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Everything posted by SSScout

  1. Very neat. Congrats to that young lady. It was obvious that the article did not get proof read by any Scout leader. She is described as being in a Scout Troop, but belongs to and is wearing a Venture Crew uni. Interestingly, on another Scout FBPage, the discussion was spirited, and wonder of wonders, the Scout's GSUSA uniform came in for critique. Sonofagun, the Uniform Police have a precinct in the GSUSA....
  2. Running on a cash basis.... Backin my paleo scout days, in our Troop, each Patrol had a Treasurer. I was my Patrol's for awhile. The Patrol Treasurer collected the Scout's dues, so much a month and passed that on to the Troop Treasurer (an adult). For campouts and such, each Patrol planned their own menus and bought grub each. Money collected that morning. No money? embarrassing, but you went home. With that collection, Scouts went shopping, ONTHE WAY TO THE CAMP ! If you couldn't afford the steaks that Scout chef planned, too bad, the kids going thru the Safeway bought hamburg. G
  3. Requirements for Membership: 1) Be a breathing young human. 2) Be willing to make the Scout Promise and live by/ abide by the Scout Law. 3) Along the way: go hiking, camping, swimming, canoeing, rock climbing, plant trees, pick up other peoples trash, learn first aid, set an example of "doing unto others what you would have done to you", become self-sufficient and "prepared" for life, keep an open mind, and help your buddies over that rock you just tripped on.
  4. Maine Scout camp may be sold to buyer who may let Scouts continue to use it. Maybe. Belgrade Scout camp may be sold to buyer who will allow use by Boy Scouts - CentralMaine.com
  5. Well, like a lot of things Scouty, "It Depends" . . . When I took WB, my Scout was bridging into Boy Scouts, my good wife was the CSDC Director ( I served as her First Assistant Everything Else) and I became an ASM in my Scout's Troop ( which had been my original Troop many moon ago. Another story). Having helped with CSDC alot (ALOT !) many of my developed tickets were Cub Scout directed. "No, no, you can't do that" my Patrol Guides said, "You are registered as a Boy Scout Leader, therefore, your tickets MUST be connected with Boy, NOT Cub Scouting...." "but, but, but..."
  6. Oh. gee, I'm sorry you spent so much money on a custom backpack and then had to use so much duct tape on it. Oh, wait....
  7. Have fun. U of Scouting was always an exciting thing to attend and/or teach at. Always enjoyed trying to convince folks I was an "expert" at something. Anything.
  8. We forget , as Mashmaster notes, it is (or should be) up to the Scout. Not every Scout will earn every award. Life is more than piling up bling. Scoutson earned Eagle. His time in the Troop was spent helping other young Scouts. He was the Totin' Chip Instructor. Had no interest in OA, or Seascouts (he went to Seabase, had his own sailboat, loved canoeing), or Venture Scouts (active in 4H, won awards for Rabbit breeding, earned Diamond 4H Award) , did not want to devote any time to the religious awards (altho he had more than half already accomplished just by "habit" and osmosis). Mom
  9. Yep. Local Council, NCAC, sez, no Scout official participation.. Parade greatly scaled back . Stay home, stay safe.
  10. The only Scout award Knot (embroidery) in my list is the DAM. The rest are only local to our District. You get a certificate "suitable for framing" and a dangle patch for your right pocket. Or shadow box/shoebox, etc. But your thought is certainly appropos, and knot out of hand. Makes one wonder what the Aussie would use... (244) Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport - YouTube
  11. Naughty knotty Our District decided (somebody decided) some years ago we needed some more awards so as to recognize more worthy folks for their efforts. So besides the "usual" . . . . District Award of Merit: An over hand knot. Simple, necessary for the completion of every other SQUARE knot. Nominated by the District Committee, officially awarded by the Council. and we have ::: Bowline: For Scouters that "hold things up" unit Leaders that keep Scouting going for their units (decided by Unit Committee) Sheetbend: For Scouters that "hold things together" ac
  12. ""It Depends"" I am not a tax accountant nor do I portray one on tv. That said, if your bank account has immense amounts of money in it, and your bank statement notes a "withholding", then you must file to get the witholding back, assuming your unit is a non-profit and you need that money back. yeah, gotta file . If no withholding, and a paucity of money in your account, check with your tax accountant.
  13. I remember the name, never had the honor of meeting her in person. By Packsaddle's recommendation, the Scout world is much less by her departure. My sympathy and prayers to the family.
  14. and there are many European adventures available. Camino de Santiago, very well traveled perhaps too crowded for a Scout Troop actually. Northern Spain, excellent Albergues Hostels), well marked , good public transport/bus and train. Many trails and historic places in Belgium and Netherlands. Very Bike friendly there. I was on a WW1 history bus tour and met up with a Troop from Vancouver Canada ! Camping/bike touring....
  15. With planning (or without?) the Great Allegheny Trail can be done on foot or bike. History, natural areas, public touristy stuff.... Take the train up tp Pittsburgh, it's all down hill. America's Friendliest Long-Distance Rail-Trail - GREAT ALLEGHENY PASSAGE (gaptrail.org)
  16. Once upon a time, I worked for our local Transit system. I was the Late Desk, which meant I welcomed the last busses into the depot, closed up and locked the doors for the night (maybe 1:30am ). One Friday night, about 10:30pm, I answered the phone and the adult male voice on the other end asked if I could answer some questions about the Metro Subway system (???). I first asked how he had gotten this number (which was not generally available to the public). He said he had a friend who also worked for the "County". Well, okay, I'll help you if I can. He said his son was going down town th
  17. Once upon a time auto rally courses were popular. The idea is to drive at a certain speed for a certain distance, following directions along a prescribed course. The driver who came closest to the "ideal" calculated time for the course without going over it was the winner. I remember one course I drove with my buddy as navigator, we came in , I think 35th out of 50 some contestants. There was one direction that I remember: "Take second right after 138 mail boxes." What??? Well, we passed a trailer park with over a hundred mailboxes all in a row! And if you took the FIRST right, it
  18. And that's how you earn your consultant's fee. You want that chocolate cake donut? Just askin'....
  19. Well, maybe. If the folks that "play the game well" might pay more , the folks that can't "play the game" might pay less. Perhaps time for another thread with very little to do about Scouting.... Nah, not today.
  20. Yeah. It's like the state lotteries. Why not just make our taxes fair and equitable , and not make "school funding" (for instance) dependent on folks' greed and desire to beat out others?
  21. My original "Handbook" is/was titled "Handbook for Boys". The Scout part was inside.....
  22. Hornaday did much good. However..... Read thru William Temple Hornaday - Wikipedia but pay attention to "Racism at the zoo" section.
  23. If it wasn't before, it certainly is now. The Troop of my yoooth did just about everything to make things cheap and affordable. We made our tents (plastic grommeted tarps), some cook sets (#10 cans etc.) . Now, of course, us kids had very little idea what the parents/adults did for us other than drive the car and help with other stuff (money?, How to hold a saw or hatchet? ) I never HEARD of a "District Executive" or "Charter" until I started getting called "Mr. SSScout". by my Scoutson's buddies. MBCounselor? My Music/Bugling was my school Band teacher. I had to call the Cou
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