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Everything posted by Sentinel947

  1. I saw this today as well. Brand new case. As the details become public, it will be a shame to see where things went wrong and what signs were ignored. Criminal sexual act- second degree Crime & Punishment in New York : ... A person commits a criminal sexual act in the second degree when the offender is 18 years old or over and engages in oral or anal sexual conduct with another person who is under 15 years old.
  2. I think they know, I think they fear the liability lawyers will pummel us out of existence. The sad irony is that the organizational failures of the 60's,70's, 80s regarding program mirror the institutional failures to protect youth. I duly hope we aren't the ones who will be the last ones out the door, and turn out the lights on American Scouting.
  3. The NY Post is not really journalism. It's a tabloid. The point of it is to publish the most outrageous and salacious interpretation of the news as possible while still falling on the right side of slander and libel laws.
  4. I agree. On my own project I typically had my parents (non registered) and maybe one or two troop leaders over 21 who were registered. I remember for certain one of my work days I had a friend who was 18 as my second adult. My project was at the township park in full view of a busy road... certainly a public place. But overall, the BSA is at least finally making a consistent (if not cumbersome) ruling. It doesn't make sense for YPT requirements to be in place for Troop outings, but not meetings or Eagle Projects. It effectively becomes a donut hole of risk.
  5. Guide to safe Scouting requires two registered adults over 21 for all Scouting activities.
  6. Not much between here and the Steel City. Maybe Athens. 🤣 As much as the news can be dire or frustrating regarding the BSA. I'm all in for at least 2020. If I'm out after that, it'll be because of life circumstances vs something that the BSA does or something that happens in the news.
  7. As a young, single adult, I'd get my social life back. Spend more weekends at the range, doing my own camping trips. No more weeknights at Scouting stuff. (3 nights this week). Maybe at some point if my church had an outdoors ministry, I'd help with that. This may happen to me regardless of what happens with the BSA's solvency.
  8. It doesn't really break mine. Any time there's a man among youth (male of female), there are going to be parents that are rightfully defensive about it. Those of you who have rubbed shoulders with foreign Scout groups have seen that young adults in their 20's-30's make up a big chunk of Scout leaders. Here in the States, a combination of moving away from home for college, lack of paid time off at the beginning of careers, and "all adult men around kids must be potential pedophiles" keeps Scouting in the US from tapping into a knowledgeable and needed group of volunteers. I'm not sure what the
  9. Bingo. This right here is why I will have nothing to do with female Scouts BSA troops. As a single man in his 20's, I can only be viewed by parents as a potential predator in the making, and I have no desire to deal with that.
  10. Again, does having Scout markings on a trailer help or hurt? The one you posted on the 18th was found because it had troop markings on it. Hopefully the unmarked trailer is recovered too.
  11. What do your SPL's and ASPL's think is best?
  12. We eat with the participants for most meals. There's a few meals the staff prepare for the participants. We have one evening where the Scout's Scoutmasters visit, so staff cook that meal. Staff also cooks breakfast the day the participants return from outpost. Otherwise our meals are similar. The food is crated up by patrol and the participants send two patrol members to pick up their supplies from the QM's. If you are interested, I can ask our QM adviser and see if he'd be open to connecting with you and sharing how we managed food. You can PM me and I'll text him and see what he says.
  13. My Council did 5 courses spread over 3 weeks. The first two weeks have 2 courses going simultaneously, starting one day apart. One starts on a Sunday, the other on a Monday. I'm not claiming my council does it the best or most optimal way, but this is how we do it. This allows us to have one set of program supplies. We do all of our staff development weekends together, but split up into courses for much of the weekends. I can send you some sample schedules if you'd like to see what that looks like. Overall, we have a few adults that serve as advisory staff, One who leads the overal
  14. And the Scouts. In high school I did Marching Band and SPL at the same time. The Scoutmaster was accommodating and I made sure to delegate what I couldn't attend. I probably made 90% of the meetings and 50% of the outings during band. If the Scoutmaster had made me choose band or SPL, I would have chose band. That would have been a bitter pill to swallow, and I wouldn't have handled it as maturely as @qwazse. If I stuck with Scouts it would've been a bare minimum endeavor. It would have made huge changes to my the friends I have, my current volunteering in Scouts, and my career (w
  15. Scouts, Music, Sports are all pieces to the puzzle for how we develop youth. Sports can be great, teaching teamwork, promoting physical fitness, and many sports can lead to lifetime hobbies/activities. Music is similar where the reward for those who are talented or put in the practice can be very self gratifying. Being part of my high school marching band, and hitting some of those big moments in our shows was addicting. There was a feeling of being part of something big and special. (My high school marching band had about 180 students.) Scouting is the same, and unlike other activities, S
  16. Unit volunteering is easier to sustain than District or Council. There is a more immediate "payoff" to unit volunteering that isn't always true of District or Council. It's ok to take a break, especially from District or Council stuff. I just turned down an offer to join the Distict Eagle Advancement team. A few years ago I'd be all over that, now I've got too much going on.
  17. What it comes down to is that the BSA and it's volunteers have sold Scouting as a positive environment for kids. We've sold it as character development, an all American activity. So when folks involved with Scouting do terrible things, the media pounces, because it's scandalous. If it bleeds, it leads, and the same is true of scandalous things. Most folks with an opinion worth a cup of spit aren't going to look at this young man pushing drugs and think, "Scouting caused him to do that." I don't feel a need to defend Scouting from a situation like this.
  18. Yea. That'll be the tipping point. It'll be interesting to see what happens going forward. Like watching a train derail in slow motion.
  19. I'm not sure what the BSA was responsible for vs what WOSM was responsible for.
  20. Craziness. In Belgium some rifles and shotguns are legal. Likely the ones Scouts are shooting:.22's, pump shotguns, cowboy action style guns, are likely legal in Belgium anyways.
  21. First thing: Wood Badge can be well worth your while because it will teach you the same material they learned at NYLT. I found Wood Badge helpful and I'd already been to NYLT. Otherwise: I like Eagledads advice. Ask them what they learned and want to try in the Troop. NYLT talks a fair amount about creating visions for yourself and your team and creating SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time set) goals to accomplish that. If they are SPL or ASPL's ask them what their vision is for the troop, what goals they want to set, and as they go along, help them refine their
  22. Difference is I'm a single man in my 20's without kids. If I strike up conversations with random youth that's kinda weird.
  23. Logistics is always a challenge for most Scout events. One would think the largest jambo in history they'd figure it out, but I'm sure they are trying to avoid leftover inventory. Not sure what is on WOSM vs what's on the BSA. One if my buddies had a hard time getting swag he ordered and he is on staff.
  24. In my neck of the woods, we call those individuals suckers..
  25. Visiting WSJ was a great time! It was the first time I've visited the Summit, and I was able to forget about the debt and it being a financial albatross for a few hours. As a visitor to WSJ it's hard to meet any of the foreign scouts/scouters because they all have activities and such to do. Still the international exhibits were really cool. I had some Francesinha from the Portuguese food tent. It was fattening and so tasty. Met a few scouts and scouters from my council, a few on purpose and a few on accident! Met with @qwazse which as he told his scouts: "I'm off to go meet some stranger from
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