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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/20 in all areas

  1. One of my biggest beliefs is that BSA has the opportunity to be in the real forefront of the environmental surge. We should be doing all we can to encourage varieties of clean energy, solar and wind particularly, and water in a few areas. We should be demonstrating in all the camps conservation methods to best use the various habitats and geographical elements. We should be putting the Stem stuff in, and modifying it with new technology, even as we encourage hands on nature study with the new resources, and where able, throwbacks to older methods such as pressing and field observations. Bu
    5 points
  2. It's the Outdoors mission for me. Outdoors is neutral territory no matter what your politics. There is a huge groundswell of interest among young kids today in the environment, but a lot of them don't know the first thing about it or have access to it. Why are we not capitalizing on this? Our program -- the ranks and the merit badges -- need an overhaul to get rid of the school and homework type drivel and to emphasize more outdoors related activities. There is so much that scouting does not get into or go very deep with, from wildlife biology to weather to water resources. People mock STEM s
    3 points
  3. Why? Let's not confuse 2 deep with no one-on-one. 1 adult can be with multiple Scouts at a given time.
    3 points
  4. Well, that is not what was meant. True, no one HAS to follow BSA training guidelines outside of the world of BSA . The Scouting Rules may not have any BSA consequence outside of Scouting, but they can still help guide one's actions . What was it the philosopher said, common sense ain't so common? Protecting one's reputation and safety is a good thing no matter where one is. This is why most schools and offices and sunday school buildings now have windows in the doors (think back. Did your class room have a window in the door? ) and ask that the teachers not be alone with students
    2 points
  5. There will always be people that hate you if you're different. Blaming the culture war on our problems won't help solve them. It's the hand we've been dealt. Making a funner (sorry, that word is most appropriate) program will help. Getting a consistent message about how that fun is used to develop our youth will help. I mean marketing and training.
    2 points
  6. I'm tracking re wearing. I haven't worn service stars since the Carter Administration. As far as significance, I believe service stars have their place. One example is @The Latin Scot's situation. Though I respect the differing opinions, I think he should wear the star, red background. Another would be the adult who was a scout for 3 or 4 years. Made it to First Class. Earned a few merit badges. He was active in his troop, went to summer camp, 50 milers, was a patrol leader, etc. Though he didn't make Eagle (and that's okay) he was a good scout, and his experiences made a lastin
    2 points
  7. (Emphasis added.) (Emphasis added.) Great posts that go to the heart of BSA's current problems, and how to fix them. BSA, thinking it was a moral beacon for America, took a side in the culture war and was constantly attacked because of it for more than twenty years. When BSA finally surrendered, it had lost credibility with all sides. Regardless of how you feel about the war, BSA lost because it lost its identity and lost its standing as an American icon that could appeal to everyone. As former CSE Bob Mazzuca said, "For the first time in our history, we had adversaries. Back
    2 points
  8. Yes. As long as that leader is not the only one present at the camp out, he/she is fine. We had a situation last summer with a unit whose second registered leader cancelled as they were on the way to pick him up to go to an out of state summer camp. That remaining leader had a choice of cancelling the trip without notice (NO REFUND POLICY at the camp we attended), or going ahead and driving all day, knowing that they were sharing a campsite with another troop (us). They were within YPT guidelines in the car, as there was no one on one contact, 1 adult and 4 scouts. We had 4 adults wit
    1 point
  9. This has been asked before, and the answer is yes.
    1 point
  10. This year marks the 91st anniversary of the flash flood that drowned eight members of Boy Scout Troop No. 45 (including their scoutmaster) while they were on a camping trip along the banks of White Creek in northern Rhea County, Tennessee. This location, for two years previously, had been the site of the truncated Cumberland Boy Scout Council’s summer camp facilities. However in the handful of weeks prior to this calamity, the Cumberland Council had formally dissolved its organization and the executive had resigned his position....read how the tragic event unfolded here.
    1 point
  11. Good stuff. I believe that the (1) Scouting program (2) as delivered by local units is how we recover from the bankruptcy and rebuild membership. I think we could really help ourselves in recruiting if we could do some trimming and tucking in the program, using the ScoutsBSA advancement requirements as the starting place. We need to be able to explain in 15 seconds what ScoutBSA members DO, what Cub Scouts DO. So I'd suggest the program consist of no more than four "core" areas -- or rather, Service plus three subject-matter areas, for example: Outdoor Adventure Environment and
    1 point
  12. Great ideas. Some of the scout camps here in New England have Clivus composting toilets . Treasure Valley has a large solar array and has or had a sustainability project with WPI.
    1 point
  13. Skeptic, I heartily agree. Just had someone contact me to day to buy bluebird boxes from scouts because they assumed we sold them as a fundraiser. We don't. Why aren't we doing that, and becoming known for that, instead of ... rip off popcorn that has nothing to do with any scout value, oath, or law?
    1 point
  14. That might work at the unit level, but a conservative parent doesn't get a choice between a conservative or liberal council.
    1 point
  15. It will be interesting to watch. Both my sons in their 30s have made some comments lately without any input from me that scouting as they knew is gone. They don't really know what it is now, but admitting girls was the final straw. I wouldn't call them conservative, political or even cultural. They see the change as radical and if they are going that far, what else have they changed. I can't disagree, not because of just the girls, but also because changes intended to protect the scouts. The differences between my dads program in WWII and mine in the early 70s was hardly noticeable. In fa
    1 point
  16. Good Lord this is the most confused element. They are vastly different and wholly unrelated, other than both should be observed. One leader of another unit at camp was concerned about how they could have Scouts at various troop activities as it would spread leaders to thin. We talked with them, tried to guide them on 2 deep at the camp, but no one on one. He could not grasp that if one leader went wandering to the camp store with 3 Scouts, that was not in fact one on one. We took his thinking down the rabbit hole and tried to show that using that thinking for a troop of 20 Scou
    1 point
  17. They're 13 and 14yo's and capable and competent to do this hike. If we quit Scouting and went to that state park with those same buddies, I would not hesitate to send them on that hike while me and the other dads stayed in camp. When I was that age we got on our bikes and were gone for the afternoon. uhg sorry this makes me frustrated.
    1 point
  18. We're treading in difficult waters here. It's really tough for me to argue what progressives will or won't do. My belief is that as long as Scouting is identified with promoting particular views, it becomes a target for one political group or another. The BSA promoting anti-progressive (aka conservative) views makes it a target for progressives. The BSA promoting anti-conservative (aka progressive) views makes it a target for conservatives. My point isn't that we should be actively organizing conservative or progressive packs - but that they will develop organically. As people
    1 point
  19. "" And will you impersonate Clark Gable? And dance when 'ere you're able? Camporee...… Vexilollogy is a much under appreciated study. We were well pleased by the response of the Scouts visiting our event, before the wind forced us to take down the canopy . Even AFTER we took down the canopy. Among other things, the Patrols were given a choice of folding up a small 6' x4' US flag ("every Scout knows how to fold up the flag, right?") or a LARGE 15' x 24' US flag. On a calm day, this can be a challenge, but with 20-40 mph winds, it was fun to watch. I was cha
    1 point
  20. I came across an excellent web site called 50 Miler that is about 50-percent scout focused and 50-percent general backpacking focused (which, of course, is also relevant to scouts). Many of the blog posts are recent and all (even the "oldies") are of excellent quality --- relevant and accurate. The site isn't about BSA's 50 Miler award, but with it's focus on long distance backpacking treks, it is completely relevant to any scouter thinking about the 50 Miler award... Link: https://50miler.com/
    1 point
  21. Ok then. More adventure, more advancement... more fun, less arguing. @MattR @desertrat77 @John-in-KC @LeCastor @NJCubScouter
    1 point
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