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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/19 in all areas

  1. The equivalent of "Class-A" in the military would be a blue jacket/red tie combo. The equivalent of military "Class-B" would be the field uniform. Then there's the BDU -- with no youth equivalent, and the fitness uniform (a.k.a. gym cloths) which would be our scouts' activity shirts. The boys' scout uniform should not be treated as an "indoor, don't get it dirty" piece of cloth. However, that ideal is undermined by the obsession with the "third world general" feel of the ODL design, the cost-effective alternative of imported t-shirts, the size of patches, and the rise of technical fabric
    3 points
  2. I blame the staff, specifically the Troop Guide ASM and the Troop Guides. The course provides enough time for the Troop Guides to evaluate the participants so they can help them prepare for their assigned responsibility in the unit or district. The Troop Guides are supposed to work with the Troop Guide ASM on the best way to help each participant develop Ticket Items that would give them the most tools and experience for their unit responsibilities. With the right team helping the participant focus on more specific experiences, the Ticket Items are generally less work for more skills developme
    2 points
  3. In this world of cyber hacking, I actually find the paper forms more secure.
    2 points
  4. 8lbs per day. I've tested it extensively.
    1 point
  5. Here are my two cents and keep in mind that my Wood Badge experience was not a good one. For informational purposes I took a Pilot of the new five day course, things could/should have changed. If you are not familiar business/management theory and its application to small group dynamics, it can be a useful course. If you are not familiar with the patrol method or the history and aims of Scouting it can be a useful course. If you are interested in checking a box on your Scout CV to work on things at the Council, Regional or National level it will be useful.
    1 point
  6. Which works great, until it's not updated, or not available when it's needed. Not keeping the data at all, would be even simpler, and also would work great, right up until someone decided to sue the organization because they didn't have it. I'm not sure where others have difficulty "chasing down" the BSA forms. We've got an adult leader who's responsible for the forms-binder. We don't accept permission-slips for campouts/activities unless there's a current medical form in the binder. End of chase.
    1 point
  7. Wait, a simple solution for 3-4 MM folks that works for unit, district, council and national events? Not sure what those folks at National were thinking.
    1 point
  8. I think it's funny that BSA calls the Class-A uniform a "field uniform", yet when the troop goes out in the field for a weekend activity, it's the Class-B (i.e., troop T-shirt) that the boys wear. The Class-A is more of an "indoor, don't get it dirty" uniform.
    1 point
  9. You get what you pay for. I would avoid jewelry laser etching. Our shop uses engravers who meet MIL-STD 130, MIL-DT1524F, etc. More $$, but durability is not an issue.
    1 point
  10. In the United States it is illegal for an emergency department to triage patients by ability to pay. Many Electronic Medical Records don't expose insurance information to ER personnel to prevent even subconscious decisions based on insurance status. The only time we (I work in an ER) make decisions for patients based on insurance is when we are concerned that we might better serve a patient by taking a specific action. For example, I might check to see what medications your insurance will pay for (or what you can afford out of pocket) after we have decided to discharge you. Or admissi
    1 point
  11. I'm sure there are a million reasons this is true. I'll just point out this one. The Eagle project is a bureaucrats fantasy. A project workbook with 47 pages, pictures, addenda, receipts, ledger sheets, sign-up sheets, board reviews, signatures, approvals, etc. What 17 year old boy doesn't want to do that! I don't know much about the bureaucracy of the Hornaday, Ranger, and QM awards but it seems like they are more related to a boy's passion than his inner project manager.
    1 point
  12. Will All-Girl Troops Advance Their Scouts Too Fast? Great thoughts, SWilliams. Our Troop is programming all of its activities to cover the Scout and Tenderfoot rank requirements, but of course not every girl can attend every meeting or event, so there is variance among the girls after just 2 months on advancement progress. We are following the program to the letter and are not trying to rush girls with their rank advancement. I'm thinking we will have all 28 Scouts at Scout Rank and maybe 6 or 7 at Tenderfoot by our Court of Honor during the first weekend of June. I'm certain the girl
    1 point
  13. I try to always refer to the scouts as such when in their presence. I usually call them boys if I'm at home and they can't hear me. I've known many of them as cubs and I didn't call them cubs at that time but I try to be a little more respectful as they are older. Same with the girls now. in March my son was leading the campfire program and said Boy Scouts during his presentation. He was quickly corrected that it was now Scouts BSA by an ASM that is also participating in our girl troop. There were no girls at this campout. My son said it didn't bother him. I wasn't there but hearin
    1 point
  14. and personal biases/filters. I'm not being critical of firestone, just saying it's common. The hair on my neck stands up when I hear people talking about boys with special needs or autism.
    1 point
  15. I also recall that bath / warm water thing was not the recommended treatment. Gradually warm up, the dry heat on the core, warm drinks, etc. We had some, while not hypothermic, but honestly just on the fringe one time. It was like 0 degrees, in the southeast US mountains, and we from the deep south are not geared for such foolishness, we idled the bus, got the heater going full bore, and made a warming room. The warm drinks did the best honestly. Also if you have a dead tauntaun nearby, and your lightsaber handy, you can cut it open and put the patient inside. Granted you would need
    1 point
  16. I would tell the parents if that's how they feel then our pack/troop is not for them, find another pack/troop
    1 point
  17. i still asked mine "have you asked the other adults before you came to me". In some situations I would also have to ask "are you asking me as dad or as adult leader?".
    1 point
  18. This does not surprise me at all. The Boy Scouts or Scouts BSA, or whatever they want to be called, have lost their way and might as well just open it up all the way. Take God out of the oath, allow atheists and/or anyone with a desire to fork over the membership dues to join. Adults should be allowed to earn the Eagle Scout Award just like the youth, requirements should be lifted and it should be a participation award. This comes from the thoughts of a former professional scouter and a family of Eagle Scouts. I am currently a COR as well and that will be cut short very soon.
    1 point
  19. A scout has the first amendment right to protest without being punished by the government. BSA has a right to tell a scout that certain conduct is expected while in uniform and if a scout violates those rule, membership can be revoked. Doing this in uniform in wrong. Not illegal, but wrong. As was mentioned above, feel free to protest as your beliefs dictate, but not in uniform. I hope BSA lets the scout and parents know that this is not appropriate in uniform. This is an issue perfectly appropriate for discussion in the Citizenship in the Community merit badge.
    1 point
  20. Maga hats are both a partisan political prop and are a symbol of white supremacy. I would instantly drop from any unit that allowed them.
    -1 points
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