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Everything posted by Jameson76

  1. There is no way to leave personal politics out of the discussion. Each of us brings our own experiences, political beliefs, personal beliefs into everything we do and express. To deny that is naive, we can try, but it is there. Also to deny the WHY of this merit badge is akin to putting one's head in the sand. It is being put forth as window dressing and to show compliance to an agenda. Now, can we as a nations do better, absolutely. Are we as a nation as bad as many have made it out to be, absolutely not.
  2. I am not the one using this term (see below) in requirement #1 - Intersectionality. You speak of no politics, yet it is in the definition of the term Intersectionality is a theoretical framework for understanding how aspects of a person's social and political identities combine to create different modes of discrimination and privilege. Examples of these aspects are gender, caste, sex, race, class, sexuality, religion, disability, physical appearance, and height. What exactly do you think the goals of this merit badge are? Are they to "broaden horizons" or are they to prove to many
  3. Sadly you do not even have to attend a local event... or learn about such an event that occurred historically. 100% Classroom and discussion. No actual "doing". Just indoctrination
  4. Great - another classroom MB. Quick read I can see this will be an MBU offering, if Scouts can stay awake, they are granted DEI and Scouts BSA improves it's wokeness factor
  5. We have had recent visitors (AOL's) who the family definitely wants the Webelos III experience. Not so much Family Scouting but they want to stay in their group, advance together, etc etc. They also want the 60 page Troop handbook, specific advancement steps, very scheduled on outings and summer camp; etc etc. Our input is this is a boy led troop. The method is YOUTH led and each Scout finds their own path. We can facilitate, but it is driven by each Scout. Our success (IMHO) is judged by the number of Scouts we have a active that are in High School and come when they can because (w
  6. Good Lord, that would be the end for many people. Just want we need, YPT zealots descending on a meeting to "evaluate" and offer their sage advice. All I can think of is the political officers spread throughout the Soviet Union to keep an eye on stuff and make sure everyone drank the appropriate amount of party Kool Aid That would in fact be the end of Scouting. Also, the family Scouting concept (for Scouts older than 11 years old or middle school) will be the final nail in the coffin
  7. Reminiscent of Supreme Court Justice confirmation hearings. No real way to validate or prove truth, you either accept or you are believe in the rule of law want to see evidence. There is not an easy answer. As was the case for many of these incidents, there was just the two of them there - victim and abuser. No other eye-witnesses. No physical evidence. No incriminating diary or photographs. Just the accuser's account. Families, Councils, Law Enforcement (maybe), Chartering Organizations, Troop Committees...did what they could with what they have at that time
  8. Don't forget, we all fund 4-H, so it's not apples to apples on program costs. Funding is through state budgets and taxes. It is part of Cooperative Extension offices, likely at the County level in many states. In Georgia it is run through the University System of Georgia This is an advisement from 2019 on budget cuts - Those include a combined $4.7 million cut from the University of Georgia’s agricultural experiment stations, three research centers that teach farming techniques and management in Athens, Griffin and Tifton. The school’s cooperative extension service, which runs ag
  9. That was a long time ago, do not recall the youth(s) names as I was not directly involved.
  10. It is a challenge with the age of accusations and the time in which they were handled. When I was a DE (Back in the 80's) there was a issue in one of the districts. None of the families wanted to formally involved the police. The CO (a church) did not want the police formally involved. As there was not a required reporter laws NOR shield protections laws, if we (the council) had called the police, that could have opened us up to slander issues. We terminated the alleged abuser's membership in the BSA, put his name in the file, and that was all we could legally and legitimately do AT T
  11. Do not underestimate the damage done in the 70's with the ISP (Improved Scouting Program). That was a pivotal misstep and lack of direction and understanding by Ivory Tower National Leadership on how the program works. So many left youth and so many youth NEVER became Scouts and while that immediate loss was epic, the longer term an effect that has driven the quest for the golden ring of "membership" lo these last 50 years. Without being members as youth, many were not invested in the program. As adults they did not involve their kids, so less members. Rinse, lather, repeat. Nati
  12. No matter how you may feel on this, biggest challenge is this is the continuing move away from our CORE COMPETENCY. Is this "Fun with a Purpose"? I would say no and it does not add value to the program. I am not suggesting that the possible issue may be important to society, but there are many many issues that may be important to society. The BSA cannot be all things to all people. The more we try the more we wander aimlessly with each special interest group looking to "mold" the Scouting movement in America to what they "feel" is important and critical. Stick with the basics, fo
  13. Or younger. A 22 year old leader in 1985 would be 57 today. Mid eighties (83 - 87) is only (only...God I sound old) 37 years ago. I've got a Philmont belt older than that
  14. Not dismissing the potential accuracy or validity of this claim, but how can the BSA (or any group for that matter) put up a reasonable defense again this claim? No real way to even verify the claimant was active in a unit at the time of the alleged abuse. As many have noted, unless there was an actual criminal complaint and conviction pre about 1980, the accuser could be liable for accusations. Basically a no win scenario now.
  15. Again - the priorities continue to be way off base. Clueless being led by more clueless and being led by consultants with stock powerpoints so it seems they did something. Under BSA Council Basic Standards - they put the only mention of anything related to PROGRAM at the bottom. That is insane. THAT IS NUMBER ONE..PROGRAM DRIVES EVERTYTHING!! Under Council Performance Standards Charter they put RENTENTION way down the list. That is an indicator of (wait for it) PROGRAM...THAT NEEDS to be BE NUMBER ONE!! Under Leading Indicators of Successful Councils they do not even mentio
  16. Boypower Manpower...worked so well in the late 60' and 70's. Basically DE's registered all the names one could find in the graveyards. That was followed by the always popular In School Scouting in the 90's, which got you lots of Scouts that had no idea they were Scouts as they used donations to provide registration fees. They will keep trying and trying quotas until they get it right
  17. But .... but .... we are always told Scouting's a great value, less than sports..yada yada yada. Worth WAAAY more than being charged. Also they (National) did a survey and 129% of families want a program *like* Scouting (note that does not actually mean they want to join Scouting...but we digress). If the Brain Trust does not truly understand and accept the reasons for Scouting's decline (muddled program initiatives, Zero National marketing, no real "benchmarking" to determine best practice for successful units, etc etc) they will never be able to correct, improve, and move forward.
  18. Agree - Just because a Troop does not have advancement centric outings does not mean advancement may not occur on outings. It should be organic. As an example, these are requirements 9B of the Camping merit badge On any of these camping experiences, you must do TWO of the following, only with proper preparation and under qualified supervision: Hike up a mountain where, at some point, you are at least 1,000 feet higher in elevation from where you started. Backpack, snowshoe, or cross-country ski for at least four miles. Take a bike trip of at least 15 miles o
  19. Our troop does knife throwing on a regular basis. Have a mobile target, ribbon off space, use the smaller knives to throw. Here's a pro-tip, make sure your knives have bright orange on them, or they will in fact get lost in the leaves or ground cover. We have some throwing hatchets, but have not come up with a decent target that can be mobile.
  20. Don't kid yourself that this is about COVID. That may be the reason given, but in all likelihood it's about money. If units start doing things together and having a fun time, how in the world will the Council be able to monetize these events? Why maybe we don't really need the council management overhead. All those fees for camporees and council events come with a "surcharge" that goes to the council coffers. God forbid, troops may get together and run their own summer camp for a greatly reduced cost.
  21. Looks to be 140 acres and was possibly on the block in 2010. At that time The Boy Scouts hoped that a conservation organization like the Trust for Public Land would buy the development rights to most of the 140-acre property. The sale would provide an infusion of as much as $30 million to the Boy Scouts https://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/24/nyregion/24scout.html
  22. We just got back from weekend backpacking. The camping area was on a bend in a river. River is up due to rains, so we had to have the boys figure a way to get to the river, step on to a downed tree to float the intake for the water filter. Good times to get water, but on the plus side, sort of an unlimited supply
  23. I am going to have to respectfully disagree with on the National not screwing around with the program in the 70's. That is exactly what they did with the "Improved Scouting Program" and decided that the real way to win hearts and minds was to focus on inner city and urban youth. That was the ticket. Also the infamous "BOYPOWER MANPOWER" initiative to tie in with the 1976 Bicentennial. The ISP turned rank advancement on it's head and for several years you could earn Eagle without ever camping or doing any traditional outdoor stuff. Scouting lost about 2 million members in the decade
  24. This so spot on. You do not need a policy to have common sense. Many units paint themselves into corners with policies and multi-page (with colored tabs no doubt) Pack Procedure manual. This takes away the ability to really manage the issue. In this situation basically they want YOU (The pack) to provide an accommodation for their son similar to the School system. The schools are a public items, governed by a myriad of laws, guidelines, rules. The pack is not under that guidance. Situation - Cub is disruptive and needs to be removed from the meeting. That is the issue, deal wi
  25. Tent with my son on an outing?? That would mean that we would need to speak with other on an outing, possibly make eye contact, and horrors, he would need to acknowledge that he knows me and potentially have interaction with me. As none of those are going to happen, the whole tenting together is not happening. Plus he has BO and talks in his sleep.
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