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PACAN last won the day on December 16 2022

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    Church and scouts

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  1. https://local21news.com/news/local/local-girl-scouts-heart-of-pennsylvania-staff-let-go-for-violating-policies-regarding-transgender-campers-pronouns-pa
  2. Sooooo. Did they ask any of the 91 or 83% of respondents if they "agree" why they were not joining or if they left the program why?
  3. Just curious..did the BSA do any risk analysis on any of these decisions? Or did they ask 3 people at the food truck and 2 said yes so they plowed ahead?
  4. So..if there are folks who were at the Annual meeting, what else was put out as solutions to the decreasing membership numbers. Did any in attendance stand up and scream "how can we fix this before we go out of business" or just death by powerpoint? Name Change....personally don't see hundreds of thousands of youth flocking the council offices to sign up Coed Troops...is the official position that this too will increase membership? Seems like existing co-located units MIGHT merge into one but that isn't assured. CO still have the say. Slides on how many girls are in
  5. So will there only be one handbook for coed troops?
  6. Why do we need to be consistent with other WOSM organizations? Educate me. What has WOSM ever done for the BSA?
  7. So...how is this going to be different? I never thought the name was the reason kids joined. Don't we accept all youth (except those who don't prescribe to the Religious declaration) now? Will that change? Do we anticipate there will be hundreds of thousands of youth who vanished to return? Will this bring the lost chartering organizations back? Do we continue with the marketing "we are cheaper than sports" ? Do prospective parents believe the program has actually fixed their YP and their kids will be safe? Just random thoughts.
  8. There is theory and reality in the OP question. Question for the former pros here....Did you receive any Customer Service training in your job? and Did you receive any "how to "manage" a volunteer workforce" training? Seems like obvious necessary training for a DE to me since your workforce can make or break you. If the DE has a "I'm in charge" attitude then his volunteers will say "Yes you are", and you will fail quickly. Servant Leadership is essential. JMHO.
  9. @armymutt Can you share the xls document or point us to where we all can get it. Thanks
  10. Cub scout retention is always higher than Scouts BSA. I understand National's goal is 62% which is for both youth and adults registered. I'm guessing they know the number for each. So if you have a net loss in membership, retention is less than recruiting. JMHO
  11. Numbers from a Commissioner End of December 2023 was a little over 1M. Nationally we dropped from 923,399 in January 2023 to 893,117 in January 2024, a -3.28 % loss.
  12. Actually #1....if it is designated an official scouting activity, the Dads need to be registered with the BSA under the new rule on who can camp overnight. Also under #1 completing requirements must be done as a Boy Scout. There is language in the GTA that requires requirements to count if and only if done while a Boy Scout so parents can't claim their youth did that one as a 6 year old on a school trip.
  13. I just saw the same FB post from a different council
  14. Saw a post on FB that BSA is eliminating the 25 joining fee but not to worry they are raising everyone's annual fee by $5.00
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