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Everything posted by SSScout

  1. AH yes, another Murlin Scouter heard from. Greetings from Mungmry County...... Yes, dry clean, especially non-carbona use. You can also contact the Smithsonian, they will advise on such things as preserving fabric artifacts. My story: I was my Troops first Eagle, 1963.... The Troop was founded in 1956 or so. I "grew up" and moved away. When I returned with Scoutson (very pleased he chose my old "home Troop") in 2006, I became a ASM and got active with the Troop. At a CoH, I thought I noticed something about the flags used. After, I inspected them, found the US flag had 48
  2. Ah yes. OA. The Scout Honor Camper Society. Some few questions for y'all... 1) What, exactly, are the present minimum "official", Irving requirements for membership in the OA ? 2) After the Scout "qualifies", How would a Scout be chosen (join?) the OA ? 3) Why should a Scout aspire to be a member of the OA, assuming he/she is already satisfied (having fun?) being an "ordinary" Scout/Venturererer/Sea Scout? 4) What benefits accrue in being an Arrowperson? What responsibilities? 5) How come this thread hasn't been rerouted to the OA forum ?
  3. Considerations: I used to motorcycle in ALL weather. Invested in a Helly Hansen rain suit, it was worth it for that consideration. I can highly recommend their gear. Buy big and baggy, you do not want close to the body. Leave room for sweat, ventilation, extra layers for warmth when needed. Also helps protect against "road rash". Bright Yellow (only choice !). Poncho? I hiked the Camino de Santiago some years ago and carried a rain jacket (make sure it reaches BELOW your hips), which can be layered, and a big, over the pack poncho, and a pack cover. The rain jacket was go
  4. This was passed on to me, the link is reeealy long, but the story is worth considering .
  5. Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford, IBM, Firestone, Standard Oil/I.G.Farben..... , , , ,
  6. Congratulations..... My points for the new Eagles to remember when I am asked to speak at the Eagle CoH: 1) "The Work Is Done By Whoever Shows Up." Show up.... 2 When you find yourself thinking, "why doesn't somebody do something about that ?" BE that somebody.. 3) Your Scout experience and training has made you remarkably able . You will find yourself in situations where folks will point you out saying, "He can do that. Let's ask him." Smile and say "YES" as often as you can. Tell your nascent Eagles, I look forward to seeing them on the trail.
  7. Even so... Points to be made. 1) God ain't making any more real estate. A sold camp will never be a camp again. 2) If in the big swing of things, two successful camps (well used, popular with Scouts, real Scouty programs) are better than three struggling ones, I can accept that. If the reasons for Stig's failure are LEARNED.... 3) How do the local zoning folks feel about it ? 3 acre estates? Club Med on the Erie? Quarter acre duplexes? Mixed Use, planned community like Columbia MD or Greenbelt MD ? Does it front on the big lake? CNG Port ?
  8. OK, now back to normal page size. Crisis over. Used the "options" zoom from 80% back to 100%.But I still don't know what was touched to led to this. Oh well, onward and upward.
  9. How come I now have a side to side scroll bar and the whole home page (for instance) is not totally visible like before?
  10. Waaaaaaallll, ah didn't even get thet fer, it dun quit on me an' weren't no sound fer to lissen to, no way.
  11. Who decided the "supplies" were needed? Did the Scout point out their being needed there? Who developed the plan to raise the funds, order them, collect the crew necessary to install them correctly? Who would have done this, if not by a Scout's efforts? Perhaps the janitor? This is much different from a Scout noticing that a bridge over this particular muddy area on a well traveled park trail might be a good addition, go to the park department, offer to plan, arrange, gather materials, supervise the bridge construction and then get 'er done.
  12. The "OUTING" in SCOUTING applies to everything else, without a classroom, pedagogical situation. THAT is Scouting's advantage. Math? Physics? Compass, mapping, rough surveying..... Electromagnetism? That's the compass, flashlights & batteries. Simple machines? Action reaction? Ropes and Pioneering and set up a tent/dining fly in the rain.... Psychology? Interpersonal relationships? outside of the family, dealing with "work to be done to survive (Patrol cooking? Duty roster? )", contests to test your skill? History? Citizenship, Patriotism? depends on where
  13. Change in attitude... My mom grew up in Boston in the 1920's and 30's . Bus and interurban trains were her thing. When it came to visiting the city, we often drove to the local bus/streetcar terminal(20 miles away) and rode the car into the city to the museums (Washington DC.). No more streetcars, but DC had to fight to gain the Metro it so appreciates now. True story: One of my assignments before I retired was to close up the local bus service. Last bus came into the depot around 1:15am. One friday night, about 11pm, I answered the phone. Man's voice asks if I could answer some
  14. This might be seen as too long for merely a "Scoutmaster's Minute" but it bears consideration in this time. Robert Fulghum is known for his list of "All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten." , but his astute observations and ruminations deserve our consideration. Here is the best rendition I could find of a chapter from his book, "It Was On Fire When I Lay Down On It" . What is the Meaning of Life? "Are There Any Questions?" An offer that comes at the end of college lectures and long meetings. Said when an audience is not only overdosed wit
  15. Mission statement: "" The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law."" Goals and aims : "" The Aims of Scouting are: Character, Citizenship, Personal Fitness and Leadership."" Methods and objectives: Ask this of the BSA website and you get this: https://www.scouting.org/resources/guide-to-advancement/advancement-definied/#2004 ""(advancement) is a method, not an end in itself...."" The TRADITIONAL Scout stuff (outdoor safe adventure,
  16. Now we know... Truth will out....
  17. Maurice Chevalier please call your office. Aw, aw, aw,,,
  18. I dunno, I just feel moved to post something that was used in another thread some years ago. This is the original, it is often "adjusted" to allow for certain sensitivities, but I always like to go back to the original.... Maybe not appropriate for a ScoutsBSA Troop SMMinute, maybe more appropriate for an IOLS or Wood Badge Scoutmaster Minute, or maybe an EDGE Training session, but worth putting away in one's back pocket, "just in case"... Within My PowerBy Forest E. Witcraft (1894 - 1967), a scholar, teacher, and Boy Scout Executive and first published in the Octob
  19. I always favor correct quotations. Here is the website to view the "official" , original version of this iconic poem: https://www.theguyintheglass.com/gig.htm
  20. Okay, I am still confused by this... I had the impression that the Vanguard Scouts was to be "THE" official LDS Youth scouting type program. No? Is it only the Religious Award Oversight Committee? The LDS Youth Program is something different ? As a Scout Chaplain, a member of my faith Scouting Committee, Assistant District Commish and RoundTabler, who fields questions like this, I am just trying to understand the new world order here....
  21. I would never try to disparage a faith's decision about how to teach their youth, but I too am confused... If the Vanguard International Scouting Association is the new "Scout" organization for the CoJCoLDS youth, why the claim that it is "approved" by the BSA? The BSA would never need to "approve" another youth organization. BP Scouts? Four H? Ambassadors? Campfire? Royal Rangers? None of them have sought BSA approval of any kind. If the LDS church (out of Salt Lake City, yes?) has divested itself of it's connection/approval etc. of BSA, and formed a new youth Scouting type
  22. Polio, Tuberculosis, AIDS, Influenza, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Cholera, Bubonic Plaque, Whooping Cough, Lyme, Muscular Dystrophy, Cancer, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Malaria, Ebola, Dengue, Rocky Mountain Fever, Mumps, Measles, , , , A Doctor friend did a study of the headstones and records of our local graveyard. The earlier graves included many with dates indicating death before age five. There was a distinctive drop in childhood deaths about 1920. He decided it was due to success in medical treatments leading to the lessening of the incidence of Diphtheria and
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