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Lot of good comments Summary is the BSA (SA??) has not fully defined what it is and what they do.  When I joined way back when it was a game with a purpose, we had adventures, learned things, sam

To be honest, I think the program is too easy to get wrong and consequently scouts are not joining or are leaving because they're not having fun when they're younger or not being challenged when they'

This. ----------------- In the National Annual Report, https://www.scouting.org/about/annual-report/year2023/  they should change the verbiage from "earned" Merit Badges to "awarded" Merit B

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1. Reminder Annual Report due to Congress April 1.

From our Congressional Charter as stated recently in


Section 8.
That on or before the first day of April of each year the said Boy Scouts of America shall make and transmit to Congress a report of its proceedings for the year ending December thirty-first preceding. *

Section 9.
That Congress shall have the right to repeal, alter, or amend this Act at any time.

Approved 15 June 1916
Woodrow Wilson
*As amended August 30, 1964, Pub. L. 88-504, 78 Stat. 636

2. Regarding Section 9 above, though it is a statement of the obvious, I could NOT find that section in any online reference of our Federal Charter?



Title 36 U.S. Code Chapter 309 - Boy Scouts of America has eight sections not nine.


3.  IMHO, there should be some consideration now as to what new definitive financial (e.g. Trust account) and Youth Protection information should be included in future Annual Reports to Congress regarding the safety of Scouting.  These new reporting requirements should be stated in the approved "plan".

My $0.02,


Edited by RememberSchiff
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1 hour ago, RememberSchiff said:

This has the December 2022 membership, a number that was reported in January. Someone on here said at that time that certain positions have access to the membership numbers in real time. Does anyone know if those membership numbers held through March 2023 and the first quarter? Up or down? 

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1 hour ago, yknot said:

This has the December 2022 membership, a number that was reported in January. Someone on here said at that time that certain positions have access to the membership numbers in real time. Does anyone know if those membership numbers held through March 2023 and the first quarter? Up or down? 

Running the current numbers as of right now:

Screenshot 2023-04-25 at 10.51.42 PM.png

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Fair number of cubs didn't recharter, the scouts bsa number is a bit low as well. But of course, march/April is the low point for numbers as its immediately post recharter but before recruitment. The hope should be that the growth in cubs will lead to a growth in troops but that takes time.

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Venturing/Sea Scouts... Nearly dead.  12,000  when we nearly had 88,000 in 2017.  I wonder if Sea Scouts are fairing better than Venturing Crews.  

Pack Growth rates needs to maintain that 6-7% for many years to come. Hopefully we see a similar recruiting year.

Troops ... I'm very concerned.  I'm seeing a lower percent of scouts crossing over every year.  I think Lions are burning out parents and scouts before the hit the Troop.  (Hopefully just my experience).  In addition, many Troops, in my area, are down to 1-2 patrols and are in danger of collapse.  It is much easier to build a new Pack vs Troop. 

Overall, less rosy than the year end number (overall, we are growing at just over 1% YOY). 

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9 hours ago, Eagle1993 said:

I think Lions are burning out parents and scouts before the hit the Troop. 

You are dead on correct.  Only a slight correction.  Tigers are also bad for numbers.  .  Not just about burn-out.  The first-look to impress parents/scouts is impressive as the program is so drastically watered down for Lions and Tigers.  Many parents after Lions and Tigers are asking why scouts?

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(sarcasm on) What's Venturing? (sarcasm off)

Seriously I know in my area, you do not here about Venturing..  Some predicted that with the introduction of Girls into Scout Troops, venturing would slowly die off. Seems like the case. As for Sea Scouts, in my area they are growing. Then again Sea Scouting has traditionally been the red-headed step-child of Scouting, so it is much, MUCH more volunteer driven and led.  Heck one long time SE didn''t even know what a Sea Scout was!

Trust me, I know first hand that no Cubs will slowing kill Scouts. My troop has had no feeder pack for 10 years now.  We are down to 6 actice Scouts, and will lose 1 soon to college.

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There are the numbers listed in the report to congress

  • Cubs - 580,194
  • Scouts - 415,564
  • Venturing and Sea Scouts - 15,400
  • Explorers - 30,870
  • TOTAL - 1,042,028

Down from 4,683,000 in 1970 



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While I do not have the specific numbers, I am generally aware through national contacts that Sea Scouts maintained membership and grew marginally during 2022.  Its future will probably continue as a micro-program as long as it continues to be a low-cost/no-cost program to councils and restores more of its pre-covid/pre-bankruptcy membership.

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41 minutes ago, Cburkhardt said:

While I do not have the specific numbers, I am generally aware through national contacts that Sea Scouts maintained membership and grew marginally during 2022. 

I didn’t record the numbers, but I recall the total being around 1500 at the lowest. 

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The overall numbers are interesting but a 23% drop in 3 months is concerning.

Peeling back the numbers would tell a story:

How many new scouts joined Packs at recharter?

What is the breakdown by category?   Is the number of AOL scouts dropping which is bad news for the troops in 2024?

How many AOL scouts crossed over and are in the Troop's number?

How many scouts aged out of SBSA?

How many aged out of Crews?  

How many of these are Scout reach or whatever they are called?

How many units dropped as that number is almost as significant as the youth number?

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It is a complicated analysis that could show different stories depending on how one slices it. I think e do of 2022 compared to end of 2021 is an important measure as is April 23 compared to April 22. Comparing April 23 to end of year 22 is interesting, and important, but bakes in some ebs and flows. 

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