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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. @fred8033 You and your council were following the rules. Most do not. Here, buy whatever you want in the store and hand it out like candy. It's about the money (you have any idea what the markup is on stuff in a Scout store?), not the program. Advancement report schmadvancement report....
  2. Dunno how to do the programming, but the Scoutbook folks cracked the code... https://discussions.scouting.org/t/citizenship-in-society-clarification-for-star-and-life/270099
  3. Just one rule...do not photoshop your results: (Not a cobbler of mine, but I wish it was 😜)
  4. This is certainly one piece of the puzzle. A Scout should make first class when it darn well pleases him, and he has the motivation to do the requirements. In most Troop programs I see, everything is repeatedly spoonfed to them, or outright pencil-whipped. I love the idea of ILST and NYLT being required. An implementation plan might need a bit of work, but I think this is doable. Meaningful leadership roles? Now there's a failure I've been trying to crack the code on for a while. Librarian and Historian (and Bugler and Assistant Patrol Leader, for that matter) can be meaningful l
  5. Sounds like a software problem. Although technically not yet required for Eagle Scout (until 01 July 2022), you should be able to use it as one of the complete-an-Eagle-required badges for Star and Life.
  6. Thought a lot about this last night... The market has only changed in that it is now easier to "be awarded" a badge or rank, than to earn it. This is the reason many pursue these "easier" opportunities. Waxing philosophical: I tend to frame a lot of things based on human nature. Here, it's our tendency to choose the path of least resistance...the easy way, rather than the right way. As I have said before here, it is fairly simple to lie, cheat, and steal your way to Eagle Scout. Most (yes, I mean most) merit badge programs I have seen at summer camps and merit badge
  7. Agreed. It's a shame that went the way it did... Another strange issue we just had...our lodge delayed our election due to team availability. The only week they could come was the week following all of our crossovers. So, we had 14 brand new Scouts there. I thought they should not vote, as they had no idea about anything... But, technically, they were on the roster, so were in the voting population. I talked with the SPL before the election and made sure he would clearly tell all of our Scouts, if you do not know any of the candidates, please consider not submitting a vo
  8. I notice this as well...many Scouts camp just enough to fulfill requirements. It is about advancement and Eagle Scout. It's about padding the college resume and applying for scholarships and service academy appointments. For most, parents included, it is not about character or any of the other seven methods of Scouting other than advancement... my opinion/observation
  9. Around here, two reasons primarily: 1) Our local lodge does little to nothing in the way of community service or service to units. It is all about internal lodge or OA functions, and providing a labor pool for setting up/taking down tents for Summer Camp (poorly at that, I might add) 2) Another activity that they feel they have no time for. We have very good success with our youth, because I make it clear that there is NO EXPECTATION (from me) of service to the lodge upon becoming an Ordeal member, and to not listen to anyone who tells them differently 😜 Ordeal membership
  10. @SiouxRanger Our former Committee Chair is a law professor at a well-known university. (He always gave the most excellent advice and counsel.) We would run across these vague and lacking (or sometimes contradictory, even) pieces of guidance throughout BSA literature. I opined once that the organization simply couldn't be so incompetent and incongruous (this was during a time when we were trying to parse out YPT and Merit Badge Counselor session rules that were literally at odds with one another). He remarked that much of this could very well be on purpose. He told me that
  11. They are trying to say don't ask for money for units, because we want it at the local council level. And, your requesting it from individuals or corporations gets in the way of them giving it to us. Note, it says you cannot solicit (ask for) donations, but you may accept them We get donations all the time. Every time we are doing a litter crew on the roads, someone stops and gives us a $10 or a $20. We tell them we are not allowed to take tips or payment for community service. When they insist, we ask if they'd like it to go to defer the cost of camp for Scouts who could use litt
  12. https://acseht.org/2020/09/01/acs-scout-troop-389-receives-bass-pro-cabelas-grant-for-new-camping-equipment/ Web search...
  13. Wow, gotta love him!! Our SPL saw a big corporation notice to apply for a small grant for funds for conservation. As our Troop heavily engages in habitat restoration and conservation projects, our SPL filled out and submitted the online application for a grant, without discussing with Troop adults or committee. (Love the initiative!!!) As this is a grant, versus solicited a donation (prohibited) or unit fundraising (by selling a good or service, requiring the Unit Money Earning Application), do you believe we need LC permission to apply for the grant? I think yes...well, a
  14. Agreed, never after the fact... in order to be on the ballot, the SM must approve each candidate...says so in the eligibility criteria, third bullet: https://oa-bsa.org/about/membership At the time of their election, youth must be under the age of 21, and hold one of the following ranks corresponding to the type unit in which they are being considered for election: Scouts BSA First Class rank, the Venturing Discovery rank, or the Sea Scout Ordinary rank or higher, and following approval by the Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor or Sea Scout Skipper, be elected by the youth members of their u
  15. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Connecticut
  16. Having been a member of the OA for a long, long time, and having seen how sausage is made, I understand where @SiouxRanger and @yknot are coming from... I have, in the past, not approved some Scouts to stand for selection. (This is a SM prerogative.) They took it pretty hard, but they were the ones with a trend of questionable behavior and sporadic (at best) participation. They did not change behavior, but the message was clear. I also think we should change the verbiage from "election" to "selection." It is not an election. An "election" implies multiple candidates and only one
  17. It would not be odd at all. In fact, if you dual register, one Troop should be designated as primary, and they would handle all of your advancement. Both Troops putting in advancements for you would potentially cause problems. If you dual register, explain to the gaining new Scoutmaster the situation you are in with your other unit regarding OA. Explain that you still feel loyalty to your old, and will support both Troops. Don't say that you are there just to get in the OA. If you told me that, I'd be inclined to turn you away. Just tell the new Scoutmaster that you are curious
  18. Haven't seen any...anecdotally, ~80% cross over (primarily because their membership is already paid for the year, and there is a good deal of build up to the ceremony, so many go with the flow...) After a year, I see about 75% stay. That's an overall 60% staying from AOL until after first year. Would love to see some stats with more granularity.
  19. I have always interpreted that to occur when a Scout is promoted to the next grade. That is, just finished fourth grade, and is a "rising" fifth grader. Our registrar was fine with that...
  20. We were going to Sabattis this summer... then they cancelled all regular program in our week... I think they are only running two weeks now...and it is really "bring your own merit badge counselors"...at least, that is what they told me last October/November. They are hosting mostly treks during those weeks. We are going to Onteora now...
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