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Everything posted by Eagle94-A1

  1. Back in the day, yes. We were constantly told "you need to multiply ourselves" in regards to volunteer recruitment and customer service. This was at national training. On the local level, the focus of in-house training was to recruit "yes men" on the district committee so they can do what you tell them. Sadly this is truth. I know people who have been asked to take down national announcements from district webpages. When I had a DE, I told him stuff before the SE did a lot. CLARIFICATION ON OP, when I said council was not going to make enough money, they want a "surp
  2. Once upon a time I knew exactly what a DE did, because I was one. And depending upon time of year, we did a lot more than 40 hours, not including on-call time. One of my buddies did the calculations, if we were not exempt, we would be making less than the minimum wage of the time. However, I am clueless today. All I can think is driving places as the district sizes in my neck of the woods increased dramatically. My district went from 2 counties, to 7 counties overnite. Back in the day, the focus was MONEY, MEMBERSHIP MANPOWER, and the order of importance depended upon the SE, and
  3. So if a council is not doing there part and supporting units, are units still responsible for supporting the council? What happens if they alienate their district volunteers, causing them to focus on their units, or quit altogether? It has gotten to the point where units are looking for ways to switch to another council. The official reason for canceling there is lack of MBCs All MBCs, were dropped by my council, even if registered in a unit. Irony of that reason is Council in a newsletter stated they were aware of the problem, and that MBCs with units are still MBCs
  4. That is why many volunteers in my area are no longer volunteering on district and council levels.
  5. I was focusing on units, not district and council committees. Shall we add this to the topic, or start a new thread? Serious question.
  6. Not in a good mood. I found out that my council cancelled a district event for the second time, with 8 days notice. Apparently they were not going to make enough money on the event, so they cancelled it, leaving units and volunteers who planned to attend and staff the event high and dry. As I mentioned, this is the second time they cancelled an event on short noticed. The first event was cancelled because it was "competing" with another, similar event. Yet the first event was an annual event for over 30 years, and the "competing" event only started before COVID, and didn't happen again until t
  7. Yes, but they have to give up their under 18 friends in Scouting per GTSS YP rules, which many refuse to do in this area.
  8. Apparently I don't have permission
  9. REI will not partner with BSA because of our shooting sports program. There are also other differences, but the shooting sports is a big one. None of their partners have anything to do with shooting sports. Why you no longer see ALPS Mountaineering sold by REI.
  10. As a former National Supply employee, I can tell you first hand that most folks working for them have little to no experience in the program. I was part of a pilot program because I had the experience they needed. EVERY. SINGLE. DECISION. WAS. QUESTIONED. BY . THE. BOSS! (Major emphasis). We had merchandise we did not need, and not enough merchandise that was needed. I routinely told them stuff that was coming down the line would be a waste of time and money, and was right. Sadly the same thing happens today. I have heard a lot of complaints about the women's uniforms not fitting. All yo
  11. I bet the loss is greater than that. I just checked my Charter last night, and one of my Scouts who aged out last year is still listed, despite us dropping him and not paying for him. He has already stated he will not stay on as an ASM because he refuses to give up his friends, and he is in college.
  12. Wasn't that because they placed restrictions on who could work, and then later rescinded those restriction, to late for many prior Staffers who were rejected to make arrangements to staff?
  13. Forgot to add, these are some of the reasons that unit serving folks are not happy with councils, and see no reason to support them. Also when a council asks for 20%-50% of a unit fundraiser in order to approve it, and they are doing nothing to help you, folks get resentful.
  14. With respect, some councils do an excellent job supporting Scouting, and others do not. When folks ask for help from the council with recruiting new Scouts, and the council gives none, that is not supporting Scouting. When folks provide a budget, list of supplies, vendors, and costs with enough time to get them, only for council to ignore everything, causing the event organizing to run around last minute to get supplies locally for a higher price, and then blames them for going overbudget, that is not supporting Scouting. When folks secure a donor for an event, covers the cost o
  15. Respectfully disagree. Even though the IVF has been used against the BSA in the lawsuit, at the time it was one of the best protections for youth. There are cases in there where the parents refused to prosecute the perpetrator, so it was never brought to court. One victim posted information about his perp where the records stated the parents did not want to have their children tesitify in a court martial. Perp went to a psych hospital, and was medically discharged. Only the IVF prevented him from working for the BSA, as he applied to a job. NOW, if you are declared innocent, then
  16. My friend above didn't even get a trial. She was removed, even when the criminal investigation supported her side of the story. BSA considered her "damaged goods."
  17. Good luck. I am not trying to be a pessimist, but a realist. I have read of only 2 cases of reinstatement, and you cited one of them. The other case was a guy who walked into a bar in uniform. Long story short, before the age of cell phones, scout bus broke down in the middle of nowhere. SM walked over a mile one way to the first place that had a phone, which happened to be a bar. He called a tow company and a parent to let folks know what is going on, and left the bar. HOWEVER someone saw him, and reported him. It took him over a 18 months to get reinstated. Sadly the case I am pers
  18. This is what I wonder about. Will BSA, and the insurance companies, actually honor those policies, or see it as "3rd party releases" and not valid.
  19. Crazy Questions, so here it goes. if SCOTUS rules against Perdue, and hence against BSA current plan, and all councils and COs are responsible, A. does that mean those organizations that contributed to the fund get their money back and B. for those post 1976 claims, will BSA honor their obligations with COs, or will COs have to sue for BSA to honor their obligations to the COs?
  20. I am old school. I remember when Scouts could sit on BORs (1972-1989, but I know of some troops that did it later than 1989). I also remember being able to sign off on advancement, especially the First Aid Skill Award since teaching it was a requirement for First Aid MB, and hence First Class Rank. So I do let select youth sign off until 1st Class. In my experience the Youth tend to do a better job of this than adults.
  21. I wonder who will sue who over the term Rovers. I know BSA used it in the past, but I do not think they have legally defended the term, and thus may have given up rights as a result.
  22. The GSUSA Promise and Law are similar, but different. Some of the differences include the following: Organization Model BSA uses the charter organization concept, think franchisees, whereas GSUSA owns each and every unit. As a result you get Scouts BSA units that are 25, 50, 100+ years old GSUSA units last until there is no longer enough folks left to be a troop, and have short histories, Philosophy BSA believes that "OUTING is three-fourth of ScOUTING," and in 2019 had 85% of its members camping at least once per year. GSUSA in 2019 was proud that 12-15% of its membership ca
  23. Campfire. If memory serves, Campfire Girls, now Campfire was the official female counterpart to BSA, started by a bunch of the same folks.
  24. Council service team 15 posted the information on FB. Someone posted on my district's FB page. It is now deleted. I wonder if council told him to take it down.
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