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Everything posted by nldscout

  1. We were scheduled to do the Allagash July 2003 but the Government deceided my services and that of a couple other leaders were more more important than canoeing the back water's of Maine. Can you believe that they thought work was more important? Boy do they need to get thier priorities in line. Seriously, There are outfitters that will do as little or as much as you want. We were working with a company called Allagash Outfitters. I was so looking forward to doing this again with my son too. I canoe'd the Allagash back in the Summer of 1968 as a scout when the local council was
  2. There was no question where this "gentleman" was picked up. He was in afganistan and surrendered to the northern Alliance. Even his lawyers are not disputing he was there, just that he shouldn't be held the way he is. Like they always said, If your gonna play with fire, be prepared to get burned.
  3. Since he was picked up in afganistan and was working with the other side, why should he have ANY rights? Why must my tax money be spent defending someone like him?
  4. The National rule on Camping near the Jambo is 75 Miles and a scout unit is only supposed to visit for 2 days. With the ID card they gave participants it was hard for a unit to participate in a lot of stuff in 2001. They are supposed to be making it harder in 2005 also
  5. After reading this, I would say that there are a whole lot of PHd's that the Air Force contracted with to produce another long winded white paper on a sunject they don't really understand. Happpens all the time, they hire a bunch of high paid, high degree, NO common sense people, give them a big chunk of our taxpayer money to write a paper on a subject that most of us could not care less about. I predict in a year or two, the AF will hire someone else to update this "VISION" with a new one. Which by the way , won't mean anything either. Just my "VISION" after being in the military for 2
  6. ok, now its my Troops turn. We are going in April during Spring Break. Any Info would be appreciated. Paul
  7. FOG said "If you miss, you have nine .36 caliber projectiles ripping through the walls. I have one. :-) " Use numer 8 bird shot, that way you have a bigger spread and the little pellets won't go through walls. May not kill then, but sure will hurt them a lot
  8. SPLT15, I thought that you had proved your bonafides a long time ago. Is someone questioning you?
  9. I have to agree with scouterpaul, as a US citizen, I would hope someone protects my rights. However as to the persons held at Gitmo, they got what they deserve. The liberal judges need to pack thier bags and go home and find some other cause to worry about.
  10. Sturgen I tried what you said, called the scout office. They have no clue who you are. so.....
  11. lets add some things up 1. Won't tell us who he really is or what troop he is from. 2. Has a bunch of radical whacked out idea's on how troops should be run. 3. Has deceided that everyone else is wrong and his troop is right. 4. Look at the numbers he quoted for eagle project. Minimum of 500 hrs, thats like 100 days of work, and one that had 4000, thats like 800 days of work. Maybe not but I smell a TROLL or an agitator looking to stir everyone up. If you are who you really say Sturgen, then why not provide us some proof of who you really are.
  12. Sturgen Can you tell us what troop this is?
  13. Sturgen Explain to us how your troop stops you from earning eagle until you are 17? I am real curious about how they do that.
  14. Sturgen Explain to us how your troop stops you from earning eagle until you are 17? I am real curious about how they do that.
  15. I would take it first come first servered and start building a waiting list. Councils have to pay deposit on 1 Feb for all the troops they are sending. I wiould have them ask region for another troop. Heck we did what OGE said started with 4 and sent 5. We told our council to tell region we were sending the deposit in for the 5th troop and they said ok, send it as you asked first of the other regions councils. Each region always holds back some troops. I know of no scout that was ever denied going if he had the money. Look at 2001, they opened a whole new subcamp, #20 so they could
  16. Something doesn't seem right about this. I would call before I sent anything. FOG, DOD does supply most of the stuff listed.
  17. Dave, Sometimes moving is good. Does it make you a nomad? Not yet. I moved 9 times in my 24 yrs in the Army. We always followed the last box philosophy. When you unpacked the last box from your last move, thats when you got new orders to move again. Thats why you packed a box of useless stuff and never opened it. Have you unpacked your last box yet?
  18. For those of you that have never done scouts on a military base, it can be hard to understand the turnover and recruitment problems a troop can have. With parents deployed and moving all the time, its hard to keep a stable program. The Troop on the Army base has gone from 35 in 2000 to 15 in 2001, to 40 in 2002 and is almost gone now. The deployments of dads has almost killed them for adults.
  19. GOD, will this thread never die? Talk about beating a dead horse.
  20. GrayFox, If your looking for the book answer, you read it right. Uniformed leaders are not committee members and have no vote. If your looking for how most troops do it, its probably like FOG says, all registered adults present.
  21. Here in our council in NY, we do SFF in the spring time, right before easter. We discovered that so many groups are doing food drive right before christmas people sometimes get overwelmed. The GS do them, The mail carriers do one, the churches and so on. Since we started in the spring our Donations have increased because no one does one in Mar-apr time frame and the food banks like the influx of food just before easter. P
  22. If they are 9 months early, then that makes them 4th graders by my calculations. If they are 4th graders and Webelos 1 then they could not have earned the AOL. to earn the AOL you must be active for 6 months since completing the 4th grade.
  23. If you are giving promo's for 2005 you need to get the 2005 promotional video or DVD. Paul
  24. The problem with the quoted 6 ft standard is that it is a BSA Summer Camp standard. It only applies to BSA summer Camps, Not to troop activities. The only unit height standard for pioneering is the height standard for Monkey Bridges that is in the G2SS. Camp standards are always more indepth than anything else. If you ever read the camp standrds manual its very long and indepth. So Build your signal towers, we do and we do it at District and council events. We follow normal safety rules and no one has ever fallen off.
  25. Outdoor thinker, I have a question, you said "According to BSA National Standards for camp, scouts can not have their feet off the ground higher than six feet without being belayed." Can you tell me where you are getting this from? It is Not in the G2SS or any other standard that I have ever seen for Pioneering. Can you tell us a standard number?
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