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Everything posted by SSScout

  1. All kids (ALL kids) want to belong to a gang. A club. Whether that gang creates something or destroys something is the question. That gang of kids in the vacant lot (not too many of them left) that shagged a bat and chose up teams is one such. The gang that self forms and because they all came from the same country is another (Sharks? Jets? ). The older kids are looked up to by the younger. The younger learn how the game is played by watching the older kids. MS13? Scouts? What really is the difference between the two? Who got to the kid first? The Patrol Method works, and it
  2. Donations? Did the Scouts wash/dry/vacuum the car out? Did they do a service for the "donation"? What was a carwash worth to the washee? The Scouts still DID a service. Placing US flags on your front lawn during a holiday and retrieving them later. Buying and having the Scout(s) spread mulch/wood chips for you... I once saw a Cub Pack do a "tent set up demo" at a shopping mall . For a price ( ?$5. sticks in my mind) the Cubs would set up a tent for the payee. Your choice of tents, I think. It was fun watching the Cubs rip the parts out of the bag and get the tent up
  3. Earning is still different than asking for money. A Scout should early on (from family?) learn/discover the connection between effort and reward. I had (and so did our kids) an "allowance". It was , yes, a gift, but it had strings. Chores to help the family home along. Learn to budget and save. They are off as adults and all doing well, thank you. See my previous post/answer. The BSA has enough present trouble without being thought of as purely a poor "charity" of kids who can't afford to go to camp on their own.
  4. *sigh* "" It depends" (always). One of my courses was a "set up your Patrol Camp" (bring your tent) type. One was in a just vacated summer camp and the tent platforms were still up. (two to tent). One was we come in and Set Up Our Tent Platform prior to the summer camp. None were expected to be a Philmont hike to the site camp with all your gear on your back type. The concentration is (or was !) on Scout Leadership, not so much Scout Skills Demonstrating...
  5. Need a Campfire Story? Bedtime Story for your Lion, Tiger Cub? Thorton W. Burgess,,, 170 books, over 15,000 newspaper columns. Ought to be a Scout regular. Book series entitled "The Boy Scouts of Woodcraft Camp". Paddy Beaver, Reddy Fox, Ole Bob White, Betty, Billy and Cubby Bear, Peter Rabbit (alias Cottontail), Jerry Muskrat, Lil' Joe Otter, among others. Surprised he isn't mentioned more often in Scoutland. Has Nature preserves named for him. Get the reprints (if not the original from your grandmom's shelf) and introduce your young Scouts to him.
  6. Contact Hosteling International . . . Used to be American Youth Hostels. They are still in business, and would be glad to talk to you about "licensing" the site. It has to beowned by SOMEBODY, and lived in for responsibility and care.... https://www.hiusa.org/
  7. When I first assisted teaching IOLS, I suggested to my professor that we include some copied pages from my 1959 edition FieldBook. He agreed, and those pages have been included in every IOLS syllabus since. I once assisted another districts IOLS, and when I noticed they had their campfire building before the Wood's Tools, and shouldn't the Scout learn to use his axe BEFORE he cuts up firewood, they said "we never noticed that....".
  8. ""If possible"" . . . Keep good notes. Document episodes. Have you spoken with other Scout parents/Scouts? Have others seen/heard/experienced similar events? My suggestions for order to pursue::: 1) Troop Key Three ( COR, Committee Chair, Scoutmaster) and Committee. Polite conversation, show them the BSA Advancement Guide, G2SS, Brian on Scouting, this website.... whatever is germane. Involve the IH lastly .... Smile and wave... 2) Assigned Unit Commissioner. Conversation, do you HAVE one.... Perhaps your interpretation is incorrect? Make sure....Di
  9. What he said. Pay attention to everything they send you. Ask questions as needed. Bring extra rope, duct tape, and a silly hat. And if you are so skilled, your bugle. Have fun.
  10. My opinions: 1) Do not donate to any council, encumbered, conditioned or free in clear. See above mentions. 2) Organize a non-profit trustee type foundation, dedicated to "Scouting". Find a good, Scout Friendly lawyer to set things up pro bono. The properties could be leased back to the Council for summer camp and rented to Troops/Packs for their use. The Trust could log the land or rent it out to other "educational" users, county rec department, school districts, colleges, etc. and make a little income thereby. Make it a Nature Preserve. Camp Store? Boat ramp fees? Any professi
  11. WB was a good experience, learned some taught some, exampled some.... Blew bugle some.... First time, When I presented my ticket ideas, everyone said they were good/great, BUT . . . I couldn't do them. Why? Well. in my past Scout time, I had done alot of Cub Scout stuff, and so at the CSDC, I earned the position of "First Assistant Everything Else" (wife was CSDC Director), so many of my tickets were Cub Scout directed. But at the time, I was "officially " registered as a Assistant Scoutmaster. Scoutmaster types CAN'T do Cub Scout things... What to do? The WB staff huddled and c
  12. Sure evokes the BSA look... shoulder loop/epaulettes (color loops for Daisy, Brownie, Cadette, Senior? ? ), tan over green, got the flag over right pocket, service stars, cargo pockets..... Lavender shirt might not be BSA...
  13. Can include veggies and such in the batter? No transfat? Wife would favor gluten free....
  14. How to gain respect: Be able to admit and say "I don't know" and "I will find out." I am reminded of the scene in Master and Commander when the 12 or 13 year old Midshipman, who has already lost an arm in a battle, asks the old sailor for help n sewing up the sail around one of his dead friends.
  15. " If lost...." MAKE YOUR OWN ! Carve, mold, weave, glue, scratch head and design and MAKE YOUR WOGGLE !
  16. Faith and Chaplaincy? When I served as a Jamboree Chaplain, I met more than one Scout that expressed the idea/concern/opinion of "I'm not so sure about this God stuff." We would have a VERY open ended conversation . Scoutmasters that required their Troop to attend some religious service, if only for "educational" purposes, was an idea that raised some questions in my mind. Pick a service, I don't care what , just go. The idea that atheism is NOT a religion is always interesting. The idea that belief in a "higher power" delineates a sub group (large tho it may be) that mus
  17. Checks. Cheques. True story: Second World War. American army officer. Goes into a British army officers' club as a guest. For cash, he writes a "cheque" on a plain piece of paper (sometimes said to be the back of a cigarette package, but no matter), to be drawn on a local (to me) US bank. The bank is so well known, (in Britain!) that the cheque is honored, and makes it's way, all the way, , back to the USA where it was , for a time, displayed in the bank.
  18. Oh, let me share a coin horror story. While working as a Transit Bus Driver, in rush hour, it was not unusual for folks to pay the fare with a handful of coins, carefully dribbled into the electric farebox. I had a lady board and proceed to unroll a penny roll and carefully line'm up into the slot. It took a few seconds for me to realize THEY WERE BRIGHT UNCIRCULATED STEEL CENTS. I put my hand over the farebox and asked her where she had got that roll. She responded out of her husbands desk drawer, as she needed money for the farebox. I explained to her that each of those "pennies" w
  19. Yep. I earned that MB. One of my "specialties" was the Franklin half dollar. My dad had dealings with our local bank, and one of the tellers (wife of a Lion's Club member, in which my dad was very active) had nothing much to do one afternoon (!) and took it upon herself to scan several hundred (!!) dollars worth of halves and found the one date I was looking for....
  20. Good on ya, mate. My stints as Cubmaster and "First Assistant Everything Else" for CSDC are some of the most fun I have ever had. I still run across some of the "boys" in my travels and am remembered. One CUB made Eagle , is now head cashier at my local bank . Not my story, but I can claim some credit. One year, the CSDC theme was "Way Out West" and our District decided to tell the story of the Lewis and Clark expedition. My partner, name of Ted, and I were the chief instigators. Every morning at opening, we would "tell " a story about the L&C trek, and thus set the theme fo
  21. Oh for the days of yore... My Cub Pack, back in paleolithic Scouting days, played in a Cub Scout softball league. Each Pack in the area fielded a team, I seem to remember this was spring time and thru the summer too. Ribbons for the flag. Tshirts and a REAL ball cap (wool !) for the Cubs. This was in addition to the usual Den meetings, trips to the zoo, hay rides, fire station visits, and movies, Cub-a-rees, and Pack Meetings . My dad was one of the coaches, I was a first baseman owing (so they said) to my long arms (at age 8 and 9?) and reach. Competition with Little League?
  22. Why would the Catholic Youth of America be concerned with this?
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