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About Summitdog

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    Belmont, CA
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  • Interests
    Being a good father, outdoorsman, family and dogs
  • Biography
    Just learning about scouts.

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  1. From my discussions with National, it is my understanding that it applicable to units. There seems to be more confusion about the new award than with the old Hornaday Award, which was rather unknown and confused in my local council.
  2. We are really getting off topic. The criteria for the various awards have changed drastically,i.e., the unit award is reviewed and awarded by National (no longer within the jurisdiction of the council). Can we focus on these types of topics rather than the useless mental exercise being displayed above?
  3. For more than a century, the BSA has encouraged and honored conservation work with an award that recognizes youth, adults and organizations who have demonstrated tremendous effort and commitment to the environment. This award, which until now had been known as the William T. Hornaday Award, is being discontinued, and the new BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Award is being introduced to underscore the importance of encouraging everyone to participate in environmental stewardship. The new BSA Distinguished Conservation Service Award will continue to recognize the conservation efforts o
  4. Fulfilling More Than One Requirement With a Single Activity From time to time it may be appropriate for a Scout to apply what was done to meet one requirement toward the completion of another. In deciding whether to allow this, unit leaders or merit badge counselors should consider the following. When, for all practical purposes, two requirements match up exactly and have the same basic intent—for example, camping nights for Second Class and First Class ranks and for the Camping merit badge—it is appropriate and permissible, unless it is stated otherwise in the requiremen
  5. The question came up because my youngest son is in cub scouts and is working on his Parvuli Dei. Naturally, a little sibling rivalry came into play.
  6. Thanks everyone for your responses. I did not know about the Adobe function that allows Stephen Hawking read to my son. Scotty
  7. My son is a boy scout who is entering the sixth grade, has not started/completed the Parvuli Dei. The rub is my son is 11 years old and a scout. From my reading, he is not eligible for the emblem. Additionally, because he has not completed the 6th grade and he is not 13 years old he may not work towards the Ad Altare Dei emblem. So as it stands, he is just in a holding pattern for a couple of years. Does everyone agree? Scotty
  8. I'd love to learn more about this procedure. I have Adobe Acrobat Pro (older version) but I don't see a audible reader function. Is it on a new version? Are you having some Google function read the PDF? If we can do that, it would be very helpful. (a quick cursory search I found voice dream reader. Is this what you are using? : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/voice-dream-reader/id496177674 If your son wants to read the various pamphlets and upload them onto the troop website in a downloadable format that could be very helpful for scouts outside of his troop. I know I would ask for
  9. Congratulations to this young scout. It reads like he is very motivated to stay in the scouts even after meeting his initial goal of making Eagle. Where I am located, most scouts are less motivated to make eagle for the sake of making eagle and only finish eagle in order to "check the box" on their college application. Their motivation is not wrong, just different. Scotty
  10. Goldnloks, I agree that Learning Ally does not have the latest versions of the MB pamphlets nor all of the books. I believe that this is largely the responsibility of BSA as there are copyright licenses that need to be addressed. While Learning Ally is not a perfect solution, or the best imaginable, it is the best I can find. Goldnloks, do you have an alternative recommendation? Scotty
  11. Does anyone know if once a scout earns a Bronze Medal may they reapply for the Silver Medal after completing another project?
  12. Karen, If you have not already submitted your paper, here are a few notes: I PLEASE DO: - find out if the scout/family wants the scout to advocate for themselves - be as discreet as possible when accommodating the difference (but not in such a way that the scout believes they should be ashamed) Please DON’T: -- blame poor parenting / home life / single mom (Single Parent) You may wish to address what is probably one of the most common situation a leader will encounter, a child with untreated ADHD. Some parents either do
  13. Samuel, The handbook may be signed off by a scout ranked first class or higher or by a scouter. Scotty
  14. My son got motivated to arrow out early after he saw a boy in his old pack arrow out. (It was a case of negative emotion turned positive. The other boy always picked on my son and when my son saw him arrow out on time my son decided he could to it too.) In short, my son was 10.5 yrs old, been with the scouts for more than 6 months (since first grade) AND completed all of the AOL requirements. His troop has embraced him despite being young. (It is important to find the right troop too). He has about 1 year in with his troop and he already has 11 nights of camping and loves it.
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