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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/18 in all areas

  1. 1) WELCOME TO DA FORUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2) As others have said, it's a journey enjoy. 3) HEAR YOU SCOUTS, AND YOU PARENTS TOO, OF THE ... TALE OF TWO EAGLES! Once there were two Eagles. The First Eagle was the son of a "Double Eagle," or an Eagle Scout and Explorer Silver recipient. "Double Eagle" dad pushed and pushed and pushed his son to earn Eagle at the ripe old age of 13. Since the Silver Award was no longer around for Exploring, dad did no pushing for that. Since the First Eagle met his dad's expectations, and thought his journey was over, he quit
    3 points
  2. I admit I like Webelos to join in the December to February time frame if, stressing IF, they are not forced through the program to get things signed off. Pack my older boys were in was a year round pack, so they work on stuff over the summer. Both the dens had Webelos chomping at the bit to become Boy Scouts. Oldest son's den crossed over in December, Middle son's in January. Part of it was the recharter; it didn't make sense to recharter them for a few months only to have them transfer. And part of it was THEY WERE READY (emphasis). The pack has changed over the years, and the pack has not be
    2 points
  3. Park, I get what you are saying and agree. My "frustration" comes from webelos who are pushed through, with the focus on "just getting things signed off" so they can join a troop early. If I could change one thing, it would be to eliminate the aol early joining. 11 years old or completed the 5th grade. I am also not a fan of spring (worse is earlier) cross-overs. I think it is too early for them and they get too little overnight patrol camping before a weeklong(or more) scout camp. I know many will disagree with me on these latter points, and that's ok. I have seen it work well, but that
    2 points
  4. How about Skouts or Scowtz, like a Silicon Valley startup. Or...
    2 points
  5. I'd prefer Scouting BSA over Scouts BSA. It implies we're doing something rather than just being there. In the meantime, I went with a patrol last night that helped out at a local homeless charity. It was great watching them. At one point I just asked the PL if he could get his patrol organized and a minute later they had it all figured out. I'm really impressed with this PL. He's 13. They had fun. I put a bug in their ear about helping this charity once a quarter and making this their thing. It was a good night to be a scouter.
    2 points
  6. Scouts Unfazed Camping Kayaking Intending To Go Strongly Until Simply Amazed
    2 points
  7. That's very cute. The papers will be served in the morning.
    2 points
  8. Welcome to the forum, @scoutboy. Efficiency is not your friend when it comes to advancement. That might sound really strange but one of the main goals of scouts is to have the scouts solve their own problems. If the adults make things more efficient then there are fewer problems for the scouts to solve and they learn less about what we're really trying to teach them. Scouting has what are called aims and methods. The aims are what the we, the adults, want them to get out of the program. Advancement is not an aim. Advancement is a method. That is, a way by which the scouts achieve the aims
    1 point
  9. Why the quest for efficiency? it can be done in under 2 years based on time in rank requirements. But as has and no doubt will be noted, Eagle Scout is not the goal. The rank is merely a stop along the scouting journey. If attaining the Eagle rank is all that matters, the Scout is missing the point Enjoy the trip and experiences along the way
    1 point
  10. You first 2 sentences are your answer. In his old pack. And now they are part of your ‘newto them’ Pack. This is a lot of grief over a toy/prize that might not be worth the $$ amount difference. I swear sometimes parents get wrapped up about the smallest things. I would love to see a story about how a pack or troop takes all the prizes earned from popcorn and donates them to a children’s hospital toy cupboard or to the local social services toy drive at the holidays. Purposely selling to benefit their pack/troop and give joy to another child in the meantime.
    1 point
  11. Agree that too much focus on NS can be a killer. We run year round (Seabase / Philmont / 2 summer camps summer of 2019) and while we have activities, not formal meetings in the summer, basically June and July. But during those months we have pre-camp meetings and summer camps. Our planning runs August to July. The PLC meets in late April for planning the next 12 months of outings and general calendar. The PLC meets monthly for planning the next 4 weeks. For the new scouts we run a parallel program in the spring. New Scouts with their NS patrols, they do things, and have a specif
    1 point
  12. I concur. On a side note, perhaps I will break out the old 70's 'Scout BSA' uniform for Roundtable this month; and yes, it will include my much maligned red beret!
    1 point
  13. Adventure Scouts BSA But, then BSA would need to live up to it.
    1 point
  14. I am with Barry on this. I would rather the webelos program be the best webelos program it can be and not attempt to be Boy Scout prep.
    1 point
  15. how about "the Scouting organization formally known as Boy Scouts" or Scouting The Fun Units - better known by it's initials when in communications with the Girl Scouts USA
    1 point
  16. I agree with everything you said. But, the GSUSA has competition now. I'm waiting for those few scouter.com members (they know who they are) to accuse the GSUSA of promoting a sexist, bigoted, good-ol-girls program. After all, girls and boys are wired the same. What's the deal? Barry
    1 point
  17. Yes, people are confused that both organizations exist and are separate. I have been surprised at the number of people who truly did not know that the 2 organizations were not the same. And even more so to find out that they are not finally joining into one organization.
    1 point
  18. @Jameson76, I know you are being facetious but as Scoutmaster I was able to select the staff and they shared my vision. Probably I'm not your typical SM based on the negative views of Wood Badge I see on the forum. @CodyMiller351, you are welcome to take Wood Badge in Wisconsin if you want to. We'll welcome you with open arms and we won't haze you or shame you in any way.
    1 point
  19. I am sure you brought with you a wealth of experience of best practices.
    1 point
  20. I have been very impressed with the courteous and respectful manner in how you've handled the situation from the beginning. If nothing else, they are loosing the role model of an Eagle Scout. Barry
    1 point
  21. Talking to the SM in private is the honorable thing to do. You don't need to dread it because you'll be walking away. It sounds like you're prepared to handle it in a respectful way that the SM can either use to improve the troop or not. If it causes you too much anxiety, option 2 is to explain it in an email. I wish you well.
    1 point
  22. Now is the part of the transfer I am dreading, why we are leaving and having folks follow us over. As I mentioned, word is out, and I already had one Scout call my oldest about the matter. he plans on transferring. And I can see 2 to 3 others doing the same. Had the SM message me last nite about what could the troop do to keep us. This was after my boys visited the troop. The positivity and happiness was a 180 turnaround of late. So I told the SM it is too late. But I want to meet with him, and go into specifics without having to worry about eavesdroppers or dealing with the challenging
    1 point
  23. You're saying that I should look at my own beliefs...not "politics"...but rather my beliefs. Your beliefs are right and mine are wrong...? That seems to be what you're saying. I know the difference between right and wrong, morality vs. immorality and that, in the sad state of the world that we live in today, common sense, traditional values and truth take a back seat to sensitivity, political correctness and the social justice drivel that's undermining our society. This Iowa guy is part of the problem, not the solution. That's my belief. You can have yours. I'll have mine.
    1 point
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