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Everything posted by Sentinel947

  1. Camps in my council are moving forward with planning. I'm still not optimistic they can or should open at all. They did extend the payment deadline till June 1st, and created a very generous refund/cancellation policy.
  2. My state currently has a 14 day quarantine for people traveling back to the state from elsewhere. That might be possible for out of state staff. Not really possible for out of state campers.
  3. I disagree, the PRC is absolutely fudging their numbers of infections and deaths.
  4. Discovering permethrin was great for me. I used to have multiple ticks during backpacking trips, now I'm unlucky if I find even one.
  5. Agreed about Bush II. He took it seriously. Obama had done some good work continue what Bush II had done. First place I'd point the finger at was the Chinese Communist Party. They have absolutely minimized their reporting, and probably falsified their numbers. They never let a good crisis go to waste. Notice nobody is talking about Hong Kong protests or the Uighers in concentration camps anymore. Western Countries and most citizens weren't taking the virus very seriously in January or early February. US Military intelligence knew there were issues in China in NOVEMBER... There does
  6. This could be spun off into a delightful issues and politics thread. This virus has been a multi national failure of multiple governments and health agencies, trickling down to local leadership being unprepared or in denial.
  7. Agreed. We don't want to let everybody back out at once with no restrictions, We'll just have a no "peak infections" a few months from now. Look to China as an example. One, their infection and death rate is definitely higher than reported, and while some activities have resumed, they are still not doing mass events like sporting events.
  8. I went to NT about a decade or so ago. Used Altima boots and they held up fine. I don't remember my feet being wet to too big a deal. After we set up camp, everybody took off their wet socks and either got in the tent or sat around camp in dry socks and camp shoes.
  9. My local CVS clinic is still doing physicals. I think it's a bad idea, but they were open, I have HSA money to spend, and as an Assistant Course Director for NYLT, if I'm not available we are not having camp if it's even possible. I jumped on the opportunity to get my physical done and out of the way.
  10. Yea. It's easy for me to say that camp should be reopened when the health authorities say it safe to do so, but I'm not a parent. So my (non existent) kids don't have to live with the consequences. That being said, if the government allows childcare facilities/ schools to reopen and the restrictions that will still be in place allow for something like a camp, and the Council can pull off the logistics, I see no reason why not to have it. If we get to a reasonable time horizon before camp and it's clear it won't be safe, or the restrictions left in place won't make it manageable, it should be c
  11. How can any reasonable individuals have ill will towards the council or camp if the virus situation means some weeks of camp has to be cancelled in June, but the council and health authorities deem it safe to proceed with later weeks in July? As long as they get a refund, it's a literal act of God. Given the logistical challenges of putting together a camp, training and hiring staff, I could see the whole summer cancelled rather than partial cancellations, but we'll see.
  12. Interesting. Dan Beard pushed back the early bird deadline to 5/15. Our Stay at home order runs until 5/1.
  13. @Ronmass welcome to the forum. My thoughts on summer camps is that they are not likely to happen this summer. At least not in my area, at least not on time. Maybe in July or August. A couple things have to happen: The area isn't facing a COVID-19 outbreak, and the state has lifted it's stay at home order, and the CDC recommends people return to work/school. Campers from out of state or people who have recently traveled (two weeks- month) are not permitted to attend. Families have the financial ability to send a kid to camp. Council has the financial ability to p
  14. The virus hasn't hit my area too hard yet. I just scheduled a physical at a CVS minute clinic. I shredded my part C from last year... So I have to get one, otherwise if Camp does happen, I'm likely screwed.
  15. Been to Philmont twice. First things first, your 18 year old is an adult, must have YPT and cannot tent with youth. Whether you have him play a youth or adult role is up to you and him, but he must always follow YPT. Just like if he was an over 18 participant on NYLT Staff, OA, or a Venturing crew. In my 2015 trek, we had 5 adult males. 7 male youth. We had 2 adults share a tent. 2 went solo(one of our adults was 6'6, and we didn't have a two man tent that would fit him and another adult), and 1 adult shared a tent with his son. The 6 other youth split into two man tents. Don't br
  16. Ohio actually has it's own model online. Ohio State and the Cleveland Clinic: https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home/dashboard/forecast-model/ . It's still way to early to say where this is going to go. I'm mentally prepared that camp will be cancelled, that way I can be surprised and pleased if we go forward.
  17. I can't tell if the BSA is arguing that the Councils are separate and should not be sued, or are part of the settlement with National and cannot be sued directly.
  18. I had a email a few years ago from one of the sons of Muammar Gaddafi. He needed urgent help distributing money for cancer research and I naturally wanted to help. Still waiting for my 1 million dollars to come through...
  19. I doubt it. This is an unprecedented situation so it's hard to say what the future holds. Councils will wait until they have to make that decision. Lets take my home state of Ohio for example: This is the latest model from University of Washington: https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections This is assuming our state continues to have the discipline to stay in the very deep shutdown we are in currently. Ohio has been one of the nations leaders in aggressive response tactics to the virus. We're also fortunate as "flyover" country, that we haven't had as many travelers to spread the virus
  20. That might be a moot point if COVID 19 testing doesn't improve and be more widely used, and if an effective antibody test is not created and distribute to test for immunity.
  21. I'm not sure if this is a death kneel for units. Eligible youth cannot really do any other activities during this time period either. I think most folks are going to go back to doing whatever activities they were doing before the shutdown, with some variation due to some folks losing their jobs and not having solid finances. I think the 2008 financial crisis is probably a more reasonable scenario to look to for an idea about where numbers, camps, and donations are headed. Plenty of areas across the country will have minimal deaths, and the damage will be mostly financial. Some areas will have
  22. As I read more, and get more data from work (I work at a hospital), I'm starting to think that some regions may be opened back by June and some will not. Social distancing compliance as well as population density plays a key role in all of this. In My home state, Ohio, our leaders have been very aggressive about closing things and mandating that business close. Our peak of infections is projected to be in Mid May, and we will only somewhat exceed hospital capacity during the peak. I do not think we'll have much of an early summer here if the projections prove true, and our "peak" of cases will
  23. It's definitely based on things you search for outside the forum. The ads are not terrible on a computer, but are overly intrusive on mobile.
  24. My Troop, I'd say it's in order: High Adventure, Weekend Backpacking, Summer Camp, and in a distant 4th place NYLT.
  25. Yea my NYLT staff is doing some virtual training and presentation practice, but it's likely with the course taking place in early June, that it will be cancelled.
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