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    concord, ca
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    maritime, travel, history, scouting
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    retired seaman and salesman

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  1. "All of them said it would be a waste of a summer because they would not be able to earn any MBs." Of course, the scouts will have to want to do your adventure, but could you build the adventure around their MB of interest? Advancement is not the most important part of the program (and I got eagle while still 12). It may be coming from Cubs where most of your annual program is focused on getting that rank. Scouting should be a time to expand your world and learn vs. get some bottle caps with silver rims!
  2. Interesting. As a scout master, council summer camp was a bit like vacation vs. real work with so many others in charge where I did not need to have concerns. Going on your own could well be better but do consider comradeship with other scouts/scouters. Kind of like shall I stay home and read the bible or attend church. It's all good - keep it up!
  3. Wow, so much to say. My dad was a professional scouter. You have to love it - not every tiny piece - but the program, its purpose and want to be part of the effort to improve or offer the opportunity of improvement to our youth and to all of our futures. The only possible true compensation you can hope for is not monetary. PS dad was gone at lots of night meetings and our family trips were mostly scouting related, but I am glad he chose scouting vs teaching, etc.
  4. Some questions: how did he get star? You may have conferences with scouts other than for advancement - was he advised that he was not doing the SPL job up to par? The sign offs by another troop adult - The required merit badges were from certified counselors? Does he have plenty of time for eagle? You want to make sure this young man does the requirements for star but nothing extra. Are there other youth leaders to assist him/you? Sorry few answers. I remember the merit badge the most where the counselor made me comeback but, I have seen scouts turn away when faced with requirements not included by BSA Your job is tough, that's why you get the big bucks!
  5. Program is what drive troop size. Scout run but you can push a bit. Something going on as scouts arrive, crisply executed meeting, parents around to help if asked, lots of outdoor fun events, patrol activities, pride. (Sorry getting carried away but if your troop has a good program, you will have a good troop.)
  6. Costs: Our troop set up "scout accounts" where money earned from troop fund raisers got deposited for each scout based on participation. Scouts paid for camping, etc. from this account which was troop supervised.
  7. This info is a bit dated (like me): Involvement with the US military for something to do or a place to stay. I have visited several Navy and USCG sites. Several times we used the floors of school gyms to overnight enroute. We also used land of a county fair ground, and another time a water district property. Some parks get troops a discount it they do a service project. often corporate entities will help out. Good luck
  8. Do get training (much of it online). The district roundtable meetings are designed to help you with program ideas. I had a bunch of fun as a cub leader but was surprised how much I had forgotten.
  9. Thank you one and all. This "hall of fame" was brought up at a district meeting, so I came to you for your thoughts. Will now pass them along...keep up the good work, scouters!
  10. Yes, we have district awards, etc. This was to recognize sustaining service over time.
  11. I know that some troops have a "hall of fame" to honor their hard-working members. Our district talked about doing this. Any comments? Should we grandfather some into it? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  12. Passing thought: I think BP was shocked that Brit boys knew nothing of outdoor skills. This started his program for the military which the boy picked up on their own. I think the US military wants folks with these skills, but I believe that BSA has always resisted being "militarized. "
  13. Various thoughts: a scout should only be required to complete the BSA requirements to obtain a rank - no more/no less. The SPL runs the troop under the SM The Troop committee should not be directly involved with the troop program except through the SM. You should get trained and registered and decide where you can be most helpful to your son and his troop.
  14. This week's artifact of the week explains the number. https://fb.watch/dIpF23bUL2/
  15. 476 is the patch number. Each of the about 4000 attendees of the 1924 jamboree got one numbered patch. This was from one of the scouts in the American troop.
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