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Everything posted by scoutldr

  1. It is not official, but could be worn as a temporary patch on the right pocket.
  2. https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/ahmr/medical-formfaqs/?fbclid=IwAR24fCLbidVsRhzUqFxvao5GIs3TijhFt4pTNduHGHcDjf46yY1pz2ASNKU Third Q/A down. This is what they are hanging their argument on. ANY and ALL Scouting activities and ALL Participants. I agree...never seen it, nor would I ever enforce it. RichardB...any thoughts?
  3. Discussion happening now over on Facebook. Are BSA Medical Forms required of NON-BSA members (friends, relatives) participating in Eagle Projects?
  4. I agree...when I was a Cub in the early 60s, one uniform for all...the only thing that changed was the rank badges and when one became a Webelos, the "W" diamond replaced the den number on the right sleeve. It was a serious goal and right of passage to finally be able to discard that blue uniform for a brand new green Scout uniform of the Tenderfoot. Is it a by-product of the "everyone is special and deserves recognition" attitude? "Oh, you've survived another year, now you get a new necker, belt buckle and hat!"
  5. The only problems I see are the tent flaps are not properly rolled up. Points off on inspection! Also, if it rains, that rug is going to get wet .
  6. My wife retired as a school nurse (RN). She had a student go into anaphylaxis due to a peanut allergy. The kid knew he was allergic and he had epi-pens, but the mom just couldn't find the time to bring one to school. Wife had to use another student's epi pen and was seriously in fear of losing her nursing license, because it was someone else's drug and there was no Dr order in place. The ER doc told her she had saved his life. Everyone sorta looked the other way, but if the kid had died, she would not have been able to continue in that job, both emotionally and legally. My 36 year
  7. Your GrandDad is listed as Eagle Scout #12 on that troop's website "List of Eagles" - 1957
  8. https://www.ranker.com/list/criminal-boy-scouts/ranker-crime
  9. Home Depot. Cut it to size.
  10. The current requirements for Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Boy Scouting, involve earning 21 merit badges including the 13 in this list[4]: Camping Personal Fitness Personal Management Swimming, Hiking, or Cycling First Aid Citizenship in the Community Citizenship in the Nation Citizenship in the World Cooking Family Life Emergency Preparedness (E-Prep) or Lifesaving Environmental Science or Sustainability Communication The above 13 are considered the "Eagle Required" badges. All others are "electives" and can
  11. Well, as I was raised (Lutheran) THE most important "duty to God" is to believe and have faith. Mark 16:16
  12. If this was at summer camp, what was the Camp's policy? The camp I attended required ALL meds (youth AND adults) be turned in during medical check in and were held at the health lodge. Anyone needing a dose had to report to the health lodge to have it recorded. If you didn't show up, they came looking for you. Inhalers and epi=pens were the exception, of course.
  13. Liz, thank you for being conscientious and wanting to do the right thing. Sounds like you got good advice and you will have a safe outing. If you have a chance to go to summer camp and are a good swimmer, I highly recommend taking the BSA Lifeguard course (which I used to teach). It is a fun, but valuable way to pass the week, and I guarantee you will sleep well at night! Scout on!
  14. Last January, I turned in my registration as "Council Committee". I was hit with a $75 fee. I was told it included a new "Council Program Fee". I was floored and asked if all adults now had to pay that, or just Council/District folks. I was told it was for ALL adult registrations. No wonder units can't find "volunteers" to be Den Leaders and Committee people. Now that Mrs. Scoutldr and I are fully retired and living on 30% of our former income, I thought I would be able to devote more time to Scouting, maybe as volunteer summer camp staff, but I'm not sure I can afford it. My nearly 60
  15. Our Council canceled the very popular "Punkin Chunkin" weekend several years ago. It involved troop-built catapults and trebuchets.
  16. Ok, we can't confiscate private property. We CAN call the parents and tell them to come get either the phone or their kid for violation of camp policy, which they agreed to when registering for camp.
  17. Maybe we should let Amazon stock the drugs. Seems like they can deliver within 2 hrs for a nominal fee. Just send it by drone.
  18. When my financial advisor found out I was a Scouter, he strongly suggested an Umbrella Liability Policy. State Farm wrote one which I have bundled with all my other insurance. Costs a coupla hundred bucks a year. I don't trust the BSA or anyone else to cover my backside.
  19. I went through all the Red Cross swimming classes up to and including WSI and then BSA Lifeguard and BSA Lifeguard counsellor. My many female instructors always wore their patches on the bottom left front of their one piece tank suits. I think on "Baywatch", they did the same...but much higher.;)
  20. Buy one on Ebay if you have to...and wear it with pride.
  21. Not authorized. Please refer to the Uniform and Insignia guide. Good rule of thumb is, if it's not BSA issued, it's not authorized.
  22. scoutldr


    That's official BSA issue...I see no reason why not.
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