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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/20 in Posts

  1. THE WAR IS OVER, BUT OUR WORK IS NOT. Post World War 1, about a million members and a drive to increase membership. We had a resume of purposeful service during the War, methods which achieved our objectives, and the support of a grateful nation. good read (4 pages), author Harold Horne https://books.google.com/books?id=aSTBSImgQxUC&pg=PA623&lpg=PA623&dq="Boy+Scouts"+%2B"The+War+Is+Over,+but+Our+Work+Is+Not"&source=bl&ots=gmfkJYHtXz&sig=ACfU3U39lHEazcqe8f92-cqlwuTnTJV4-Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3itDhw4joAhVugnIEHeSdDXQQ6AEwAXoECAoQAQ#v=on
    2 points
  2. We plan on having our mulch delivery Friday and Saturday of next week. We're pretty much at a point of no return. We can keep people in small groups as there's one truck driver and a chase driver with scouts and usually another adult. Typically there will be groups of 6-8 people. We usually cater it with BBQ Saturday evening, but I think we'll tell people they need to bring their own lunch and dinner. We're currently planning on canceling everything else as directed.
    2 points
  3. For all those looking for explicit documentation about sharing leadership between boy and girl troops, here you go: https://skcscouts.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Starting-Linked-Troop.pdf This clearly and definitively states that the entire youth troop structures of linked troops are supposed to be independent. There is no reason a female SPL can't serve in an ad hoc leadership role for some activity, however the key concept behind an "ad hoc" anything is that the term of service is only the duration of the (typically short) immediate activity. Furthermore, serv
    2 points
  4. I respect very much your point here. I am not looking to start a debate on the subject nor nitpick others. Some group at national has generated the document I quoted (the 03.5.18 version of the FAQ) where the BSA began to spell out guidance on the linked troop model. This group is who I'm referring to when I say "intended." In that document the BSA starts to outline a structure for how a linked troop could work - common unit committee, common opening, common closing, some joint activities. The bulk of that meeting - instruction, games, patrol time - is done by individual troop.
    2 points
  5. As higher education institutions are moving to online teaching for the rest of the semester because of Coronavirus concerns, it is an opportunity to re-evaluate the availability of some training online that currently is not. I am a college professor. I am fully in support of the value of in-person classes and discussion when possible. As for the overall all debate on in-person vs. online, while I enjoy and prefer in-person when possible - if accredited universities can offer all their classes online, certainly scouting should be able to as well. Especially in geographically large council
    1 point
  6. Ours hasn't had this yet, but I expect it to come down soon. I am not worried about our sailing activities but camping and transportation are the things that are harder to control.
    1 point
  7. could you imagine being in a troop that met and served at the American Museum of Natural History.....talk about an opportunity that no other boys would ever get...!! I wonder how many future scholars came from that unit...?
    1 point
  8. I would tend to agree with you if the OP said outside forces were telling the unit this needs to stop, but this just isn't the case. It is the unit committee who is telling the scoutmaster this needs to stop. I am much more doubtful about the claims that this is working and succeeding, as I am with the assertion that it has unanimous support from the boys' unit. The opposition from the unit committee might indicate otherwise. In any case, if the scoutmaster and the unit committee are at loggerheads on this issue, I think the COR needs to step in and settle the issue.
    1 point
  9. Having gender-separate troops on paper, but operating as Co-ed is a clear violation of BSA intent, if not policy. Period, end of discussion. It doesn't matter what we THINK works best or what they do in other countries. I know there are folks from BSA National reading these posts so it will be interesting to hear what they have to say. @RichardB??
    1 point
  10. At some point I believe that we will have co-ed scouting here as well. At this time we are not co-ed at the troop level. Everything I have seen regarding linked troops suggests that BSA understood the challenge of getting completely separate leadership and committees for both units. This was a reasonable compromise that allowed a CO to get a girl troop up and running. In my area, we have three troops within a 3 mile area, one of which meets less than a mile away from us. I would be open to joint activities between our troops, but would never expect the SPL of one of those units to be
    1 point
  11. On Saturday we had 50 Explorer Scouts and leaders go up to London and take part in a Monopoly Run (visit all the places on the UK (London) Monopoly board) with about 4000 other Scouts and Guides. Every single Explorer that was booked on came. Speaking to the organiser enough teams pulled out at the last minute that made him wonder if he'd made the right choice to carry on with the event, but govt advice here is basically "Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands". So we did. Yesterday a large (10,000 participants) County run international Jamboree being held in July was cancelled as the financial ri
    1 point
  12. You should be aware of the fact that both the COR and the IH have the authority to step in and tell you how to run the program. If the committee knows what they are doing, they will go to the COR, the IH, or both. Maybe they have already done so. The committee doesn't need to go to national. This can be handled in unit.
    1 point
  13. NJ Sea Scouts refurbish Coast Guard 40's boat old photo after CG 40450 out of service and before Sea Scouts refurbish. ...The founding Scouts met while camping at the Joseph Citta Scout camp in Barnegat and decided they wanted to form a local Sea Scout chapter of the Boy Scouts. The Sea Scouts is open to boys and girls. The numbers have grown to 15 registered members, and they meet twice a month, the second and fourth Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the Tuckerton Seaport’s Hunting Shanty. Seven of the 15 registered members, ages 14 to 21, are already Eagle Scouts, but the others can
    1 point
  14. Of course you can! One, policy dictates that the girl cannot be SPL of the male unit in the first place; ergo, her election was invalid before it even took place. Second, there are no such things as "terms" when it comes to BSA troop positions. Youth leaders serve until the unit realizes they need - or decides that they want - new leaderership. If you read the various handbooks, guides and publications regarding the BSA troop leadership positions, you will find that you can hold an election whenever you want, whenever it's needed. Here it is CLEARLY needed; the only problem is that the adults
    1 point
  15. When you say "letter of reflection" do you mean "statement of your ambitions and life purpose"? If so then yes it is required before the Scoutmaster and Committee Chair sign. It is part of Requirement #6. By signing the Scoutmaster and Committee Chair are certifying that requirements 1 - 6 are complete.
    1 point
  16. We actually discussed this at committee meeting. Our troop is about 75 Scouts, suburban setting. Decision was really no decision, just that we would keep on keeping on. Our "do we cancel stuff" meter will be based on the local School system. 95% of our Scouts attend the public system locally. If they were to shut down, we would follow along. Not so different from weather stuff. Also if the church (our CO) curtailed things, we would also pullback. But, as I noted to the committee, our meetings and campouts are run by the Scouts with a great amount of attention to cleanliness,
    1 point
  17. I suspect that given the amount GSUSA is asking for in its claim, it will remain on the panel. Any and all claims must still (1) be determined to be valid (that BSA owes something to the claimant), (2) have the full amount of a valid claim determined (how much BSA owes to the claimant), (3) have a determination of how, and how much, valid claims will actually be paid from the available assets. The validity and amount of many claims will be undisputed. The validity of many claims will be undisputed, but the amount owed will be disputed. And both the validity and amount of many claims (like
    1 point
  18. Does your son or unit use Scoutbook? The Eagle Rank Application is mostly filled out there for you. Dates included.
    1 point
  19. Yeah @atrox79, as one who couldn't care less about who's in whose patrol -- I barely care about who's tenting with whom -- I can feel your pain. But, face facts ... you've gone rogue. No matter how much better off the boys would be with this SPL, and no matter how much the girls don't need an SPL because their recruitment hasn't garnered numbers for multiple patrols, you have two troops and one is established with parents and committee who have set expectations. I suspect "liability" is a smoke screen for fear of what you will do next. So, reign yourself in. Your 17 year old female
    1 point
  20. Virtually nothing has changed since last year- the troops are separate units. There is a troop 123B and a troop 123G. Linked troops are an option that streamlines the administration for a Chartering Organization for the Committee only. The BSA implemented the rule that each unit must have their own SM, and it can not be the same person for both units to emphasize that they are two units at the program level. We don't have the side of the story for your Committee to know if they are reacting to "something changed" today, or if it has been an ongoing discussion. I can only offer that I had
    1 point
  21. A lot of heated discussion on this. Keeping it short...the troops should operate independently. Give each an identity and let it run. I'm sure each troop had a separate recharter packet, so they are linked by the same chartered org and/or committee? Please don't put out the cub program and BSA Scouts program have the same boy/girl rules. Cub rules are lighter.
    1 point
  22. I am Scoutmaster of a 37-girl non-linked Troop. We operate in the standard matter as a Troop, with four patrols and all the normal elected and appointed youth leaders. Our SPL and her ASPL are tops and have attended NYLT. I believe you should operate the troops separately in accordance with BSA policy because that is the best way for the Scouts from both troops to have the full advantages and opportunities of Scouting. Fulfilling the role of an SPL is something not to be missed, and you should offer that to kids from both Troops. Operating your Troops as separately as possible will c
    1 point
  23. I think her opposition to this is that even thought the troops are linked which means they only share the same unit committee. They are 2 troops not one. A youth member of one troop cannot hold a position in another troop that they are not a member of which means that your troop made up of male youth dose-not have a SPL. Them wanting her as SPL is not a factor because she cannot be because she is not a member of the male troop.
    1 point
  24. "Why" is not ours to understand. Using your illustration, if a DL of a den of one sex doesn't won't countenance a DC of the opposite sex, he/she would be within rights to refuse the youth a position ... or abandon the den. Arguing that his/her actions are indefensible would only make matters worse.
    1 point
  25. Be aware that you are in violation of established BSA policy. While you may share committees, resources, and even adult leadership, you are still operating two separate troops. That means each unit, the male and the female unit, needs to operate apart from the other. That means they should not be sharing youth leadership, and your current organization of boy and girl patrols goes against the rules of the Boy Scouts of America. You need to divide your units into a boy troop (with its own SPL and patrols) and a girl troop (with its own SPL and patrols). The fact that your units are thriving shou
    1 point
  26. Welcome to the forum, @atrox79. Going from 7 scouts to 3+1 patrols sounds great. I'd be interested in hearing how that happened. As for a female SPL, hopefully the response from national will be: you have two troops so you need two SPL's, a boy for the boy's troop and a girl for the girl's troop. Here's another idea. Get rid of the SPL. The girl's troop doesn't need one as there is only one patrol. For the three boy patrols the PLC can consist of the three PL's working together. They can figure out how to have a single, senior PL to cover events. They might go round robin. They
    1 point
  27. My scouts like to wear both kinds. When they wear the NYLT neckers they wear slides, when they wear bigger neckers they use friendship knots. Sea Scout and Venturers also rarely wear neckers because they prefer not to unless it is for a formal event. There needs to be BSA buffs, they are more likely to wear those.
    1 point
  28. We will be working on several different merit badges during the canoe trip so the scouts will still have advancement opportunities. We also have 4/5 camp located with less than 3 hours of our location that I am sure we will lookin attending next year if our local camp stays with the quest program We usually make 1/2 weekend camping trips a year were we have canoe/kayak day trips along the river using a local property along the river as a home base camp. 10 miles above our location is one of the largest lakes inside our 2 state area. within the next 35 miles down river there are 5 dam
    1 point
  29. y'all sound like a bunch of grumpy people. If the youth want to wear the friendship knot, let them.
    1 point
  30. Have any of you seen these? The are posters found with my dad's 1924 world jamboree gear. Posters are about 11X17 on glossy paper. The notes attached are what I figured out but would love additional information.1924 Posters.pdf1924 Posters.pdf1924 Posters.pdf
    1 point
  31. @TAHAWK, @SSScout, @T2Eagle and @Chadamus, the forum software was being fixed. There was a problem with new users getting set up correctly. It works now. Thanks for your patience.
    1 point
  32. This is a fine example of how we are missing the boat today. The focus here is on what the Scouts did and are doing to help the country. The article of course does not come from BSA directly, though you can see the West touch I think. Point is that there is no reason why BSA should not be finding similar ways to loudly toot our horn, or blare it even with all the positive that SO outweighs the negative that the media focus on. In truth, while we are mostly concerned with BSA image, the larger dearth of positive news, which actually predominates if you actually look, is an opportunity.
    1 point
  33. I think the only sensible course is to leave the SPL position in place. You cannot remove a female SPL from a joint position that was previously given to a male SPL until the term runs out. You have to consider the optics on that. More importantly, the impact on the scout. However it happened, pushing the idea now that children are being irreparably harmed by having a female SPL for a few months is a potential PR debacle. I can see her being interviewed on CNN now. You'd have to be pretty process blinded to not see that. Also, I would not be so sure that National would have a cow over
    0 points
  34. I am not understanding why a female scout can't be a joint SPL? It's a leadership position in linked troops. Assuming all adults follow YPT and youth follow all tenting requirements, there is no violation that I can see. It's discriminatory and not defensible. Can a female scout be a den chief or troop guide for a boy den or patrol? Of course.
    0 points
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