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Everything posted by jr56

  1. Sorry about the bad week, better luck next week.
  2. You could try your District Advancement Chairman, or go to another registered Merit Badge Counselor and have your son show them his work, see if they would sign off on the badge. Option 2 is pretty controversial, don't know how much success you would have with it. Merit Badge Counselors pretty much have the final say on what they will accept. Maybe the District Advancement Chair will investigate it for you. Good luck
  3. I took Wood Badge ina neighboring council because a course wasn't being offered in my council that year. It worked out great, doesn't matter which council you take the course in, just go. C-11-96 I used to be a Fox.
  4. Camp Indian Trails, Janesville WI, in the new Glacier's Edge Council.
  5. Thanks OGE. I knew somebody out there would have an exact page number to quote from.
  6. Jamboree patch can be worn in the Jamboree patch position above the right pocket forever. Technically the Jamboree CSP and OA lodge flap are suppossed to come off after 6 months, but my Council Exec told me after the 2001 Jambo he didn't care, I could still wear them if I desired. So yes, The CSP and OA lodge flap should come off, but ask your local Council Exec, it might be okay with them too.
  7. This troop is so wrong it's not even funny. Get yourself a copy of the National Advancement Policy at your local scout shop for a couple of bucks. In there it states explicitly that noone can add or detract from the written advancement requirements. It also states the appeal procedure. Show this to your troops Advancement Chairman. If that doesn't work, show it to your troops Committee Chairman. If that doesn't work, go to the District Advancement Chairman, your Unit Commisssioner can help you with this if you desire. This is such a blatant violation, that I don't think it would get abo
  8. Good news, glad everything is going well. Hope the committee listens to his suggestions and considers acting on them.
  9. I have seen variations of almost all of the ideas presented here at one time or another. Seems like somebody always has a complaint no matter what approach you take. The important thing is that the boys learn there is more than one way to get a job done, and there are positive and negative points that can be brought forward for almost all of them.
  10. Ditto to the previous posts. It is possible to voice your opinions without getting rude and bashing someone verbally with a quote from a scouting source and being critical because they don't follow everything to the letter. I think the posts have gotten a little better since some posters were curtailed a few months ago. Sadly, good old "bob" never came back.
  11. Our district's Eagle BOR has been doing this wrong for years. Since the council just merged, hopefully the new council leadership will change things.
  12. Congradulations on your achievement. A noble accomplishment. Foxes rule. C1196
  13. Consider it done, events like this make no sense at all. Only God knows the reason for it.
  14. Eric, Best wishes for the future.
  15. Best wishes to you on a significant accomplishment. All the other critters are just food for Foxes.
  16. I have seen 5th graders join Cub Scouting. We had a strong Weblos Den with a good Den Leader, and the boys earned their Arrow of Light and had a good time.
  17. Unit Commissioners are usually assigned 2-3 units, so yes, a pack and troop with the same unit number can have 1 unit commissioner.
  18. My unit was over 800 on the waiting list one year. It is very hard, or virtually impossible to get a unit trek for Philmont. They should do like the Colorado DNR and give preferential points in their lottery, at least then a troop would have a chance at getting in every few years.
  19. Was Viking council an old name? It was 4 Lakes Council out of Madison WI, and Sinnissippi Council out of Janesville WI that came together to form the new Glaciers Edge Council. You are right, the new CSP is awsome.
  20. I will be stepping up as Committee Chairman of my scout troop in January. So I will be attempting to bring the troop committe up to speed to do a good job of supporting the troop.
  21. Merry Christmas to all fellow Scouts and Scouters. Jeff
  22. When my Weblos Den bridged, we had some talented parents who helped us make shadow boxes to display all their Cub Scout badges.
  23. I could never get into the red berets. I am too traditional, I wear the original good old campaign hat.
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