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Everything posted by jr56

  1. Congratulations, Eagles are food for Foxes. c-11-96
  2. The bottom line that I would always communicate to the boys and parents at the beginning of the year was that it was their responsibility to see that their son completed the requirements before they could qualify for the awards. If they didn't do it, they had no one to blame but themselves if their son didn't recieve any recognition at the pack meeting.
  3. I had my beads presented by my Coach/Counselor. Ask yours to do it.
  4. Add my Congratulations to the list.
  5. Not entirely sure, but I think in the range of 30-35,000 per year would be pretty close.
  6. Thanks for sharing. I feel your approach is usually the most successful.
  7. Actually, there are several knots that represent awards that are not "earned". Silver Beaver Silver Antelope Silver Buffalo Medal of Merit Honor Medal District Award of Merit OA Distinquished Service Award etc... If people would like a knot created for Vigil Honor, great, more power to them. Also, as a Unit Commissioner, I see nothing wrong with pointing out a gross error in patch placement, if it is done discreetly, to not cause embarrasement, in a friendly, helpful manner. If the uniform wearer chooses not to correct the mistake, well, at least I pointed it out to them
  8. Yes, we have used troop guides. They are usually selected by the SPL. You could float them if you want to, but they are usually assigned to a particular patrol, usually the new scout patrol. We have them serve a 6 month term like everybody else. Troop guides assist the new scout patrol typically, giving leadership guidance to the patrol leader of the new scout patrol(since he is anew scout himself, he needs all the help he can get). Junior Assistant Scoutmasters help out the Assistant Scoutmasters in fulfilling their duties. Anybody else out their have a different take on this?
  9. Great idea, there are so many scouts who need service hours, it would be a great opportunity for an individual scout or two if they chose to act on it.
  10. I have been fortunate to serve in many positions during my tenure. I would have to say that being a Scoutmaster was the most challenging, and the most gratifying.
  11. Is it the fact that I went "over the hill" 12 days ago, or is this forum living one day in the future?
  12. You were right, always be honest. I feel that honesty always has the greatest impact on youth. Especially if you are strong enough to admit that you're not perfect, and you have made mistakes too.
  13. I have 13 knots. I have moved the world crest patch up to accomodate them.
  14. It really doesn't matter what we think. The only vote that counts is your local Advancement Committee that approves Eagle projects. Bounce it off them. Good luck.
  15. It seems like most kids get rinsed off in the pool or lake at least once daily. Unless I notice something out of the ordinary ( visibly dirty kid, stinky kid, kid getting uncomfortable because he is so dirty) I don't push it. They're only out for a week, and historically some mountain men have gone months without bathing.
  16. jr56

    Spoof Patches

    When all is said and done, it is up to each individual how close they want to follow the insignia guide and have every part of their uniform in proper conformation. But true, we're not the military, and noone is going to get court-martialed.
  17. Thanks Beavah, that's one of the best ideas I've heard in along time. So many volunteers are ignorant of how the system works, and their units COR's don't function as they could and should.
  18. So after taking 5 minutes to read your tirade, which I have seen from you before, I ask the question someone previously asked, what do you want? You paint this big picture of doom and gloom, and give no sugestions as to what to do about it. Do you want to organize a letter writing campaign to Austin? Do you want us to all quit our positions in protest? I agree, if you are that upset with conditions in the BSA, and want to do nothing but complain about it, do ua all a favor and resign to do something else that you will hopefully enjoy more.
  19. Sad but true. If a Unit Commissioner does the job properly, they can be a terrific resource for the unit. But too often, the job is not completely done.
  20. Check the BSA Advancement Policy Guide. The Scoutmaster determines who can sign off on advancement.
  21. This topic has been beaten to death on several posts recently. The best ideas I have gotten out of all the posts, was to have the SM meet with a boy whenever he starts working on the next rank, and have the boy define what he feels is doing his best to be active. When the time comes around for the next SM conference, review the boys goal with him and let him be the judge if he met it.
  22. I have a poly/wool long sleeved shirt, and a poly/cotton one. I was hoping the poly/wool would be warmer but that is not the case.
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