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Cubmaster Pete

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Cubmaster Pete last won the day on March 6 2017

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    Railroading, Camping

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  1. I'm a railroader, and this breaks my heart. Please just pay attention, don't try to beat the train. Look both ways, whether there are lights, gates, wooden crossbucks, whatever. Not only does this affect the family, but the crew on the train as well. We are helpless when this happens, we can't stop in time. The guilt you live with is overwheming.
  2. This will not end well for Philmont, I'm sorry but it won't.
  3. At least have the cajones to be honest, tell us WHY and that it happened, not hide it. They hid it, it's so obvious. It happened in March, they didn't want us to know until it was too late. Unreal. I'm sorry, but clean house. Everyone at top level in Irving has to go. It's not about the money, or lack therof. It's about transparency at this point. There isn't any. It's sad, pathetic and wrong.
  4. This is what frustrates me the most. It's not the higher fees, I can deal with that. It's what appears to be blatant disregard for volunteer input, something that the BSA supposedly prides itself on. Obviously that's not true. No more than right now is it more important to focus on the unit.
  5. Wow. The list of topics related to poor communication from BSA continues.... It's obvious to me something is up. Something bad is happening, and they don't want to tell. If volunteers are so important, why don't they communicate with them?
  6. Yes, parents are going. And I would rather cook out there than eat freeze dried stuff, or sandwiches. I sat down with them (boys) and I asked what does everyone enjoy the most, they all said camping. I suggested a "backpacking" trip and they flipped out. Parents are on board too. This all stems off my oldests AOL experience that has been less than stellar. That's a whole other topic (If you ask nicely, I might tell you) Anyways, he was jealous of what we are doing, and told me he wants to come be in our den. He crosses over in February, and he is very much looking forward to Scouts BSA
  7. That's a great thread, thank you! We think alike ☺️
  8. I will check, although our Scouts BSA troop has stayed here before. I'm guessing it already is. State Park land..
  9. BSA age appropriate guidelines mention Backpacking-Overnight Backcountry. We would not be in the backcountry (less than 20 mins from automobiles) and the scouts won't be carrying gear for a muti-day trek. Realistically we would be out there for less than 18 hours.
  10. My son's Bear den becomes Webelos I this coming June. Had the idea of taking them backpacking overnight. Ice Age Trail is near our community. We would only hike a mile or so in, stay overnight, come back next morning. Very low key, dads stay in tents boys would stay in the backpack shelter (like a small log cabin) I'd like to expose them to different outdoor activities, keep them interested. Planning process, etc... Anyone done this before?
  11. Yep, that's it. Just curious if anyone has some laying on the bottom or their awards box.
  12. Sad... what did your cost end up being? Ours is $105
  13. Does anyone have some they are willing to part with?
  14. How has your units famIies received this? Have you had committee/parents meetings yet about it? Ours was last Sunday. It went well. Good ideas, good discussion. We made some adjustments, mostly everyone was positive. We set the pack up for future increases and financial stability, even though it meant eliminating a few items we normally paid for to keep costs down. Had several parents that owned businesses offer to donate what was needed to cover defecit, as I refused to ask families for more money to cover a problem that was not our fault on short notice. I wanted this meeting to be about permanent solutions, not temporary ones. We were still going to be short at recharter, my DE was aware that we would be. We would be able to pay the balance in January after a normal dues payment, but the beginning of the year would be a little lean on funds until next dues in April. With PWD and B&G coming up it would have been tough, but manageable. One of the parents showed up on my doorstep tonight with a check for $1250, no stipulations. 😊 I had no idea it was coming. That will cover the recharter shortfall. I am so grateful that we can move forward in the plus column starting next year, grateful to parents who understand that this is still an excellent program, and so worth it.
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