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Everything posted by nldscout

  1. Sure its accurate. The BSA does not unlawfully discriminate against anyone.
  2. Odd, that if these were national approved shoulder loops that they are not listed in the international divisions website under how to wear international scouting insignia. There is no mention of them in the uniform guide either. Sounds like someones local idea.
  3. Our Troop did a 50 Miler on the Indian River in northern New York. The Indian is a small river, easy Paddling if you go a bit further you can end up right on the Saint Lawrence river.
  4. Kristi, Oh Come on, not even close to complete. Got a Red Jacshirt? Campaign Hat? Official 2001 Scout Boxers? And the list goes on and on...... There are sooooooo many things to buy to make you complete. Need to find your Senior Uniform Police to check your uniform out also. You can tell them by the multitude of patches, Red Jackshirt, brown shoes, and Dunlap profile.
  5. There is no officail policy on electronics. It all is up to the troop. We allow them on certain trips and ban them on others. Depends on Trip. In March, if we have snow, we are Tubing and snowboarding. We will be inside camping, we will have a projector, screen and DVD player and watch a couple of movies in the evening for fun. Look at yopur trip and what its goals are. There should never be a blanket policy on electronics.
  6. looks like another gimmick thing to me.
  7. I would probably ask him not to stand around with boys and drink it, but I also t
  8. Ya know your another one SR540 whose lowlife opinion don't mean squat. I know exactly what the scout oath and law mean. And I help other people, but where does it say I have to help everyone. You are free to donate all you want to anything you want and I will never criticize you for doing it. But what we are talking about is our taxpayer money being sent to governments that at every chance criticizes the US. See your example of an auto accident is so far off base its pathetic. My question still remains how many of these countries that have thier hand out now offered anything after
  9. So I guess in your lowlife opinion I am not a scouter? Maybe my attitude comes from seeing too many times my tax money going to countries who the next time you look are criticizing us for being rich and overbearing. Well too bad, I say one hand washes the other. I work hard for my money and pay a heck of a lot of taxes that go to "NEEDY" countries that only stab us in the back when we turn around. How many of these countries have anything set aside to help themselves. You can probably count them on one hand. Nope, Self help is the best thing for a persons dignity!
  10. Zahnada, you said this will give more ammunition for Anti-american sentiment. Well I can tell you that after touring the world courtesy of the US Army for 26 yrs, it doesn't matter how much we do. First its never enough and they will turn on us just as soon as it suits them. If you choose to donate thats your bussiness, I chose to support local groups like FOS and local groups. I do object though to sending my tax money to countries that last week were criticizing us for want them to stop terrorist now are standing there with thier hand out wanting money. wyomingi A scout i
  11. While this may seem a hastle to some, those of us that live and work on a military base put up with it on a daily basis. It really isn't that big a deal. I personnaly cannot imagine a council contigent traveling all over the US heading to the Jambo and not having a way to positively ID its members. In today enviroment?
  12. While some may call me cold hearted, but after the bad mouthing from the UN and others about what the US was doing, maybe we need to do LESS. Who came to our aid after 9/11? Certainly not the UN or most of the folks begging now.
  13. KA6BSA, "In our council, and I thought this was a general requirement of BSA National, the boy's Eagle Notebook is open to the Eagle Board of Review as evidence of his work. The notebook contains the application forms and all the write-up materials on the Eagle Project, and all the merit badge cards, with blue card stubs attached, that the boy has earned. The notebook is not approved without the original blue card stubs... this is why there is so much emphasis on the boy not losing them." A general requirement? Its not even in any of the advancement rules anywhere. What happens if
  14. Trevorum, We also made our own ID's for last Jambo for our Jamboree troop. It had Leader cantact info on back if you got lost while on tour. But I would not chance it. I know on the base where I work in NY the least ID they will take is a school ID, THey really want a state issued one. It would be a shame to hold a whole troop up because they don't like one scouts ID. Depending on Threat level entry may be reletively easy, but if threat level goes up then entry will be harder. The next thing they will face is having trucks Scanned which will hold them up anyway for a while if
  15. Yes, The photo ID must be from some official activity. Like it says School ID's are ok, Most Motor Vehicle Depts will issue a non-driver ID. They need something. I would not take my scouts out of the local area without some kind of photo ID in this day and age.
  16. My question would be how would the DAC even know if the troop was using a MB councilor who was either not on his list or doing more than 7 MB's? The advancement report does not contain MB councilor's names, and why would you send the troop copy of the MB Blue card to council so it could get lost or misplaced. There is no DAC copy, only unit, Scout and MBC parts. Me personnally as a SM I would have to tell the DAC to take a walk in a scoutlike manner..
  17. The DAC has no authority to limit how many merit badges a councilor can do. Unless the Council Advancement committee has made a written policy on this he has overstepped his authority. DAC do not get to set policy.
  18. http://www.princeton.edu/~oa/index.shtml Go to this site, on left is winter tab. It takes you to a page you can download the Outdoor Action Guide on Snow shelters. Its an excellant resourse on building snow shelters. As to the snow, loose fine snow works good to build a snow shelter called a Quinzhee. Just pile it up and wait a few hrs for it to settle. If after looking at the quide you still have questions Email me Paul Lamson
  19. Time for a some of our moderators to reevaluate what they think should be discussed on the forums. Censorship is getting pretty strong on here.
  20. It is already deceided that the NSJ will be in 2010, the 100th Anniversry. NOAC will be in 2008 and 2011. It will just skip one year and will probably stay on Odd years after that.
  21. Another one to consider is the new Canadian Scout Center in Alberta Canada. With the Exchange on Money its cheaper than a lot of US Places and because they are fairly new they are very accomindating. From all that I have read from those already attending it is a great place http://www.chinook.scouts.ca/impeesa-x/
  22. Troop number yes, names of eagles NO. It would look bad after a while if you had a bunch of names
  23. Sorry OGE, Sounds to me like a wacko idea. I don't like it, sounds like we are trying to make everyone the same. Maybe you should ask for harder Quality Unit standards. Paul Lamson
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