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  1. This topic has wandered to McDonalds and dodgeball. Lets try to remain in the USA and on topic. Thanks, RS @MattR @John-in-KC
  2. Are these the same BSA sources that say we never allowed dodgeball? BSA sources are not always reliable. They have their own agenda to push. The authors of the Wiki article didn't seem to be too clear on the origin of Lone Scouting. The article acknowledged the role played by the newsboys in Chicago, but it sounded unsure about many of the details. Which came first, the newsboys or the farmers? I strongly suspect that the authors read the BSA sources, and were confused by the discrepancies. Having spoken first hand with men who were among the first Lone Scout recruits, I am con
  3. I see the BSA is still lying about Dodgeball stating it "has never been an authorized activity in Scouting" despite showing showing a national representative proof it has been an authorized activity and requesting they change the wording multiple times. In case you don't believe the BSA is lying about this, here is an image from page 30 of the 2010 printing of the 1998 edition of the Scoutmaster Handbook.
  4. Yes, we know that there is no current test out option for these courses. But just like BSA approved Dodgeball as a game for Scouts to play, at one time BSA did allow test outs IOLS. It was in the syllabus, and there was a form that had to be filled out.
  5. Okay, this will be a long one. Understand I am going to outline everything, and eveything I have found wrong I have addressed in committee, and the responses I have gotten are 'it ain't broke we aren't going to fix it' ... and the like. 5 years ago, we started with one pack, my son got his bobcat, but they failed to recognize him or give him his patch over the course of 3 pack meetings. Finally the patch was given to me at Scouting for food to give to him, and he was never formally recognized. We switched packs (the second time he was passed over he was in tears). The pack we moved
  6. As I stated, it was in the original Late March/early April COVID-19 FAQ. When this training was first posted on the Boy Scout Volunteers Facebook Group, many people provided links and screen captures of the prohibition. Further your council was addressed in some of those posts that National did not allow. But as you noted, the Updated 4-13-2020 COVID-19 FAQ no longer lists that prohibition. Further the original post on the Boy Scout Volunteers Facebook Group, as well as all the commentary, links and screen captures of the prohibition have been removed. In fact in the quick online search I
  7. I think you're right. It's like calling dodgeball "avoid-a-sphere" and claiming it's a different game. I have no doubt that there have been sex offenders who have used scouting to make contact with vulnerable youths, and then arranged to meet them in a less safe (non-scouting) environment. I don't deny that this has been a problem. This is a classic strategy for pedophiles. As much as we want to prevent predatory relationships forming in scout units, we can't just ignore the fact that many scouts and scouting volunteers have pre-existing relationships (like membership in the Chart
  8. I see that the FAQs still has the incorrect statement that Dodgeball has never been an approved activity. I wonder how much longer it will take to correct that? Any idea @RichardB ?
  9. Something has to fill the vacuum since Risk Management removed dodgeball from the program! By the way, the next time someone tosses out "OK, Boomer", just reply "That'll be Civil Rights Generation to you, post-modern nomad."
  10. Why would removing that clause give anyone time to review the background check? The BSA isn't under any obligation to reveal what they find as far as I am aware. They would be more likely to just say "no" and move on. Once I had a volunteer rejected by national with no answer. Everyone around him was shocked but he didn't really seem as surprised as I thought. A couple years later I found out what probably showed up and I wasn't surprised national responded as they did. Background checks are there to identify people we think are good but have something hidden in their past. These
  11. Yes, Eagle, but those BSA fundraisers you cited are for ADULTS, not the scouts. Dodgeball is simply much too fun for children.
  12. Glad they took it down. Just wish they would correct the inaccurate statement that "Dodgeball has never been an authorized activity in Scouting. " A Scout is TRUSTWORTHY.
  13. Well, now that dodgeball moved from ideal opening activity to pariah sport, let's have a gues at which "throwing TO sport" will be stricken from the record next year. Let's be clear, again, the BSA is not concerned about the potential abuse that could occur in your home as a result of needing a house guest in order for you to comply with YPT. It is concerned that it will be held liable decades from now for should you, your spouse, your son, or your daughter turn out to be predatory. Should that happen, they want to be able to say, "We told them so, go sue their church, school, or other ci
  14. so. after reviewing the new updates. in particular sarcasm in effect. Prohibited Activities (Effective 10-1-2019) 14 .Activities where participants shoot or throw objects at each other, such as rock-throwing, paintball, laser or archery tag, sock fights, or dodgeball. I must now also prohibit ultimate Frisbee,baseball and other similar activity's. oh and no more water polo or volley ball 9.Extreme or action sports and associated activities that involve an unusually high degree of risk and often involve speed, height, a high level of exertion, and specialized gear
  15. Moderator Note As @Beavah reminded us often, BSA is not known for its consistency in products. Noted: The prohibition on dodgeball by youth members is inconsistent with what several councils, not to mention other parts of the scouting dot org domain, say and do. lets move along...
  16. Could you remove the inaccurate statement that " Dodgeball has never been an authorized activity in Scouting." from the FAQ please? After all it was an approved game in 1989's Woods Wisdom book as shown here http://www.magnificentsevens.org/docs/Resources/Planning/WoodsWisdom.pdf as well as the Troop Program Resources found here https://troop577wichita.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/2/2/11225514/woods_wisdom_troop_program.pdf AND is currencly listed as an approved game on BSA's own website https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/Games.pdf A Scout is T
  17. Didn't know dodgeball was prohibited. I'll add this to my list of things we thumb our nose at.
  18. All scouting is local and it difficult to know whats best in this situation. Allowing the PLC to make every decision can be a little difficult. If the PLC decides elections should be every 3 years, every month etc there mayy be more chaos than usual. In the OPs case I think its good he made changes based on others past experience and now should meet with the PLC to help them understand and to listen to any objections they have to the length of terms. My first week as SM the PLC voted to not wear uniforms (ever), changed the day we met and to only play dodgeball during our weekly meetings
  19. I almost mentioned dodgeball, but was posting during a meeting and had to cut it short. Dodgeball should be a required rite of passage - right up there with learning to swim and ride a bike.
  20. This was exactly my experience in HS when Physical Education went co-ed. Dodgeball, gym hockey, wrestling all disappeared from the curriculum. Flag football went from a contact game to being kicked out of class if you bumped into a girl. Boys weren't allowed to block shots in basketball or hit spikes in volleyball if the person on the other side was a girl. Again, kicked out of class for the day. They added square dancing for the love of Pete!
  21. You definitely have to drive the adventure and fun, but you (WE) as leaders have got to set the direction and make the adventure happen. These are some of the things we have done last 12 months We do a Lock-in, which is basically 14 hours total, and in that is 3 to 4 hours of dodgeball and 2 hours of Nerf wars. Yeah yeah, no scouts as targets, we may have missed that paragraph in G2SS We do a Capture the Flag, where you tear a ribbon off the opposing players arm to capture them, during this we are literally one boulder crushing away from Lord of the Flies We do an aquatics
  22. NOOO...Not water pistols!!! Oh the humanity. Next you will tell me they may have engaged in things like water balloon fights, noodle wars at the pools, or even "shudder" dodgeball. Rumor has it some unit actually had (hope you are sitting down) cubs that picked up sticks and ran around pointing them at each other going "bang" "bang". Luckily they were put into intense therapy to curb such foolishness.
  23. I was talking to a friend recently who got as far as Star and even though he loved being in scouts he lamented how much he regretted not making a greater effort to go after Eagle. Not to be facetious...but seriously, what would scouting be without advancement...a group of boys just hanging out, occasionally going camping, hiking, fishing, etc., playing dodgeball...where and when would they learn first aid, ecology, pioneering, orienteering, swimming, civics, lifesaving, emergency preparedness, develop personal fitness, healthy family dynamics...the list goes on There are actually sco
  24. I think sometimes what gets lost in the discussion is tangibles vs. intangibles. So lived experience, I was a child of the 70s. My Jr. year in HS our PhysEd classes went co-ed. Everybody said, nothing is going to change, girls can do whatever boys do, it'll be fine. But guess what, things changed. Our flag football experience when from a semi-contact sport to a completely non-contact sport. In fact, contact with girls was a special penalty. We quit playing things like gym hockey and dodgeball and any other activity where strength was a factor. We were forced to endure square dancing
  25. Candidly not sure we follow 100% of these, but many are allowed in some form Paintball - Yep have to use targets to be compliant Laser Tag - Yep have to use targets to be compliant Water guns - Not specifically mentioned by name Water Tubing - Tubing is allowed with PFD's Four wheeling - As part of council program to be compliant Personal Water Craft - Yep Towed Para Sailing - Yep Hot Air Balloon rides - Yep unless tethered Dodgeball ( i still argue this it's different that using paint/laser guns) - Well not mentioned by name so...... Introductory Karate Class with qualified instr
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