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About Proudeagle

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  1. We have a Scout that has prepared their Eagle Scout Proposal (attached with names removed). There is mixed reviews and wanted to see if anyone on here may have some thoughts. The main questions are: 1) Is this a feasible project? 2) Does the Proposal contain the necessary information to show that the project is going to pass the "test"? Thank you as always for your time and wisdom. ESproposal.pdf
  2. I took over as SM in Jan 2019, Eagle Scout myself. The troop was not a boy-led troop as well as being a young troop. Since then there have been many comments from Scouts that is much more boy-led now. Before starting, I spoke with the outgoing SM, 3 former SPL's who left as Eagles, and a few of the experienced Scouts about changing the Troop election policy. The change was making the SPL 12 months and the other positions 6 months. There was no hesitation that was a good idea for the above. The policy then went to Committee to verify it was within BSA policy. All agreed and election held.
  3. Just some food for thought as camp stoves are not as eco friendly as some may think. This is one of many similar articles. http://www.leavenotracedude.com/lib-firestove.shtml There are trade-offs and exceptions to everything. In the end common sense should prevail, but does not always!
  4. Again, the Scouts need training and if they are not getting it then the adult leaders are not doing their job. You are lumping everyone into the "bad boy" category. As far as wood, it is ok to use downed, dead wood. I was talking about cooking fires, which those that have them know they should not be raging bonfires!
  5. Not quite sure what you are reading. Leave No Trace says: "Use dead and downed wood that can be broken easily by hand." "Where fires are permitted, use established fire rings, fire pans, or mound fires" Many campsites not in the woods have firepits or grill you can start a fire in. One of my troops have fire pans that can set onto rocks to raise off the ground. There are MANY options! As with anything, there are some that ruin it for others. When I was a young Scout it was quite hard to cook a meal over the with plastic, maybe it is more durable now.
  6. Even though it is a different topic I can answer your question. Your right, when I earned Eagle I did not have the cooking merit badge. However, I cooked all the time at home, did try cooking on campouts etc so for me it would have been no more work! We did not need Merit Badge workbooks to work on Merit Badges but still went through each requirement thoroughly. Today I see many MB counselors and leaders "teaching" the material, say at a Troop meeting and signing off the requirement and NOT following the Learn, Test, Review method. Too many adults are afraid to "fail" a Scout and ask them
  7. Thanks for the replies. I feel that the BSA is getting lax on many rules and policies and that means the honors are becoming less meaningful. I earned my Eagle in 1991 and worked hard. It seems now the BSA basically says sign it off and do not question. Have been an OA Brotherhood since 1990 and that meant something, as I was also on the dance team. Again, OA has seemed to lighten the requirements for this year. Not trying to be a Drill Sergeant but again these honors are becoming a dime a dozen. NOT every Scouts will earn/deserve Eagle nor will everyone earn/deserve to be an Arrowman.
  8. We have Troop OA elections coming up and as the Scoutmaster I am going through the Scouts' eligibility. We have brothers who, as registered BSA Scouts, attended a Cub Scout Family camp with another brother. Do these 2 nights count? Not to sound petty, but that does not sound like true "camping". Thoughts? BTW, not that it should matter but I am OA Brotherhood from youth.
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