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    • Thanks for the input.  As with everyone else, I check daily to see if there is anything new on the 3rd Circuit.  Hopefully it will be very soon.  Survivors are aging out by the day.
    • Kennedy isn't hard to find.  I reached out online and shared your post.  His comment was "I don't know why this person seems to have a vendetta against me.  I hope he finds peace.  We knew we wouldn't make everyone happy but I do appreciate the people who have kept in touch with all the TCC members and showed their appreciation.  I haven't commented on the settlement publicly in a very long time and like others, I'm waiting for a decision on the appeal.  So others know, I have not received A DIME from this settlement.  I've heard nothing from the Trust regarding an award.  I also have NOTHING to do with the Catholic Church.  My lawsuit prior to the bankruptcy was against the BSA, local council, and my abuser; NOT the Catholic Church.  Anyone who cares can search the New York State cases online and see those details.  I filed as John Doe but it was the first BSA lawsuit after the window opened.  Frankly, if I'm the last one to see a dollar from this I'm okay with that and anyone who says differently doesn't know me and is just plain wrong." My own two cents.... I get why people feel pro and con about the settlement.  So much is the product of a bankruptcy system NOT designed for the Survivors of child sexual abuse.  As far as Saint Kosnoff having all the answers, I can only shake my head at the reality that the BSA put its bets on the Coalition, of which Mr. Kosnoff was an initial member before the Court expedited his removal in an agreement with the remaining Coalition leaders.  The Coalition, despite representing 65% of the total claims, then failed to deliver the remaining 10% of the needsd votes.  This cost all Survivors a year and who knows how many died in the interim.  But maybe the Coalition firms don't care because the claims live on, and so too does the 33-40% contingency to those firms.  And the capper, the Court just issued a verdict that the Coalition should receive ZERO dollars from the BSA because their work provided NO substantial contribution and was duplicative of the work already being done by the TCC and other parties.   Whether you love or hate the plan, facts matter.  Here's some other facts that I'm sure will piss people off.  At the time that the BSA declared bankruptcy some Survivors were days away from their cases going to court, those in open States lost their individual cases and what could have been a big award, and those in "closed" States had zero path to a lawsuit being heard in court.  But, the plan included a one-year period when Survivors could mobilize in their States and have the SOLs changed so they'd be in a better matrix position.  That happened in some States and continues to happen, perhaps too late for this bankruptcy but now allowing suits against abusers and other entities.  That's equity and not equality; but was the reality at the time of the bankruptcy.  That's "business" and not justice.  That's bankruptcy.  I don't like it and in a perfect world there would have been no closed States and a bottomless pit of money.  Neither was the case then, or now.  This whole "liquidate the BSA" fantasy is just that.  Survivors are UNSECURED creditors and will be left fighting over the scraps after SECURED creditors are satisfied.  As well, if that happens you'd better like your attorney and they'd better be ready to get your case heard ASAP before other BIG awards wipe out the available money.  Oh, you're going to sue the insurance companies?  You'd better be prepared to wait 7-10 years for that settlement AND hope others haven't beaten you to the policy limits.  Uh...and if your attorney has hundreds or thousands of clients, start thinking about how you'll get in line early before every other Survivor who wants to do the same.  It won't happen if your case needs a ton of discovery and work or is of low "value."  Lastly, if you think the insurers will sit around forever waiting to pay, guess what, if the amount of claims exceeds their assets (like was the case with Century Insurers), they'll do this....file for bankruptcy and go into "runoff", again leaving some with nothing. I'm sorry to be a downer.  I just want some who think the solution is for this plan to go up in flames to understand that some scenarios might be missing a bit of reality.  Feel free to rip me up.  I'm not going to debate hypotheticals.  I'll see you after the appellate court chimes in and we can discuss reality.  PS, the court is going to deny the appeal 😉      
    • So would I be correct that comparing to the reported EOY 2024 numbers of 1,030,862 BSA (sorry SA 😔) is down 63,888 from that number or 6.19%?
    • Test Lab Scouts work with a registered adult volunteer of their choosing on a new  merit badge under consideration. After completion of all requirements, Scout must take a short survey which will result in a certificate of completion.  When and if the merit badge is officially adopted, it will count towards advancement.  Note test merit badges have no printed pamphlet (digital resources) and are hexagon shaped Merit Badges currently being tested until June 30, 2026: Auctioneering Wildland Fire Management Life Skills Unclear about adult volunteer feedback.   More at sources, including Test Lab rules and PR release by National Auction Association. https://www.scouting.org/skills/merit-badges/test-lab/ https://www.newswire.com/news/national-auction-association-partners-with-scouting-america-to-launch-22520683
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