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Everything posted by nldscout

  1. I pull our troop trailer and it is a tandum that is rated at over 5000 lbs. Having scouts in vehicle while traveling is not a big deal. When it comes to spotting it at campsite I make them get out so I am not distracted and stand where I can see them
  2. Is this the 25 min one you had to buy or the 5 min promotional one? The 5 min Promo is on DVD.
  3. Out Troop and Pack accounts are with the local bank. They offer free accounts to non-profits. Sound like a quick change of treasurer to me, or better yet close the old account and have the treasurer open a whole new account with a better deal. This gets rid of any problems of mail and statements and cost only a few dollars to accomplish. We have always done the open close thing on new treasurers
  4. As a long time member of the OA, now an adult I would not like to see it opened up to females as youth members. I do have a question, Why? Why must we contually have this discussion. Why does the Venturing devision not just form its own Honor camping society? If we open it to venturers, what about Cub Scouts? Can someone explain why? We are getting more and more like the ACLU every day. If we don't include everyone, then Gee maybe we hurt someones self esteem. So lets change the rules and include everyone, why bother with elections at all.
  5. I know in our council and district no one checks blue cards, not enough time. Beside where is district guy gonna check them? after they are submitted to council? At that point its too late.
  6. As much as it may pain me to agree with some of the posters, I looked at the web site on this. This is not a state organization, but a charitable organization set nup by the state for funneling of donations. The funds are managed by the United way of Conneticut. if you look at the agencies the Girl scouts and all other youth groups are not listed. But if you look under the the 10 agenices listed the Boy Scouts and Girl scouts and a whole lot of others are listed also as members of a specific UW. So can the Boy Scouts have it both ways? No I think that would be wrong.
  7. I think you would have to judge the young lady as a person, just as you should judge the young men you are hiring. Although this may call for some increased vigalance and supervision, I think it depends on the person. The problem is if a camp has one bad experiance with a young female staffer as ours did a few years back, they will never do it again unless forced to. Now some accuse us in the BSA as being old fashioned in our views and that the GSUSA is so much more liberal and forward thinking. Can you see a GSUSA camp hiring 14-18yr old male youth for staffers? Not in my lifetime.
  8. OGE According to my math, she must be over 21 to be program Dir. Which means that was 7 yrs ago when she started. I don't think venturing was around then.
  9. Explain to me how a 14yr old female could have been on Staff? She must be a Member of the Boy scouts to be a staff member.
  10. Dan, The term Class A & B are military uniform terms. Class A being the dress uniform
  11. Why is we think we must include every scout so as not to hurt someones feeling's? Crossing over from Cubs to Boy Scouts is what the ceremony is all about. If the Cub and his family chooses not to join a troop then is scouting career is OVER. He can't bridge to Boy scouts with out joining a troop. As a SM, I would not participate in a ceremony where anyone who was a Webelos is included even if not joining the TRoop. This Cheapens it for all the Cubs who are. Its time to quit with the PC stuff. Life is about choices.
  12. Only those boys actually joining a troop cross over. The symbolism is the crossing from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts, so if they are not continuing in scouting then tehre is no crossing over.
  13. What most people fail to realize is they(government) always could get this info, just now they can'ttell you that the government asked for it. Everything you say and do in this age of computer is accessable to someone. If they want to know they will find out.
  14. Years ago our council here in Northern New York had Oliver North as a guest speaker. The dinner was a rousing success. However the end fallout was so bad it almost bankrupted the council in subsecquent years. A large number of scouting supporters who saw him as a bad example for scouts spoke with their pocketbooks, they quit giving to the council. The fallout was so great it contributed to the replacement of the CE and eventual caused the coubcil to be merged due to financial fallout. Scouts should stay away from speakers who stir up such strong feelings as Oliver North does
  15. nldscout

    Legal CSP's

    Council's can buy CSP's anywhere they choose. They would have to be nuts to buy from national anyway, too over priced.
  16. OGE, There is a troop nearby that does Paintball as an "unofficial" troop activity. They plan it at troop and PLC meetings. The collect money at troop. They say on Permission slips"This is NOT a Troop Activity" If something happened this would give the lawyers a field day. If its just your son's friends and they happen to be all scouts, so what. The last time my son and friends did that, they were all troop members but 1. They polanned it at home, not at meetings.
  17. IF something happened at the Laser tag place, enroute or on way home, you may be confronted witha situatution where BSA would not cover you. This would open you and all the other leaders up to personnal liability. Is that fair to the other leaders? The big issue is you now know that this event is banned by the BSA. So is this in keeping with the Scout Oath and Law that we as Adult leaders subscribe to? Then what happens when when one of your scouts breaks a rule? My personnal feeling is I see nothing wrong with laser Tag or Paintball. I have taken my son and his friends to both,
  18. Right now for me, Wood Badge was not worth it. I finished the course here in Sept O3. I have yet to really do anything on my ticket. I have been asked why, but just can't answer it. The instructors were great, most are friends of mine too, so it was not that. I just don't know what if anything I really got out of the course. My Patrol was great, best one at course. I had a great time while there too.
  19. Our district is 2-3 hr drive from our council office. When the 2 councils here merged the new council wanted all the money sent to them for registration and then they would pay the bills they said. Beacause of time and distance our dustrict basically told them to take a hike on that. Now the sponsoring troop collects the fee. Spends what is needed and turns left over and recept for expenses to council. So far no complaints from the auditors.
  20. I looked at one of them. The thing I didn't like was after brewing you have to take off the heat. So coffee can't sit and steep till its properly bitter.
  21. Drip coffee makers while camping? Camp coffee is supposed to be strong, and crunchy from the grounds. This takes all the fun out of it.
  22. Us Polar Bears here in Northern New York are used to the cold. We are winter camping this weekend. Some may stay inside, but some will be outside in the Quinzee's that we are building. Supposed to be a balmy -20 at night. If you have the gear and training you can camp out anytime.
  23. You must be 21 in order to be a memeber of the district committee. So a female youth venturer would not be eligable under that criteria either.
  24. It could be a choice of the accountants. Prior to our merger this is how the Hiawatha council did it. The Auditors interpretation of the Non profit accounting rules said it must be done this way. Those of us in the Old Seaway valley council pitched a fit over this as they sprung it on us at the last minute. After several local scouters who happened to be lawyers and accountants talked to council they changed it. They showed them how much extra time and money the council office was wasting doing it this way
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