the US as part of BSA. Alas, alot of what they do is against G2SS.
  24. Ok, how did you make a Scout in Minecraft?
  25. That was me; Life at 13, Eagle at 18. What got me going? 2 things. 1) Seeing my friends and those who I taught basic T-2-1 skills making Eagle. But that was a little motiviation. 2) A comment my SM made after I made a joke about "Getting old" after one of the guys I worked with being recognized as passing hie EBOR. "If some people got off their duffs, they could get Eagle before they turned 18." That comment cut to the quick and made me realize I had less that 8 months to get the last 3 MBs I needed. I pushed it, completing Personal Mangement 5 days before turning 18.
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