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ValleyBoy last won the day on September 12 2019

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64 Excellent

About ValleyBoy

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    Senior Member

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  • Interests
    Family, Church, and Scouting.
  • Biography
    Eagle Scout 1978
    OA Lodge Chief 3 years.

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  1. Which was when? I left the program in the early 80's and do not remember if scouting had any policies at that time. When I returned to the program in 2001 youth protection was a big issue and the scouting program has placed it on top of the list in the time I have been back in the program. Other might know the true timeline but scouting has put youth protection since sometime in the late 80's or early 90's. Yes every program can make improvements in youth protection but what could scouting have done different than has been done in the last 30-40 years. The scouting programs yo
  2. I am not blaming our present CO due to the time frame. First deacons meeting after receiving paperwork from council regarding CO responsibilities from present lawsuit. Our present CO did support the unit by allowing the unit to use there building and church van and the church members supporting unit fund drives. We were not supported financially by the CO but they did know what the troop and pack were doing. Only drawback will be the time frame of getting new units registered. One of our biggest council events we always attends in the last full weekend in January which my be missed if ne
  3. Our SM who is also a deacon of our CO, abstained in voting during the deacons meeting along with one other former scout parent that was registered leader in the past due to there involvement with the scouting program. I was told by the SM that the deacons that did vote to end the relationship did so with heavy hearts just due to the fact that the liability to the church was just to great.
  4. We have a good group of parents that support the troop but all it takes is one rotten apple such as mentioned in the above posts. In the instance listed above with the scout bring the playboy on a camping trip as a scout leader we know that boys will be boys and we try and deal with these issues with this thought in mind.
  5. Was told at tonight's scout meeting that our CO might not recharter our troop & pack for next year. Our units are sponsored by a church and the Deacon board of the church will recommend at the next church business meeting that the church ends it relationship with the BSA as of Dec 31st at the end of the units charter year due to changes in the charter agreement with the BSA due to the liabilities from the on going lawsuit. Looks like we will be trying to find a new CO to sponsor a new troop and pack when both units drop at the end of the year. Not something that we as a unit wanted
  6. The Boy Scouts of America has established the following guidelines for its members’ participation in camping activities: Overnight camping by Lion, Tiger, Wolf, or Bear Cub Scouts as dens is prohibited. Webelos dens may participate in overnight camping. Lions, with their adult partner, may participate in child-parent excursions, pack overnighters, and council-organized family camping. Tigers, with their adult partner, may participate in child-parent excursions, day camps, pack overnighters, council-organized family camping, or resident camping. Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Cub
  7. Our troop is more laded back. Adult to adult first name but it can get confusing with 2 unit leaders and one of the youth fathers with the same first name. Youth to adult usually Mr/Mrs First name. Adult to youth First name and in some cases the scouts nickname.
  8. All payments made by check were mad out to the council. As far as accounting receipts for expenses were turn in to the council for the expenses uncured for the event. The problem the amount of time it took to reimburse the expenses to the volunteers that covered the cost of the event. 60 to 90 is unacceptable. These same volunteers would not of had any problem if they would have been reimbursed within several weeks.
  9. That is what was being done until Council stepped in and informed the districts all events cost had to be paid by Council. Council even went to the extreme of having a professional at all district events to collect event fees.
  10. The biggest problem in my district on event costs is that the Council wants event fees turned into Council. The Volunteers that put on the event then have to jump thru hoops to get back there out of pocket for event costs. The volunteers do not like having to wait several months after the event to be reimbursed for the cost of putting on the event.
  11. I have not seen anything in writing at this time. If I do I will post it here. Your post states exactly how I feel about the situation.
  12. It was my understanding also that the council cannot charge more than national which is why I thought the council would be adding a council fee. I also feel it is scare tactic and will take it as such until I see something official in writing that states otherwise.
  13. I also feel the same way after learning of my local councils plans. If it were not for the boys I would almost feel like leaving. Local council had 2 zoom calls the 1st during the week that we held our week long unit camping trip/ summer camp due to covid19. The 2nd was last week and I did not know about the call until the next day when call a unit committee meeting to discuss the councils plan that were presented during the call. From the information I received before the unit committee meeting the worse I expected was our local council to start charging a council fee. I was in for a ru
  14. Until several years ago our units recharter was due by the last day in February. The council changed the due date on all unit recharters in the council so that all units recharters were due by the last day in December.
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