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  1. We may disagree on things related to Star Wars, but I couldn't agree with you more strongly on this. Very well said.
    3 points
  2. I've got a 9 year old daughter and a 14 year old daughter. They are both active Girl Scouts. This video captures exactly the things that they like about Girl Scouts now. Hiking, canoeing, archery, climbing, roasting marshmallows, camping. If anyone thinks this is too masculine for girls, then you've not met my daughters, their friends, or their Girl Scouts troops. A very good video.
    2 points
  3. I am not talking about masculinity. You missed the point of my earlier comment, so I will make it clear for you. I am talking about Scouting, and what this video is trying to communicate about it. This video wants people to believe that the program of Scouting, as it currently exists, will have just the same effect on girls as it does on boys. I think that is absolutely false. I think the video is an attempt to convince parents that the traditional Scouting program can be made to fit girls just as well as it fits boys. But I believe girls and boys are inherently different, and a program t
    2 points
  4. During our annual Commissioner Conference in Central Florida Council it was mentioned that we had the highest both the highest overall recruiting numbers, and the most girls joining in the country. I can't say how school visits went in other areas, but in our district, there was a particular emphasis put on this being the first time that girls have the opportunity to join Cub Scouts. Most of our school night sign ups had pretty close to half of the sign ups be girls. We picked up 11 in my pack, and we were not even close to the top pack.
    1 point
  5. There's more where that video came from. The BSA communications Youtube site is cranking out a few that can be clipped for boys, girls, or both, as well as leaders. I think I like this one best so far. It's a little bit much on the big zip-lines, but it ends with astronomy. Always a win for me.
    1 point
  6. If you look at the link I posted, it's a remote canister stove, so very capable of supporting heavier pots. You're right about Jetboils and ones that sit on top of the canister. The white gas stoves have more parts than the canister stove. There's no pumping and priming. No maintenance other than wiping it down. I find the canister stoves much simpler and there's no fuel to spill.
    1 point
  7. I'd just welcome a place to talk Scouting where many threads didn't end in a negative criticism of something. Girls in Scouting, patrol method and YPT, Wood Badge, etc. It wears me out to just keep being so negative. I'd love for a thread on a recruiting video to be about great ways to make that happen - not about the the masculinity of girls or the death of patrol method. I respect the energy and passion you all have for Scouting. I understand how many are very frustrated about the changes in Scouting. I just feel like we get so negative so quickly. I simply thought that maybe we c
    1 point
  8. After some thought, as requested. An unwritten, required, part of my advisor uniform: a thick skin. For about every five favorable reactions to our crew launching, I got an unfavorable reaction. Of the negative reactions, the ones to to my face were preferable to the backbiting. But, at first, I was not prepared for either reaction, and it took observing the council Venturing Officers Association and talking to the Venturing committee to get confidence that I could run a program that would ensure female youth were welcome and respected. They told me that although my "by the book" app
    1 point
  9. Ah, finally. A profound statement that will be used in a lot of future discussions. Barry
    1 point
  10. I appreciate your candor, but ask you and any mods reading this to consider this with deep thought. Many threads from here on out will be about the Scouts BSA program and discuss girls. They will be about YPT, adult leadership, girls’ uniforms, the girls’ handbook, linked troop operations, girls at summer camp, recruiting and marketing to girls, and much, much more. If those threads on aspects of the Scouts BSA program and unit leadership can be detailed and taken over by people who simply oppose the direction of the program, that will be to the severe detriment of this forum and its
    1 point
  11. @The Latin Scot, I disagree with you 1,000 percent. However, all that aside, this isn’t I&P, and this thread isn’t for debating the merits of girls in Scouts BSA. I&P is the appropriate forum for sharing your feelings about masculinity. This is the open program forum. Do you have specific thoughts on the marketing video separate from your overall opinions about the new Scouts BSA? Thanks!
    1 point
  12. I don't even have words to express how upsetting it is to see videos like this trying to make the admittance of girls into Scouting look like some wonderful thing. And the mess it has caused with Youth Protection issues is only the tip of the iceberg; the organization of the Boy Scouts of America is coming apart at the seams, and there is no uniform on Earth that will withstand the impending troubles that I forsee coming to it down the road. Every time I see a video, advertisement or promotional image of girls in Scout uniforms, my stomach knots up. I believe in Scouting. I believe it ha
    1 point
  13. I think it takes a lot of patience with new parents, and figure that new parents just don't know what they don't know. I had a very frustrating first year or so in my own family when my oldest was starting Scouts. It went something like this. I'd ask a question -- I have lots of questions, and my husband, an ASM, would get mad at me for asking the question. This is exactly what it felt like from my point of view. From his point of view, he was trying to tell me that Boy Scouts was different, but he came across as the grouchiest person on earth, where I couldn't even talk about Boy Sco
    1 point
  14. As far as I've seen, BSA does not state anything about the adults being related or not. And in some southern states (mine included), everyone is related to everyone. lol I am my own Grandpa
    1 point
  15. Just FYI, on Tuesday evening, I stepped down as Scoutmaster of my son's Troop to become the Scoutmaster of my daughter's Troop. It is a linked Troop (well, it will be on 2/1/19), using the same chartering org and Troop Committee. My wife is the ASM. I will be posting the heck out of this video and the other info on the new BSA branding site on local social media and getting articles in the local papers and school communication portals to recruit. I am also getting a head count from my DE of the Webelos 2 girls in all teh surrounding towns that don't have a planned Scouts BSA program for them t
    1 point
  16. I will apologize for this in advance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqomZQMZQCQ
    1 point
  17. Hi @Summitdog, I served as a Wood Badge course director earlier this year and I highly encourage you to take Wood Badge when you are ready. If you are interested in knowing more, you may read my biog post about Wood Badge and the reason it exists: https://scoutlaw.wordpress.com/2018/09/21/so-what-is-wood-badge/ Yours in Scouting Service, LeCastor
    1 point
  18. I think this is the real issue, only because I've been there before. They just went with the normal program and older scouts don't really do much strongly suggests to me that starting a crew won't solve the problem. The scouts of a crew should be able to lead the crew by themselves but it appears that these scouts can't. Otherwise they wouldn't have gone with the normal program and they would be helping out at meetings. So, one solution is to develop leadership in this age group. This might require the adults to learn some new things as well.
    1 point
  19. Basis first hand experience... Crew meeting at same time/place as Troop with joint open/close and as-needed resource is no different than a "high adventure patrol", only with more bureaucracy of a separate Committee. This is especially true since you mention possibly requiring older Scouts to join the Crew combined with concern about boys leaving the Troop for the Crew. Consider also future issues if a co-ed Crew meets together with all boy Troop. Regarding older boys leaving the Troop for the Crew... This may not be a major concern or Troop active membership loss since you're trying t
    1 point
  20. I like that idea a lot, and I have seen it nicely done before too. I have decided to wear the patches for a few months to complement his uniform, which already has the new patches on it. But after a few months, I will switch them out and frame them nicely, making sure to show him how much his gift means to me. I think this will be the best solution, and seeing as most of the leaders I work with don't even know what the trained patch is, I think I will be able to avoid any nit-picking patch police.
    1 point
  21. Wente Scout Reservation, Willits California
    1 point
  22. Actually, you were talking about masculinity. Your points all have to do with the fundamental changing nature of the Scouting movement in the United States, and nothing to do with the modern Scouting program. Perhaps I’m wrong, but understanding is that there has been such a decision. All the threads that I’ve seen discussing the creation of Scouts BSA have been in I&P. That is the appropriate place for @The Latin Scot and others who want to debate and express their opinions, ideology, and viewpoints. This is not that kind of thread. I&P-style discussions about the fu
    0 points
  23. I would very much welcome a policy decision by this moderators of this forum that posts continuing to debate the merits of girls in the BSA get moved to I&P. I'm perfectly fine that you all continue to debate it. I just would like to have a place focus on the mechanics and best practices of the Scouting program itself.
    -1 points
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