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UKScouterInCA last won the day on June 7 2023

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About UKScouterInCA

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    San Diego
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    Software Development
  • Interests
    High Adventure
  • Biography
    2nd generation Scout(er) (in the UK) with a 3rd generation current Scout. I love all the outdoor stuff (hiking, backpacking, camping, rock climbing, kayaking) and have since/because I was a Scout. Less interest in the formality. Zero interest in the religious stuff.

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  1. To earn the Cycling Merit Badge a Scout rides a minimum of 150 miles if taking the road cycling option, or 52 miles if taking the mountain bike option. (NB if they do Motorboating they have gone a minimum of a mile, if Horsemanship 60 feet). I do not interpret 2a to be 100. miles in addition to the merit badge, I interpret it to be including the badge. So, if taking the road cycling route the Scout needs an additional 50 miles above and beyond the Cycling Merit Badge. This does illustrate some of the inequity in the award, it is easier to achieve road cycling than mountain bik
  2. Agree. A reminder that this is the National Medal for Outdoor Achievement. Doesn't mention Adventure (except within the Adventure segment, which you don't have to earn to get the medal) The Mission Statement and Vision of Scouting are, IMO, kind of vague corporate meaningless blah that could equally apply to any youth organization. The meat of Scouting is in the Aims and Methods. So, does this award utilize the methods of Scouting to achieve the Mission? Ideals - Essentially follow Scout Law, Promise, Motto and Slogan. This is a little abstract abstract, but this award has lots of se
  3. I guess the question is - who is coming up with the meeting agenda's? The Scouts or the Scoutmaster? I'm not a huge fan of Troop meetings being very focused on MBs but to each their own. MBs seem to be better done in Scouts own time with meetings focused on (fun) Scout Skills more.
  4. According to National Scout Store, they are issuing new medals. So maybe my dream is coming true and they are replacing the old janky medal with something more impressive.
  5. According to National Scout Store, they are issuing new medals. So maybe my dream is coming true and they are replacing the old janky medal with something more impressive.
  6. Scouting - An amazing program that is successful because of the amazing volunteers in Troops nationwide, DESPITE the best efforts of National.
  7. You can still buy the patches online and at the Scout Store. It is just the medal that is unavailable. If they are discontinuing the award, National are not being communicative about it. Really unfair to anyone currently working towards it.
  8. Our Scout Shop told us that National had pulled back all remaining supplies and destroyed them. Not sure if that is true. It's an absolute shame if they discontinue this award, the achievements a Scout needs to get to earn it are absolutely core to the mission of Scouting. I would way prefer to see a Scout earn this than every merit badge.
  9. Talking about janky cheap medals in an earlier thread, this medal is most certainly not!! We just had 2 adults and 2 scouts earn this beauty! The thing is weighty! To earn this the Scouts (and Adults) had to earn 4 separate local High Adventure Awards. As part of that they had to complete: A 2 (or more) backpack to the summit of Mt San Gorgonio (11,503 ft) A 2 (or more) backpack to the summit of Mt San Bernardino (10.649 ft) A 2 (or more) backpack to the summit of Mt San Jacinto (10,834 ft) A day hike to the summit of Mt Antonio (aka Mt Baldy) (10,064 ft)
  10. Does anyone here know what National is doing with the National Medal for Outdoor Achievement? https://www.scouting.org/programs/scouts-bsa/advancement-and-awards/noa/ The medals have been removed from Scout Stores and supposedly all collected by National and destroyed. The medal itself is a janky piece of junk, so flimsy and lame. But the level achievement you need to reach to earn it is super impressive. I for one think it would be an absolute shame if National discontinued this medal. And doing so without any comment period, skulking away in the dead of night, seems super shad
  11. OK, bit of an aside, but I always found the Req's for the Camping MB weird. The Scout can only claim one long term camping trip (up to 6 nights) and needs 20 nights. But no guidance on what a short term camping trip is. 1 night? 2? 3? 4? 5?. What about a Scout who has done multiple long term camps? It seems weird that they can use a one night car camping trip, but no nights at all from that 12 night Philmont expedition because they already had a summer camp counted? Or does it camp for x nights?
  12. NAYLE and Rayado are very different propositions. I honestly think it is a mistake to approach this as a "I want to visit a HA base" instead of a "I want to experience ..... activities offered by a HA base". Philmont base camp is essentially a bunch of tents in a field, fun to see it if you never had for a couple of minutes (or maybe an hour if you go to the store). It is the activities and experiences where it shines. NAYLE is an extension of NYLT, you are going to learn leadership skills. Very classroom based. Rayado is backpacking, in the wilds, walking a long way and seeing remo
  13. It feels so easy to define a mammal. Until you learn about the Duck Billed Platypus.
  14. For those in or around Southern California, or with interest in visiting, I wanted to let you know of a new award we just got approved. The Southern California Historic Trails Triple Crown award is this cool medal: To earn it you have hike and backpack on three historic trails in Southern California, namely and earning the related awards: The Mormon Battalion Award The El Camino Real award The De Anza Trail award and do a little trail maintenance.
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