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Everything posted by MattR

  1. I'm not sure anything can be done for that. Think about it. The only place 50,000 people meet is in the center of a big city with the infrastructure to handle it. That many people at a stadium in a big city with several million inhabitants is no big deal. Place those people in the middle of nowhere and there's a big challenge to move all of them. There are 15 flights a day out of Yeager airport in Charleston (an hour away). Just for fun, let's say there are 200 seats on each flight. That's 3000 people a day. And some of them are the locals that usually use the airport. That airport is set
  2. Welcome, @Barkley421. I'm more of a minimalist. One row is fine. Of course, I'm now in charge of the group that decides who gets the DAMs yet I don't have one and am fine with that.
  3. If it has a taste then it's gone rancid. Start over. My grandmother, who was known for many things other than her cooking, loved to make fruit cake in an old cast iron skillet. It always had this funky flavor that nobody liked and everyone joked about. She passed some 30 years ago. About 10 years ago I had a cast iron dutch oven that started getting that same flavor. Aha! I suddenly knew what it was. (It was too much oil left in it for too long) I put it in the oven on the clean cycle, smoked up the house, and started over with seasoning it. It still works.
  4. Plastic tote. Steel pan (Lodge?). Cast iron griddle (Cheapo at walmart). A big light weight pot for boiling water-ish type foods. A little pot. Metal utensils. Strainer. Wash tubs. I think that's most of it. That's all they use, anyway. We got away from anything with a non stick coating other than patina from cooking stuff with fats.
  5. I think this discussion, in the general sense, has not moved in years. On the one hand there's a possibility of kids getting hurt and on the other there's a loss of growing up. It's been stuck there. First of all, I think quantifying the risks and benefits might move things forward. Maybe the BSA has specific reports of scouts getting hurt when left on their own but we don't know how many and what the severity is. On the other side, there is no quantifiable information on the benefits. The entire discussion is Someone mentioned child abduction. How many scouts have been abducted by p
  6. I think there's another piece to this puzzle that might help and I saw it in spades at my last high adventure trip. We were on a challenging backpacking trip because it was high, cold, and snowy. Yet it was one of the best trips I've been on and this was due to the scouts. In a nutshell, good leadership is really simple if there's good teamwork. The leader said he "didn't have to do much" and yet he did the perfect amount. The key was everyone wanted to help. There was no complaining even though a number of scouts got cold at night, feet were sore. They helped each other and talked each other
  7. Sounds to me like the council is broke and they're just making crap up. I've seen this before. Just ignore.
  8. I think it should depend on what you want to learn about. That said, I thought I knew what I wanted to learn about but I failed. My ticket was mostly a waste of time because I was clueless and my "advisor" couldn't be bothered. So I'd say the question is who should you talk with about your ticket.
  9. I think. It would be a great goal. Maybe hard to reach. Maybe a lot of adult guidance. Yet maybe a lot of room for scouts to take over.
  10. Welcome! Glad to see anyone get involved or get back involved with scouts.
  11. I don't understand your statement. In what way can an eagle not show continued commitment as an adult?
  12. Not odd at all - that way they can charge $499.99. Well, a bit cynical but I always thought it was the councils that get to profit on training.
  13. My brother still has something that looks a lot like this: https://classiccampstoves.com/threads/1933-37-primus-71-no-date-stamp.34923/ And it still works.
  14. I have a rather old version of that stove. If anyone wants it let me know. I'm cleaning out my garage. I haven't tried it in about 2 decades but will if someone is interested.
  15. MattR


    I had a scout in my troop who is now a town police officer. He loves donuts.
  16. The rug stuck out? So, the reasoning is the tent is not uniform, or something? If it was truly outlandish, maybe it could be the SPL's call but certainly not mom. Either way, this is just a dumb way to lose trust with the scouts. They should have let it be.
  17. Found on another website: My troop has done many parts of the Green river, in rafts. When I heard home made canoes I was thinking of something that might float. They really are quite lucky nobody got hurt. There's a lot of that river I wouldn't do in a good canoe much less Tyvek and pvc. Those canoes are just classic. I can see seams that go below the water line where the Tyvek is folded around the frame. I bet that leaks. One of my fears I used to explain to scouts and adults was something along the lines of, I just don't want a photo on the front page of the NYT if this goes bad
  18. Something else to think about is what you want the end result to be. The people that say let him stay see some redeemable aspects of this scout. Those that want him thrown out of scouts either don't or don't really care. When I dealt with a similar case my first question was did the scout feel bad because he got caught or because he realized he did something wrong? If the latter case then I'd have something to work with. If the former, I wanted him out immediately and I didn't want him back until he changed (for the exact reasons @fred8033 mentioned). Unfortunately he never saw the problem and
  19. @logistician24, I had a scout bring pot to summer camp. Long story short (because everyone else has heard it) the camp director was told, he called the sheriff, the scout was put in to the legal system (and went home that day), and eventually he was removed from scouting because he just didn't understand that he did something wrong. He knew he got caught and that was a problem, but he never understood that a 16 year old can't smoke pot. You're absolutely right to see this as a problem. And since you are the CC, you do have some say in the matter. You oversee the SM. This was a miserable t
  20. That brings up another thread in this topic. Scout spirit or good character is one of those things that is best described as an ideal one always reaches for but never accomplishes. It's a paradox. The humility of never quite making it keeps one humble enough to keep trying. The rank of eagle, on the other hand, is a title bestowed by the BSA. Once an eagle always an eagle. One and done when you get right down to it. A bright, capable 16 year old that's told he's an eagle for life, that he's achieved the highest honor that the BSA can hand out - just might not have the humility or maturity to r
  21. Welcome to the forum, @SearchFetter. I Googled "troop 32 akron ohio" and got the following: http://troop32akron.scoutlander.com/publicsite/unitcustom.aspx?UID=2488&CUSTOMID=7769. The troop was formed in 1920 and is still active. Troop 32 meets at Family of Faith UMC at 800 East Market Street, Akron Ohio. Just as an addition, if anyone knows about this scout you can send a personal message to SearchFetter.
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