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walk in the woods

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Everything posted by walk in the woods

  1. Well, you get to choose your response and I couldn't care less what language you choose to use. I just shared how it's interpreted in my community. FWIW, language is revised all the time (we don't say ye or thou or foresooth much anymore), in fact language was changed to create the term in question.
  2. The summer camp we attended around 2010 used these for all staff members. One staffer even had his groomsmen wear them at his wedding!
  3. I have too (in both directions), but, I already had a relationship with the other scouters involved. I wasn't a stranger.
  4. I'm saying in the unit I served in a small town the COR was actively involved in multiple organizations, as was the SM, and the other leaders. The 20% of the people that do the 80% of work knew each other because the worked together on many activities and organizations. Many of them were multi-generational residents. If a total stranger showed up, registered or not, they would not have been allowed any access to our unit. If a new parent, new to town, showed up they would be limited in what we allowed them to do with the unit until we got to know them. They certainly wouldn't be allowed t
  5. So what you're saying is it's wrong for units who want a boy-only week to force that sitation on girls, but, it's ok for units that only want co-ed weeks to force that situation on boys. It's ok for girls units to devalue the feelings of boys, it's ok to make the boys feel like their wants and needs are of secondary concern, it's ok for the boys to be excluded, etc. The current movement on both the left and the right in America not for peace but to destroy one's enemies is disturbing. And the culture of victimization is crying out for adults of character to teach youth to look inside themse
  6. Well, I'm a small town scouter, that scenario never happens. Everybody knows someone who knows everyone.
  7. I have really mixed emotions about the advice to find a DE, scouter from another pack, any warm female body, to solve the issue. Even if we remove gender from the issue the conversation is basically: We don't have the leadership to meet the YPT requirements so we're going to bring in a complete stranger from the other side of the council. Nobody knows him/her but that's ok, they took the online training. Gotta say, I wouldn't sign my kid up for that solution.
  8. At least they admitted to the lies before the young man spent 20 years in prison. But that's ok, boys lives are just collateral damage in the dismantling of the white patriarchal hierarchy of power.
  9. I'm sure you meant no harm, but, to a significant number of people in the special needs community the acronym/term SPED is offensive. Special Needs is fine but in reality, the term accommodations, needs no adjective.
  10. Only for the perpetual victimization crowd. The message it sends otherwise is: - Different people value different things. Some scouts value an all-male experience. It's diversity that makes us great - Voluntary association is a hallmark of free societies. - Nobody is invalidating you, you're doing it to yourselves if you let this bother you Besides, if the BSA really believes in the value of single-gender scouting (that's why we have separate gender troops in Scouts BSA), then boys-only and girls-only weeks are logical extensions of that stated goal.
  11. What difference does that make? The BSA is including first-time boys in their policy exception so clearly they aren't interested in that question. My hypothetical 16-year old boy who joined last year, or last week, is no different than the hypothetical 16-year old boy who might join next February 1st. But, due to this policy, they will be treated differently. The same holds for a 16.1 year old girl and her 15.9 year old friend that join on Feb. 1. It's also completely inconsistent with the policy changes for OA Membership. A 16-year old girl who has been in a crew for two years
  12. http://time.com/4978338/boy-scouts-girls-lawsuit-history/ https://abcnews.go.com/US/parents-sue-boy-scouts-america-son-syndrome-stripped/story?id=53890059 https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Cub-Scouts-Sued-Transgender-Boy-New-Jersey-Secaucus--412068393.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeaw_v._Boy_Scouts_of_America Define success. Your definition of success is written from a lawyers perspective. The rest of us realize success is just about generating fuel for the perpetually outraged class..
  13. The question isn't impact or intention. It's principle. The BSA had a perfectly functional, equally applied to all scouts policy. You have to finish all the work for Eagle by your 18th birthday. Objective, easy to understand and simple to enforce. That's why the young man we talked about before had his appeal denied https://www.lohud.com/story/news/local/westchester/greenburgh/2018/08/14/greenburgh-teen-loses-eagle-scout-bid-technicality-public-rallies/975027002/, . This announcement bends that policy, advantaging new scouts over existing scouts. Somewhere in the US there's a boy who joi
  14. The Female leadership for co-ed events requirement has been in the G2SS for years. The YPT bit was new, but, it was never an issue for Cub or Boy Scouts.
  15. This. Lawsuits will be the least if their problems. Now anybody with the slightest reason to want an extension will be able to point at this decision. If I was the kid we talked about a while back who missed his eagle by a few weeks I'd already have the letter writing campaign started. Standards are brittle things once bent they tend to break.
  16. Ok. So a girl joins on Feb 1 and turns 18 on Feb 2, 2019. Same question.
  17. So a girl who turns 16 on Jan 31, 2019 and joins scouts the next day will be able to stay in a troop until she's 20? As a youth or an adult?
  18. Great advice on the beneficiary. Don't limit scouts to physical maps! We've all seen great projects that leave no trace on the land behind them.
  19. The good news is it might be even easier to ignore a council that's 2-3 hours of highway driving away...... If the Polaris project is looking for efficiencies, mega-councils would seem like a good idea on paper. We already have the model in MI and I suspect we'll see something similar in UT, northern AZ, and southern ID.
  20. I think "enough" depends on the scout. Part of what the project should do is challenge the scout where he is in maturity and ability. Now, that's going to lead to perceived inequities in the level of projects but that's a-ok. Our goal isn't to stroke parent's egos, it's to support a boy's development. To be honest, the Eagle project, as currently construed, is bureaucratic dragon that should be slain. But that's just one guys opinion.....
  21. Don't ask for rules please! It's a judgement call on whether the scout is doing something intentionally or simply making a mistake. In the old days, a leader would have stopped the behavior, then treated the situation as an opportunity to talk with and mentor the scout on how to make better decisions. With that discussion the leader could make a better determination about intent and determining a course of action. Of course that's way more difficult than just making a zero tolerance rule and taking away the scouts knife.
  22. Thank the complaining parents for volunteering to run the Pinewood Derby and tell them you'll forward their names to the Pack Committee for further consideration.
  23. Barry isn't defending slavery, he's asking a question, namely, how do we know something is bad.
  24. This was posted to one Commissioner's FB page: Then again, for my district, recharter period starts Thursday. We'll see what the rosters look like then I guess.
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