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Tron last won the day on June 28

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About Tron

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  1. How does a council drop commissioner service? The commissioner corps is a fundamental part of the mission of the districts and councils to serve the units.
  2. You should redact those names. Black magic markers are everyone but the presses friend. Have you tried changing the roles in Scoutbook as well? I mean like, doing it in Scoutbook and my.Scouting at the same(ish) time? The data layer is supposed to be the same and perhaps Scoutbook is overriding your changes?
  3. Both of your comments tie together. Scout Reach is supposed to be about financial disadvantage regardless of location or race. One of the units I volunteer with finally was able to brow-beat the council into giving us Scout Reach funding (council ponied matching funds for disadvantage scouts in the unit); we just would not shut up and kept beating up council staff on the fact that our community is primarily white with 41% living at or below the poverty line (56% of youth in the community are reported to be in disadvantaged households) and that it shouldn't matter that we're not in the "inner c
  4. A lot of good points; but the PDFs are not even available to print on demand and are not maintained. GTA is a mess, with about 2 dozen sub pages with hacked together updates. I would totally go with, hey come here and grab the PDF and take it to kinkos if you want.
  5. You don't really do anything in My.Scouting that I know of. Their membership are with national and will expire when they expire; just be sure to not renew them when you do internet rechartering at the end of the year. For now you would just go into Scoutbook and put an end date on their positions and functional roles.
  6. There might be some age impact here, 21% dropping out is huge though. Based on the mentality of this lawsuit and true goals I suspect few died and more just gave up as their goal was to destroy BSA and they failed to achieve.
  7. We're both probably missing stuff here as not everything is available/clearly defined yet. Supposedly the SB+ stuff is being cleaned up right now and some of this confusion should go away. I really wish they had just published hardcopy leader guides for the wolves-aol. Hoping back and forth between the handbooks and the website is going to get old fast.
  8. Let me kick the hornets nest here. During the NAM the marketing presentation broke down the demographics by race and locality of BSA and made some crazy claims. Specifically nationals marketing was concerned about over-representation of Asians and Whites, and suburban and rural. I had to just accept the numbers on what national considers suburban/rural/core city membership (right?); however, they gave percentages of membership race composition and I took those right away and compared them to the 2020 US census national composition and BSAs racial makeup is +/- 1% by racial composition. Ther
  9. When you asked those people to step up did you provide any written position descriptions? In my experience literally taking the position descriptions out of the leader guides and providing them works wonders. Written position descriptions sets fair barriers for people. Did you explain that volunteering for the position is not forever and is a 1 year obligation that they can renew or walk away from? I am involved with several units and I will compare and contrast the best functioning to the worst functioning. The best functioning literally just runs the program; no "we do it this way be
  10. Ok, makes sense but shouldnt be that way in cubs. In theory each Lion and Tiger den is starting a new Den Leader and soon there after picking up an assistant. When the lead starts to get burned out the assistant and that lead should be able to swap positions. From a committee standpoint at cubs the committee should be rotating to avoid the burnout. Let us not kid ourselves, most of the committee positions are just show up and answer a very narrow range of questions; if you have an experienced CC most of the committee is just breathing oxygen and hopefully learning something in the event that t
  11. Ok, makes sense but shouldnt be that way in cubs. In theory each Lion and Tiger den is starting a new Den Leader and soon there after picking up an assistant. When the lead starts to get burned out the assistant and that lead should be able to swap positions. From a committee standpoint at cubs the committee should be rotating to avoid the burnout. Let us not kid ourselves, most of the committee positions are just show up and answer a very narrow range of questions; if you have an experienced CC most of the committee is just breathing oxygen and hopefully learning something in the event that t
  12. Some of this is literally set an expectation. Sometimes replacements don't step up because you're not clarifying the unfairness of no one else stepping up. I was wearing multiple hats at a local unit and no longer have kids in it. The COR and I had several succession discussions over the past 7 months or so and I was clear and fair to the unit; I let the COR know that were certain things I was no longer doing; however, I would stay on to help train replacements. It's the CORs primary duty to find adult leaders; it's great to help. I am moving on because I set clear expectations and no one can
  13. So my question about the burnout is; burnout directed towards what? Is it overall fatigue? Is it sick of toxic leaders? Is it the 365 cycle of fundraising?
  14. Actually they did. During the NAM presentations the repetitive response to this question was basically "No one see's scouting in the community anymore so they think scouting no longer exists." the response to the why they left seemed to be "bad experience/didn't like the unit, and people don't know they can be a member of any unit not just the one next door/at their school/what they were told".
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